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On this page: Drought Contingency Plan; Water Restrictions; Journal
Latest Update: Wednesday, 26 April, 2023
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When and how can I water my yard?
Willow Park > Departments > Public Works > Water Department
Under the City of Willow Park's agreement to obtain surface water from the City of Fort Worth, these are the everyday guidelines. The City does not anticipate having to implement any further restrictions, but further information in case of such restrictions can be found in the 2019 Drought Contingency Plan Summary.

For residential customers, outdoor watering of lawn and landscaped areas with hose-end sprinklers or automatic irrigation systems will follow this schedule:
Customers with a street address ending in an even number (0, 2, 4, 6 or 8) may water on Saturdays and Wednesdays;
Customers with a street address ending in an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7 or 9) may water on Sundays and Thursdays;
Non-residential customers, including businesses, parks, and common areas, can water only on Tuesdays and Fridays;
No watering is allowed on Mondays.
Outdoor watering with [irrigation system or] hose-end sprinklers is prohibited from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the assigned watering days. [Watering is allowed from 6 p.m. to 10 a.m.]
Watering by drip irrigation or soaker hose is allowed at any time.
Residents and businesses are encouraged to limit such watering to a maximum of two hours per day.
Other guidelines:
Vehicle washing is limited to the use of hand-held buckets and a hose with a positive shutoff valve. Vehicles may be washed at any time at a carwash;
No hosing of buildings or other structures for purposes other than fire protection;
Encouraging no hosing of paved areas, such as sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, etc.;
Establishing new turf is discouraged, and a variance by the City of Willow Park is required.
When can I water? Willow Park article, 09 May 2022, If you are a City of Willow Park water customer, there are guidelines in place for watering your yard. These guidelines are a condition of our connection to the Fort Worth water supply, so please do your part in helping our water system do its job to supply our community.
Critical: conserve water, Willow Park article, 17 February 2021, Water supply levels for the city are very low. Water customers need to do all they can to conserve water until the frigid conditions have passed.
17 August 2020, Willow Park, Weatherford officials discuss water conservation (in .pdf) Weatherford Democrat
Water Notice from City of Willow Park, Willow Park water customers, we need your help. Willow Park article, 13 August 2020
10 December 2019 Council Meeting Agenda and Work Packet / Minutes
8. Discussion/ Action:
To consider and act on Resolution adopting a Water Conservation Plan. To approve Resolution 2019-10, a resolution adopting a water conservation plan.
Water Conservation And Drought Contingency Plan For City Of Willow Park, April, 2019
Drought Contingency & Emergency Water Management Plan for Retail and Commercial Water Customers Draft: February 2019-
IV. Water Conservation Plan 3
V. Drought Contingency Plan 7
Appendix A - Listing of Water Conservation Literature
Appendix B - Resolution Adopting Water Conservation/Emergency Water Demand Management Plan
Appendix C - Water Rates
Appendix D — Drought Contingency Plan
Appendix E - Municipal Use Public Water Supply Utility Profile
Appendix F - Service Area Map
Appendix G - Letter to Regional Water Planning Group