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City Services > Wastewater 

On this page: Current News in Civics Blog; City Departments and Documents; Journal 

Latest Update: 25 June, 2024

Tags: #WastewaterTreatmentPlant 

Supporting pages: Glossary 

City Departments and Documents


Currently there are four (4) projects in the City's Wastewater Treatment  Project. 

  • 09 January 2024 Council Meeting TBD

    • Agenda Item 3 to consider all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of "City of Willow Park, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2024" including the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of such certificates in the amount not to exceed $4,000,000 to finance costs of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) constructing, acquiring, purchasing, renovating, enlarging, equipping, and improving wastewater system properties or facilities, including the acquisition of land and rights-of-way therefor, and (ii) professional services rendered in connection with such projects and the financing thereof.

  • Willow Park Civics Blog >Sam Bass Road Drainage Issues. Needed Changes brought to City Council by Willow Park Citizens.

    • Summary: During a November 2023 Council Meeting, two residents of Sam Bass Road made a presentation on the drainage issues on Sam Bass Drive and on West Stagecoach Trail. Here is the presentation. Update: During the 23 December 2023 Council Meeting, this issue was addressed by the City. Next week, Willow Park Civics will post details of the City's report on the Sam Bass Drainage Issues and on Willow Park citizens' responses to the City plans. 

  • 14 November 2023 Council Meeting  

    • ​Agenda Item 2. Discussion/Action: to award a contract for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant. Awarded to Gracon Construction, Inc.  made a base bid of $13,606,655.00

    • Agenda Item 3. Discussion/Action: to consider all matters incident and related to approving and authorizing publication and posting of notice of intention to issue certificates [not to exceed $4M] of obligation, including the adoption of a resolution pertaining thereto.  / To construct a new wastewater treatment facility, the City will need to issue additional debt to cover the contract overage gap of the contact amount and the amount of funds available to complete the project. Staff is recommending that Council adopt Certificates of Obligation to be paid by Wastewater Revenues. Action taken tonight only provides Notice. It is not an issuance of debt.

    • including 15 November 2023 The Community News, 14 November 2023 Council Meeting Review

  • Notice of wastewater rate increase, Willow Park Website, 20 September 2023

    • Beginning with the October billing cycle, some utility rates will change on your monthly bill. The City of Willow Park has not increased wastewater rates since 2017, and customers will see an increase in their wastewater charges beginning on their October statements.

      • The monthly base rate for Wastewater will increase to $24.80 for single-family residential and $31.74 for commercial accounts.

      • The volumetric charge per 1,000 gallons will increase to $6.39 for single-family residential and $8.18 for commercial accounts.

      • Multi-family housing residents could see an increase in their bill, depending on their property management, as rates have increased for multi-family properties.

    • METER TAMPERING: the penalties for meter tampering have changed.

      • 1st offense - $500 fee plus the cost of replacement equipment

      • 2nd offense - $750 fee plus the cost of replacement equipment

      • 3rd offense - $1000 fee plus the cost of replacement equipment. The City will also terminate your service upon a third meter tampering offense.

  • 12 September 2023 Council Meeting

    • 9. Discussion/Action: to adopt an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Willow Park, Texas, adopting a Comprehensive Fee and Rate Schedule for the following Enterprise Fund Utility Rates/Services/Charges for Fiscal Year 2023/24, including Water Impact Fees, Water Tap Fees, Wastewater Impact Fees, Wastewater Tap Fees, Drainage Impact Fees, Utility Deposits/Fees, Water Base Rates, Water Volumetric Charges, Wastewater Rates, Solid Waste Rates, Additional Utility Services Charges, and Water Meter Costs; amending various city ordinances; and containing a severability clause and an effective date.

