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WPC News Summary, 23 June 2023

Summary: A compendium of Willow Park Civics weekly news summaries, emailed to WPC Blog subscribers. The week in a glance; the year in a list. "How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!" Samuel Adams​, statesman, political philosopher, US Founding Father

Latest Update: Friday, 23 June 2023


Archive of Willow Park Civics Weekly News Summary

  • Week of Friday, 23 June 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • "How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!" Samuel Adams​, statesman, political philosopher, US Founding Father

    • 27 June 2023 Council Meeting

    • Electricity Warning #2 in two weeks, 25 June to 30 June 2023

    • Texas has the fifth-highest percentage of water pipes made of lead. How about your home?

    • Drainage Improvement Project, Phase One

    • Gone! TX Vehicle Safety Inspections... but not quite for Parker Co.

    • Williams Weekly: 19 June 2023

    • UPDATE: Voluntary Conservation Notice from Electric Weather Watch from 15 June to 21 June, 2023! > Electricity Weather Watch from 15 June to 21 June 21, 2023!

    • WPC News Summary, 16 June 2023

  • Week of Friday, 16 June 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • “Tomorrow will be better as long as America keeps alive the ideals of freedom and a better life." Walt Disney, American animator, film producer and entrepreneur

    • Growth from the North, Interesting WP Property for Sale

    • Growth from the East, The Community News article

    • Welcome Police Chief Franklin -- again.

    • New City Hall: Debt Done

    • Williams Weekly: 12 June 2023

    • 13 June 2023 Council Meeting

    • WPC News Summary, 09 June 2023

  • Week of Friday, 09 June 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • “Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility.” Eleanor Roosevelt, American political figure, diplomat, pacifist and activist President Harry S. Truman called her the "First Lady of the World" in tribute to her human rights achievements

    • 13 June 2023 Council Meeting

    • "Texas is the headquarters of headquarters" with the Most Fortune 500 HQs

    • New Port-to-Plains Interstate, Growth from the West, Update

    • Drink. Drive. Go To Jail. Enforcement Wave > Independence Day, 23 June to 09 July, 2023,

    • Street Improvement Projects, Kings Gate Road

    • Street Improvement Projects, Phase One

    • Street Improvement Projects, Comprehensive

    • Reminder Monday for June 2023

    • WPC News Summary, 02 June 2023

  • Week of Friday, 02 June 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • "It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority." Benjamin Franklin, US Founding Father and America Polymath

    • Reminder Monday for June 2023

    • Street Improvement Projects, Kings Gate Road

    • Not this session, Update on Cross Timbers Regional Utility Authority

    • Street Improvement Projects, Comprehensive

    • Happy Trails to You, Willow Park Trails Master Plan Update

    • Williams Weekly: 29 May 2023

    • Kings Gate Park, WP’s New Ready-made Playground and Trails

    • Memorial Day: Willow Park resident honors a brother who died in service.

    • Memorial Day: Willow Park's Pfc. Paul Balint Jr.

    • WPC News Summary, 26 May 2023

  • Week of Friday, 26 May 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • “No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation.” General Douglas MacArthur, US General of the Army, WW2

    • Memorial Day: Willow Park's Pfc. Paul Balint Jr.

    • Memorial Day: Willow Park resident honors a brother who died in service.

    • Fort Worth gained the highest number of new residents of any city in the country

    • Adding Communication Boards to WP Playgrounds, Parks, and Trails

    • Garbage! New trash and recycling plan (and fees) for Willow Park, UPDATE

    • Williams Weekly: 22 May 2023

    • Click It or Ticket, WP Police Enforcement Wave May 22 – June 4, 2023

    • 23 May 2023 Council Meeting

    • WPC News Summary, 19 May 2023

  • Week of Friday, 19 May 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • "Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God?" Thomas Jefferson​, 3rd US President and Founding Father

    • Click It or Ticket, WP Police Enforcement Wave May 22 – June 4, 2023

    • 23 May 2023 Council Meeting

    • Parker County in History: 19 May 1836

    • Six new parks coming to Texas, one just an hour west.

