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Voter Support > Texas Legislature

On this page: Index of articles and editorial on the 88th Texas State Legislative session. 

Latest Update: Friday, 27 October, 2023

State civics is an integral part of Willow Park civics and of Willow Park Civics. 


The Texas 88th Legislative Session begins 10 January 2023, for 140 days, as set by the Texas Constitution (Article 3, Section 24). The regular session will conclude on 29 May 2023.


Willow Park Civics will blog articles and information on the legislative activities and votes of your elected officials — those public servants, who citizens have given the responsibility to represent citizens’ best interests in governing our republic.  


It may be fun diversion to know the score of your favorite sports team, but it is an imperative part of fulfilling the each citizen’s civics duties to know the scores of your elected leaders, especially at the local and state levels. 


In addition, at the end of each blog is a list of contact points to the state and federal elected representatives of Willow Park citizens. Communicate with your elected officials. Modern communication makes it easy. Modern politics makes it imperative. After all they work for the citizens. 


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”  Attributed to Margaret Mead, American cultural anthropologist

• The Texas Constitution  Article 3 establishes and instructs the legislature. 


• Schedule

Texas elected lawmakers meet for a Legislative Session every two years. Each session is 140 days starting in January and ending in May, of odd calendar years. 

Constitutionally, the first thirty (30) days of a legislative session are reserved for the filing of legislation, and the next thirty (30) days are for committee hearings.


Typically, legislation must be filed within the first 60 days of the session. Unless legislation is declared an "emergency" by the governor, it cannot be voted on within the first 60 days of the legislative session. 


The first floor votes on bills (except those deemed an emergency by the governor) will not occur until March.

Analysis: What Are the House Deadlines During the 88th Legislature? Texas Scorecard 09 January, 2023 

• Chambers

The Texas Senate is headed by the lieutenant governor, in his constitutionally defined role as "president of the senate."


Unlike the rules regarding the speakership of the U.S. House, the Texas Constitution requires the Texas House speaker to be elected from among the ranks of the chamber itself; and the election of house speaker the first order of business.


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