  •  22 August 2023 Council Meeting 

    • ​2. (&3) The City Council may conduct a public hearing on the City of Willow Park Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Proposed Budget 

      • ​Wastewater Fund: This fund is the most vulnerable of all funds in the Budget. With approximately half of the water accounts, and the imposition of a new wastewater treatment plant debt, this fund will struggle until additional accounts can be realized. While we did see some modest gains in terms of wastewater revenues in the 4Q of the previous fiscal year, and was discussed at Budget Workshops, staff feels that a transfer from the Water Fund is necessary to sustain the Wastewater Budget. Furthermore, Council will be presented with adjusting sewer rates to enhance wastewater revenues.

    • 8. Discussion/Action: to accept the water and wastewater study from NewGen Strategies and Solutions.Background: Several months ago, we asked NewGen Strategies to prepare a water and wastewater rate Study. Willow Park had not increased either rate since 2017 as was recommended by NewGen in that year. We have been transferring money from the water account to the wastewater fund to offset deficit. Several factors are used to determine the rates needed to have a positive balance in both funds, these factors include number of customers, debt service, construction improvement projects. Due to rising costs in the water and wastewater systems and construction of a must needed wastewater plant we asked for a three-year model to make both funds financially healthy.Exhibits: Presentation (in .pdf)

    • 9. Discussion/Action: the City Council may consider authorizing staff to amend the bid specifications for the new wastewater plant to reduce the plant from a 1 million gallon capacity plant to a 750K gallon capacity plant and authorize City staff to re-advertise to seek competitive proposals. #WastewaterTreatmentPlant / Background: Construction plans are being designed for 750K gallon wasterwater treatment plant. 

  • 08 August 2023 Council Meeting 

    • 5. Discussion/Action: to consider redirecting  [$665,153] of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP Act) funding administered by the U. S. Department of the Treasury, other Federal or State Agency from the new sanitary sewer line along Bankhead Highway to the Wastewater Effluent Line Project. 

  • 18 July 2023 Special Council Meeting 

    • 6. Discussion/Action: the City Council shall consider authorizing the City Administrator to issue notice to the Willow Park Baptist Church to extend the term of the lease for its existing wastewater treatment plant for an additional one year term, such additional year to begin on August 19, 2024 and end on August 18, 2025.

    • 3. Discussion/Action: the City Council may approve a resolution awarding a bid to construct a wastewater treatment plant. #WastewaterTreatmentPlan

    • 4. Discussion/Action: the City Council may approve a resolution rejecting all bids for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant. 

    • 5. Discussion/Action: the City Council may approve a resolution rejecting all bids for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant and authorize staff to 

    • Executive Session * Possible bid bond claim against MH Civil Constructors, Inc. for the wastewater treatment plant #WastewaterTreatmentPlant *[After Executive Session, council voted unanimously to begin a bid bond claim against MH Civil Contractors

   Following a lengthy process of finding a suitable location for its new treatment plant, the city entered into an agreement with Willow Park Baptist Church for a property swap. The current plant sits adjacent to property owned by the church, and is leased by the city.

   Under the agreement, the new wastewater plant would be built on the church’s original land, and the church would get the land occupied by the current plant.

   The city went out for bids in May of this year for construction of the plant. However, the low bidder, MH Civil Constructors, withdrew its bid, and the next low bidder and the city were unable to connect.

   City council member Eric Contreras made a motion to reject  “all non withdrawn bids for the construction of the new Wastewater Treatment Plant” and authorize the city to re-advertise for bids and to make a claim on the bid bond of MH Civil Constructors Incorporated. The motion was approved by the council, as was a motion to notify Willow Park Baptist Church that the city would extend its lease of the property for two more years until Aug. 18, 2025.

  • 11 July 2023 Council Meeting Cancelled, moved to 18 July 2023 Special Council Meeting

    • 3. Discussion/Action: the City Council may approve a resolution awarding a bid to construct a wastewater treatment plant. 

    • 4. Discussion/Action: the City Council may approve a resolution rejecting all bids for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant. 

    • 5. Discussion/Action: the City Council may approve a resolution rejecting all bids for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant and authorize staff to rebid the project. 

