Property Tax
On this page: List of Taxing Authorities; Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts; Parker County Appraisal District; Willow Park
Supporting pages: Property Tax Journal; WPC Glossary; WPC City Documents > Finance, Budget, Taxes, Debt
Latest update: Thursday, 06 October, 2022
Hashtags: #PropertyTax #Finance
List of Taxing Authorities for Willow Park and
Current Tax Rates (2021-2022)
The state of Texas has no property tax.
Entity Code / Description / Tax Rate Per $100
PAR / PARKER COUNTY / $0.262643
AL / ALEDO I.S.D. / $1.39290
COL / JR COLLEGE DISTR / $0.122476
LTR / LATERAL ROAD / $0.066719
Current Sales Taxes for Willow Park
District / Rate
Texas State / 6.250%
Parker County / 0.500%
Willow Park / 1.500%
Total / 8.250%
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts ​
• Who Does What? • What Do They Do? • When Do They Do It? • Where Does the Money Go? • Why Do They Do It? • How Can I Challenge What They Do?
Property taxes are local taxes that provide the largest source of money local governments use to pay for schools, streets, roads, police, fire protection and many other services. Texas law establishes the process followed by local officials in determining the value for property, ensuring that values are equal and uniform, setting tax rates and collecting taxes.
Texas has no state property tax. The Texas Constitution and statutory law authorizes local governments to collect the tax. The state does not set tax rates, collect taxes or settle disputes between you and your local governments.
The property owner, whether residential or business, is responsible for paying taxes and has a reasonable expectation that the taxing process will be fairly administered. The property owner is also referred to as the taxpayer.
An appraisal district in each county, administered by a chief appraiser, appraises the value of your property each year. The appraisal district's board of directors hires the chief appraiser. Local taxing units elect the board directors and fund the appraisal district based on the amount of taxes levied in each taxing unit. [See Parker County Appraisal District in this page.]
Local taxing units, including the school districts, counties, cities, junior colleges and special districts, decide how much money they must spend to provide public services. Property tax rates are set according to taxing unit budgets. Some taxing units have access to other revenue sources, such as a local sales tax. School districts must rely on the local property tax, in addition to state and federal funds.
> Tax Rates and Levies - Tax Code Section 5.091 requires the Comptroller's office to prepare a list that includes the total tax rate imposed by each taxing unit in this state, as reported to the comptroller by each appraisal district.
Willow Park Tax​ Rates and Levies and City Report of Property Value 2017 to 2021 in .xls and in .pdf
> Property Tax Assistance > Local Protest, Appraisal, Assessment and Collection
Parker County Appraisal District (PCAD)
Within this site you will find general information about the District and the ad valorem property tax system in Texas, as well as information regarding specific properties within the district. The District strictly adheres to the Texas Property Tax Code to provide equality and accurate assessments for its constituents and tax base.
Our mission is to provide accurate property assessments to facilitate the local funding for our county, schools, cities, and other districts that derive budgets and other operating expenses from local property values.
PCAD does not determine the property tax rate. [See Willow Park Civics > City Documents > Finance - Budget, Taxes, Debt.]
Detailed Tax Rates > Parker County > Texas Association of Counties
General Fund M&O Tax Rate / $0.204791
General Fund I&S Tax Rate / $0.079876
Special Road & Bridge Fund M&O Tax Rate / $0.073952
Special Road & Bridge Fund I&S Tax Rate / $0.000000
Farm-to-Market/Flood Control Fund M&O Tax Rate / $0.000000
Farm-to-Market/Flood Control I&S Tax Rate / $0.000000
Willow Park
Property Tax for Willow Park is set every years during the budget process.
Willow Park Civics > City Documents > Finance, Budget, Taxes, Debt
Willow Park Civics > Resources > Glossary > Finance, Budgeting, and Taxes
City Property Tax Rates in Parker County, Compiled by The County Information Program, Texas Association of Counties