    • Executive Session. Possible bid bond claim against MH Civil Constructors, Inc

  • 27 June 2023 Council Meeting

    • ​Agenda Item 6. The City Council may consider awarding a contract for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant to the lowest, responsible bidder. / Derek and staff recommend rejecting all bids, reworking the project, and rebidding

    • .Executive Session: Bid of MH Civil Constructors for WWPT

  • 09 May 2023 Council Meeting 

    • 7. Discussion/Action: to approve the 2nd Quarterly Financial Report. Included discussion of poor "health" of Wastewater Fund with annual deficit of $300K.  

  • 25 April 2023 Council

    • Agenda Item 3. Consideration/Action: Final Plat for Lot 1, Block 1, Willow Park Water Reclamation Area, being 8.610 acres, Wesley Franklin Survey, Abstract No. 468, in the City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas.

    • Agenda Item 9, City Engineer's Report, and Public Utility Director's Report

  • 18 April 2023 P&Z Comm. Meeting

    • Agenda Item 5. Final Plat for Lot 1, Block 1, Willow Park Water Reclamation Area, being 8.610 acres, Wesley Franklin Survey, Abstract No. 468, in the City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas.  

  • 21 February 2023 P&Z Comm. Meeting 

    • Agenda Item 4. Preliminary Plat for Lot 1, Block 1, Willow Park Water Reclamation Area, being 8.610 acres, Wesley Franklin Survey, Abstract No. 468, in the City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas

  • 14 February 2023 Council Meeting  

    • Agenda Item 9. Project Updates: The wastewater plant plans and specs have been reviewed by the TWDB and TCEQ. The TCEQ has approved the documents and the TWDB had some comments which we have addressed and will be resubmitting on Monday. We expect to have final approval to bid the project within 45 days. The project will bid for 5 weeks and a construction contract could be issued within 60 days of the bid opening, barring any unforeseen issues. Construction time is expected to be 365 days, which results in an anticipated completion date in mid-July 2024. The lease of the existing wastewater plant will expire in August 2024. 

  • Public Notice, posted in The Community News, 03 February 2023, posted Willow Park Civics  

    • The City of Willow Park (City) is proposing to use $14,130,000 in financing from the CWSRF Program for the Wastewater Treatment Improvement Project to construct a new 0.95 million-gallons-per day (MGD) wastewater treatment plant, including associated collection and discharge pipelines, that is capable of meeting growth projections and discharge limits for an impaired stream segment. On April 22, 2021, the TWDB committed $14,130,000 for the proposed project. The TWDB and the City closed the financing on June 23, 2021. On July 15, 2022, the TWDB issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) for the proposed project.  / On December 16, 2022, the City submitted a request to the TWDB to modify its original project scope to include the replacement of existing submersible sewage pumps with submersible chopper pumps at two lift stations, Kings Gate and Beaver Creek. The pump replacements will be included in two (2) construction contracts for the wastewater. Texas Water Development Board > Environmental Findings / in.pdf  

  • 24 January 2023 Council Meeting

    • Agenda Item 8 Consideration/Action: award construction contracts to JRM Construction Services, LLC, and RK Construction, LLC for the Wastewater Effluent Line project. 

    • ​Minutes: To award a contract to JRM Construction Services, LLC in the amount of $908,889.00 and a separate contract to RK Construction, LLC in the amount of $315,000.00. Award of the construction contracts for the Wastewater Effluent Line are contingent upon the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) approval.

  • Article: Asset management program helps water and wastewater systems prepare for the future, Texas Water News Room, Texas Water Development Board, 10 January 2023, Excerpt. Water and wastewater systems are made up of many assets that work together to provide drinking water and wastewater disposal in communities every day. Assets, or equipment, like pipes, tanks, pumps, wells, and other components require maintenance and upgrades over time. To maintain these assets in a cost-effective way, a new funding opportunity from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) is helping utilities create asset management plans to prepare for the future. Because smaller utilities typically have fewer resources and staff to dedicate to long-term planning, the TWDB developed the Asset Management Program for Small Systems (AMPSS) to provide guidance on decisions regarding operations, maintenance, and capital improvements.

  • 27 September 2022 Council Meeting   

    • Agenda Item 5. Discussion/Action: to approve a resolution appointing a voting member and alternate to the Wholesale Water and Wastewater Customer Advisory Committee

  • Public Notice, Posted The Community News, 16 September 2022, posted at Willow Park Civics  

    • ​City of Willow Park, Texas, ordinance no. 866-22 An ordinance of the city council of the city of Willow Park, Texas updating and amending the city of Willow Park code of ordinances, section 13.08.003 of chapter 13, article 13.08, entitled "impact fees", approving the amended and updated land use assumptions, capital improvements plan and amended impact fees for water and wastewater utilities, and providing for findings of fact; enactment; enforcement; a repealer clause; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Passed and approved on this day 13th day of September, 2022.

  • 13 September 2022 Council Meeting

    • ​8. Discussion/Action: to adopt an ordinance for the City of Willow Park approving the amended Capital Improvements Plan, Land Use Assumptions and the amended schedule of water and wastewater impact fees. 

  • 28 August 2022 Willow Park Civics Blog > Capital Project Schedule

    • Waste Water Treatment Plant: Plant, Effluent water line to Squaw Creek Country Club ​

  • 12 July 2022 Council Meeting Agenda

    • ​Agenda Item 9 Discussion/Action: 

    • Derek Turner may present an update to the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan and the proposed updated water and wastewater impact fees. Following the presentation, the City Council may consider approving a resolution setting a public hearing to consider an update to the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan for water and wastewater impact fees, and proposed water and wastewater impact fees.

    • Consideration & Action: Resolution setting a public hearing to consider an update to the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan for water and wastewater impact fees, and proposed water and wastewater impact fees.

  • 14 June 2022 Council Meeting 

    • Agenda Item 7. Discussion/Action: to consider extending wastewater services within the city limits. #WastewaterTreatmentPlant

    • BACKGROUND: At the request of Councilman Runnebaum, staff has prepared a presentation that would provide wastewater services to areas withing the city limits that do not currently have those services. Derek as prepared a presentation, which is attached, goes in to detail about the challenges of this project on both the north and south sides of Willow Park.

    • Exhibits: Willow Park Northside Sewer Discussion 

  • 10 May 2022 Council Meeting  

    • 14. Public Works Report #WastewaterTreatmentPlant, Update of 2022 Water and Wastewater numbers 

    • Bankhead South sewer extension construction complete February 2023

    • Golf Course Effluent Line Design Complete May 2022

  • 12 April 2022 Council Meeting 

    • cancelled 22 February 2022 Council Meeting / Willow Park Civics Blog post 

    • Willow Park Civics Blog Post 

    • A public hearing is being held on February 22, 2021 at 7:00 PM at 516 Ranch House Road to discuss the City of Willow Park's proposed project to build a new wastewater treatment plant and pipeline North of IH-20 near Crowne Point Boulevard. One of the purposes of this hearing is to discuss the potential environmental impacts of the project and alternatives to it The total estimated cost of the project is $14.31 million. The estimated monthly bill for a typical resident is currently $50.90. A user rate increase of $3.00/ month [5.9%] will be required to finance this project.

  • 08 March 2022 Council Meeting  

    • Agenda Item 4. Consideration/Action: Approving Agreement with Jacob & Martin to Provide Professional Services to Analyze/Study Water and Wastewater Impact Fees.#FortWorthWater, #WastewaterTreatmentPlant

    • Minutes: approve and agreement with Jacob & Martin to Provide Professional Services to Analyze/Study Water and Wastewater Impact Fees

  • ARPA PROJECT: Public Notice The Community News, 11 March 2022 in .pdf  “Separate sealed bids for the construction of BANKHEAD SEWER EXTENSION will be received by the City of Willow Park, Texas... This project consists of furnishing and installation of approximately 1,850 linear feet of 6-inch SDR 26 PVC force main, 435 linear feet of 14-inch bore and encasement, and 95 linear feet of encased sewer line, lift station, and associated appurtenances… The project to be constructed will be financed with assistance from the American Rescue Plan Act and is subject to all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations…” #ARPA, #WastewaterTreatmentPlant

  • 08 February 2022 Council Meeting  

    • Agenda Item 6. Discussion/Action: water/wastewater rate study.

    • Background: The City has entertained the services of NewGen Strategies & Solutions, LLC to study the current and future water and wastewater rates based upon several factors including debt obligations and Capital Improvements. The analysis will be presented by Chris Ekrut, Chief Financial Officer/Partner of NewGen.

  • 14 December 2021 Council Meeting  

    • Agenda Item 3. Discussion/Action: to consider amending the water and wastewater utility fee schedule to reflect the new Fort Worth impact fees collection rates. / On September 21, 2021 the Fort Worth City Council adopted and increase in the Impact Fee schedule, effective January 1, 2022. An additional increased goes into effect on January 1, 2023. All wholesale customers are expected to include the Fort Worth increases in the impact fees collected starting January 1, 2022

    • 4. Discussion/Action: to approve a resolution appointing a voting member and alternate to the Wholesale Water and Wastewater Customer Advisory Committee.  / The City of Willow Park is a wholesale water customer for the City of Fort Worth. Under the terms of the Wholesale Contract for Services the City will have a Voting Member and Alternate for the water and wastewater System Advisory Committee.

    • Agenda Item 6. Discussion/Action: to authorize the Mayor's signature on a Chapter 380 Agreement between the City and Unco. / During previous deliberations, Council has authorized staff to prepare a Chapter 380 Agreement with UNCO for a restaurant / amusement and entertainment concept to be located along the South Frontage Road of IH 20, near the new TCA Athletic Complex currently under construction. The deal points include: 

      •  Connectivity to the City of Willow Park Wastewater System 

      • Waiver of all inspection fees and permits up to $20,000 

      • Rebate on 100% of Ad Valorem Taxes for a 3 year period

  • Article: Wastewater treatment plant update, Willow Park, 19 August 2021 "The City of Willow Park is pleased to announce that as of Thursday, August 19, the land exchange deal with Willow Park Baptist Church has officially been completed. The land exchange will allow the city to construct a new, larger wastewater treatment plant just a few hundred yards from the current site."

  • 27 July 2021 Council Meeting / Agenda

    • 8. Discussion Only: Update on Wastewater Treatment Plant, Derek Turner updated the Council on the wastewater treatment plant

  • Newsletter: "The Texas Water Development Board approved $14,130,000 in funding on April 22 towards the construction of the city's new wastewater plant. The plant will be located just a few hundred yards southeast of where the current plant sits. We estimate construction to begin sometime in 2022 and completion sometime in 2023." City of Willow Park Newsletter, May 2021

  • 25 May 2021 Council Meeting  

    • 7. Discussion/Action: To consider and act on all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of “City of Willow Park, Texas, Combination Tax and Waterworks and Sewer System Surplus Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2021A” including the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of such certificates in an amount not to exceed $14,500,000 to finance the costs of paying contractual obligations to be incurred (i) for constructing, acquiring, purchasing, renovating, enlarging, equipping, and improving wastewater system properties or facilities, including land and rights-of-way therefor and, and (ii) to pay professional services rendered in relation to such projects and the financing thereof.

  • 11 May 2021 Council Meeting  

    • Agenda Item 8. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act Consider all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of “City of Willow Park, Texas, Combination Tax and Waterworks and Sewer System Surplus Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2021A” including the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of such certificates in an amount not to exceed $14,500,000 to finance the costs of paying contractual obligations to be incurred (i) for constructing, acquiring, purchasing, renovating, enlarging, equipping, and improving wastewater system properties or facilities, including land and rights-of-way therefor and, and (ii) to pay professional services rendered in relation to such projects and the financing thereof.

  • 23 March 2021, City Council Meeting, Agenda   

    • Item 5. Discussion / Action: To consider an act on all matters incident and related to approving and authorizing publication of notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation in an amount not to exceed $14,500,000 for the purpose of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) constructing, acquiring, purchasing, renovating, enlarging, equipping, and improving wastewater system properties or facilities, including land and rights-of-way therefore and (ii) professional services rendered in relation to such projects and the financing thereof, including the adoption of a Resolution (pertaining thereto.)
           BACKGROUND: In anticipation of approval from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) on the pending application of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) of the City’s request for approximately $14.5M for construction of a new wastewater treatment plant, the Council will need to provide notice to the public of its intent to issue debt. 

           EXHIBITS: Notice Resolution, Estimated Timetable of Events

  • 21 July 2020 Special Council Meeting / Agenda

    • Agenda Item 6. Discussion Only: Review of the TWDB permit application, process and timing for the wastewater project. 

    • 7.. Discussion Only: Wastewater treatment options 

    • [WPC Notes: Several council members defended the current process of selecting a new site for the wastewater treatment plant.]

  • 09 June 2020 Council Meeting / Agenda 

  • Agenda Item 5: Consider all matters incident and related to requesting financial assistance from the Texas Water Development Board and authorizing the filing of an application for financial assistance, including the adoption of a resolution pertaining thereto 

  • Background: The City of Willow Park has been working on and planning to resolve the long-standing issue of resolving the its Wastewater Treatment situation and remedies. After lengthy discussions on several options, with multiple entities, staff is recommending a new wastewater treatment plant at a location to be determined. Staff is recommending the City apply for a Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan (CWSRF) through the Texas Water Development Board. 

  • In summary, the CWSRF: 

    • Not to exceed $17M

    • Has the ability to roll in existing Wastewater Debt

    • Current Interest Rate is (0.17 / 20 years; 0.35 / 30 years)

    • New Plant will provide for buildout of Willow Park.

    • City currently has 800 sewer connections. Staff expects that number to nearly double in the coming years. 

    • ***To be clear, this is not an issuance of debt, nor an official notice of intent to issue debt. This is a resolution to apply for TWDB Funds.

  • Article: Willow Park moves toward wastewater deal with Weatherford, [in.pdfWeatherford Democrat, 21 May 2018 Excerpts: The Willow Park City Council took the next step towards an agreement with Weatherford for wastewater services at a recent meeting. In March, the Weatherford City Council and Weatherford Utility Board directed city staff to work with Willow Park to explore providing wastewater treatment services. The Willow Park City Council approved a Memorandum of Understanding from Weatherford on May 15 that laid out the requirements and responsibilities each city will have in the partnership. “A`s you know, we’ve been in discussions with Weatherford for them to take our wastewater,” City Administrator Bryan Grimes said. “It would eliminate the need for a wastewater treatment plant. We’ve had productive discussions with the city of Weatherford’s staff, and they have presented us with an MOU."

  • Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 17 April 2018, NOTICE OF HEARING WPS I LLC SOAH Docket No. 582-19-6327 TCEQ Docket No. 2019-0443-MWD Permit No. WQ0015679001ExcerptsWPS I LLC, 5189 East Interstate 20 Service Road North, Suite 106, Willow Park, Texas 76087, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for new Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit No. WQ0015679001, to authorize the discharge of treated domestic wastewater at a daily average flow not to exceed 60,000 gallons per day. TCEQ received this application on April 17, 2018. The facility will be located will be located at 9700 East Bankhead Highway, Aledo, in Parker County, Texas 76008. The treated effluent will be discharged to an unnamed tributary; thence to Clear Fork Trinity River Below Lake Weatherford in Segment No. 0831 of the Trinity River Basin.

  • 22 August 2017 Council Meeting / Agenda

    • Agenda Item 4: Package Plant Site Civil Work; Discussion/Action: Consider and act on the award of a small procurement contract for Package Plant Site Civil Work to Blair’s B&B Backhoe Services in the amount of $49,000.

    • Background: Memo from City Engineer: I contacted five contractors and received two prices for the work. I’ve attached them here. The first one is from Blair’s B&B Backhoe Services. My recommendation is to award the first four items of the Blair proposal ($49,000). This will keep it under the $50,000 threshold and will provide for all of the work we need to get done before the package equipment is delivered. We can do the final tie-in by way of a change order on Fambro’s force main contract or by separate procurement. We will still need to procure the electrical and fencing, but this can be done between now and the time the equipment is set.

  • 18 May 2017, City Council Meeting, Agenda   

    • 7. Discussion/Action: To discuss and consider exchange of property for future waste water treatment plant.
           BACKGROUND: The City of Willow Park is in need of a future site for 1 MGD wastewater treatment plant. A proposed site on the Wilks Development race track property is being offered for the future plant in exchange for the current location.

           EXHIBITS: Special Warranty Deed, Email from Derek Turner regarding the current site for the 1MGD plant.

  • 11 April 2017 Council Meeting Agenda

    • Presentation: Capital Improvement Plan update by Jacob/Martin. 

    • Background:  The Council authorized the contract with Jacob/Martin to prepare a Capital Improvement Plan.The projected work schedule provides for a presentation by Jacob/Martin to the City Council

    • Capital Improvement Plan 2017-2050 Water And Wastewater For City Of Willow Park, Texas March 31, 2017

  • 14 March 2017 Council Meeting / Agenda

    • Agenda Item 16. Discuss/Action: To consider authorizing the execution and receipt of certain special warranty deeds by and from the City with WPD Trinity, LLC. for the exchange, sale or transfer of certain tracts of land related to the operation of municipal utilities. (Mayor Neverdousky) / To consider authorizing the execution of Special Warranty Deeds for exchange of property with WPD Trinity, LLC for future wastewater treatment project.

    • Background: The City of Willow Park is in need of a future site for 1 MGD wastewater treatment plant. A proposed site on the Wilks Development race track property is being offered for the future plant in exchange for the current location.

  • 10 January 10, 2017 City Council Meeting    

    • Discussion/Action: To consider financing options for the acquisition of an Interim Wastewater Treatment Plant from AUC Group, L.P. and authorize same. 

    • Discussion/Action: To consider and approve Resolution 01A-17, 01B-17, 01C-17, a Resolution  providing authorization to publish a Notice of Intention to Issue Certificates of Obligation, for the  purpose acquiring, constructing an Interim Wastewater Treatment Plant and/or constructing or  enhancing certain wastewater Infrastructure. 

    • Discussion regarding Meadow Place waste water utility installation

  • 09 August, 2016, City Council Meeting /  Agenda

    • Item 10. Consider approval of the City Administrator’s recommendation for a permanent solution to the City’s wastewater issue. (CA Rountree). 

    • Item11. Reconsider the several submittals to the City of Willow Park Request for Proposals (RFP) for Municipal Package Plant, and Waterwaster Treatment Plans, based on a material variance between the terms specified in the RFP and the terms proposed by the vendor’s proposed contract; authorizing the Mayor to negotiate and execute a contract with a different responding vendor that provides best value for the City. (CA Rountree).

    • Memo Permanent Wastewater Solution Recommendation August 5, 2016 


  • 14 June 2016, City Council Meeting  

    • Discussion/Action: Consider and authorize city administrator to obtain cost estimates and initiate the procedural steps necessary to acquire a package wastewater treatment plant. 

    • Section VI – Informational > Mayor & Council Member Announcements 

      • A. Proposed formation of three Advisory Committee to facilitate procurement of necessary professional services (e.g., engineer, architect) for: (i) wastewater treatment plant; (ii) street repair or maintenance, and (iii) public safety building. 

      • Wastewater Treatment Plant Advisory Committee: Councilmembers Runnebaum and Galle 

  • Article: Willow Park to make moves on wastewater plant, interim city administrator, The Community News, 26 April 2016. In a special meeting Saturday afternoon, the Willow Park City Council voted to take further steps towards both a new wastewater plant and an interim city administrator. Pending engineer approval, the city will make an offer on a parcel of land just east of the existing site and north of the Clear Fork of the Trinity River. Mayor Pro Tem Gene Martin said a few facts about the land's flood status were still unknown and that city staff was working to finish.Council member Brian Thornburg said the location is attractive because it sits over the force main line for the existing plant.

  • 16 April 2016, Special City Council Meeting 

    • 6. Discussion/Action – Conduct any business or take action on any item discussed in Executive Session

      • Councilmember Martin made a motion to authorize the mayor to negotiate an offer on a parcel of property to the north of the Clear Fork of Trinity River in close proximity to the existing wastewater treatment plant, conditioned on receiving a verification from the city engineer that the parcel is suitable and feasible to construct a new wastewater treatment plant.

  • Prevention of the Waste Water Treatment Plant development on the soil conservation site [Sam Bass Drive], Change .org, 2016, "The City of Willow Park has proposed that the soil conservation site on Sam Bass drive become the new site of the city waste water treatment plant. The conservation site is south of Squaw Creek golf course and is sandwiched by approximately 30 existing homes located on Squaw Creek Dr, Sam Bass, and Sam Bass Ct. The plant will be upwind from approximately 150 existing homes in the established Stagecoach and SaddleTrail neighborhoods. The lingering odor and constant noise will destroy the quality of life for our families and will cause our home appraisals to drop greatly in value. There is a solution. The city owns a piece of property off of Crown Valley road that is currently out of the city limits. This alternate site is away from our homes and will limit the impact if there's ever a mishap. This solution will minimize the potential hazards and nuisances that this plant will create in the heart of Willow Park. Help us stop this plant and let the city hear our voice."

     The first step on the road to repair was to create a strategic plan for the city, which was not in place before Shaffstall became city administrator three years ago. In creating the strategic plan, the city’s most pressing problem was identified — the wastewater treatment plant.

     The city’s wastewater treatment plant was sold to the city as a “package plant,” meaning it had been used. The plant originally supplied the now-defunct Trinity Meadows Race Track before it was sold to the city.

     That system is permitted for a 300,000 gallon capacity, which it will reach within the next year.  When it reaches capacity, the city will be required to file its plans for a new plant with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). 

     The wastewater problem has been compounded by the fact that the city did not collect impact fees on its water or sewer services until recently, Shaffstall said. Impact fees are fees paid by developments in order to cover the cost of water and sewer services, and often come about when a city’s population grows and is used to reduce the cost to local governments. The wastewater rates did not cover the cost of the city’s average use. The lack of impact fees contributed to major deficits in the city’s general, water and wastewater funds, when Shaffstall became city administrator three years ago.

     At the moment, there are about five options under consideration for the city’s new wastewater treatment plant, Shaffstall said.

  • 14 April 2015 Council Meeting  

    • Agenda Item 15. Discussion/Action: Status of existing wastewater treatment plant, including condition and capacity thereof and discussion of future wastewater treatment options ***Discussion and special meeting set for May 6, 2015. 

  • Save Squaw Creek website, [in.pdf] circa 2015-16, [with maps of approved sites; the southeast corner of the Squaw Creek Golf course soil conversation site reservoir, bounded by Squaw Creek Road and Sam Bass Road or the intersection of Kingsgate Road and Trinity Meadows Lane adjacent to Meadow Place Estates],

  • Willow Park sued by former public works director, Weatherford Democrat, 23 September 2014, Willow Park’s former public works director has filed a lawsuit claiming he was forced out of his position in June because he refused to lie to the city council last year about fines resulting from violations at the city’s wastewater treatment plant


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