    • Wastewater Project: Effluent Line

    • Williams Weekly: 15 May 2023

    • Cross Timbers Regional Utility Authority, update on concerns

    • Street Improvement Projects, Ranch House Road (Vista and Crown)

    • SeeClickFix, new digital portal to WP Public Utilities

    • WPC News Summary, 12 May 2023

  • Week of Friday, 12 May 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • "Nations do not die from invasion; they die from internal rottenness." Abraham Lincoln, 16th US President

    • Electricity and ERCOT, Summer Overload

    • Willow Park is developing: Update April 2023

    • Street Improvement Projects, Crown Road

    • Williams Weekly: 08 May 2023

    • All door-to-door sales working in Willow Park must have city-issued permit and lanyard.

    • WPC News Summary, 05 May 2023

  • Week of Friday, 05 May 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • "Governments tend not to solve problems, only to rearrange them." Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the US

    • 09 May 2023 Council Meeting

    • New Water Management for Parker County - Cross Timbers Regional Utility Authority

    • Williams Weekly: 01 May 2023

    • TxDOT I20 Project through Willow Park, starts May 2023

    • Cruz: US Senator Cruz Newsletter, 21 April 2023

    • 06 May 2023 Election for Willow Park: When, How, Why

    • Reminder Monday for May 2023

    • WPC News Summary, 28 April 2023

  • Week of Friday, 28 April 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor from 161 to 180 AD and a Stoic philosopher. He was the last of the rulers known as the Five Good Emperors and the last emperor of the Pax Romana, an age of relative peace, calmness and stability for the Roman Empire lasting from 27 BC to 180 AD.

    • Reminder Monday for May 2023

    • 06 May 2023 Election for Willow Park: When, How, Why

    • 02 May 2023 Parks Board Meeting

    • Bills That Affect You, 88th TX Legislative Session

    • Foster Care in Parker County

    • Water for Willow Park, A New Beginning

    • Street Improvement Projects, Kings Gate Road Bridge

    • Street Improvement Projects, Update 24 April 2023

    • WPC News Summary, 21 April 2023

  • Week of Friday, 21 April 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • "There are two ways to conquer and enslave a country. One is by the sword. The other is by debt." John Adams, 2nd US President and Founding Father

    • Schools, Students, and Education, 88th TX Legislative Session

    • 25 April 2023 Council Meeting

    • Canvas, New WPNorth Townhomes for Lease - Update

    • "New" Fire Marshal Dept. in Willow Park

    • Garbage! New trash and recycling plan (and fees) for Willow Park

    • Williams Weekly: 17 April 2023

    • Willow Park Police Academy

    • Wastewater Treatment Plant

    • WPC News Summary, 14 April 2023

  • Week of Friday, 14 April 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • "When the people are afraid of the government, that's tyranny. But when the government is afraid of the people, that's liberty." Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President and Founding Father

    • Budget and Surplus, 88th TX Legislative Session

    • 18 April 2023 P&Z Comm. Meeting

    • Hundreds of acres could trade between Weatherford and Willow Park ETJ

    • New Child Safety Zones ordinance enforcing sex offender laws in Willow Park.

    • Click It or Ticket and Operation Slow Down, WP Police cruising for trouble.

    • Willow Bark is back, 15 April 2023

    • Street Improvement Projects, Update 06 April 2023

    • 11 April 2023 Council Meeting

    • WPC News Summary, 07 April 2023

  • Week of Friday, 07 April 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • “We are an Easter People and Alleluia is our song!” Pope John Paul II, Angelus, Adelaide, Australia Sunday, 30 November 1986

    • Schools, Students, and Education, 88th TX Legislative Session

    • 11 April 2023 Council Meeting

    • Texas leads U.S. with fastest economic expansion

    • New City Hall: Update - Debt

    • 06 May 2023 Election for Willow Park: When, How, Why

    • Williams Weekly: 03 April 2023

    • WP Emergency Warning Systems

    • 03 April 2023 Special Council Meeting

    • WPC News Summary, 31 March 2023

  • Week of Friday, 31 March 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • “For all its enormous range of space, climate, and physical appearance, and for all the internal squabbles, contentions, and strivings, Texas has a tight cohesiveness perhaps stronger than any other section of America.” John Steinbeck​, American writer and the 1962 Nobel Prize in Literature winner

    • WP Emergency Warning Systems

    • 03 April 2023 Special Council Meeting

    • TX State Gambling, 88th TX Legislative Session

    • Current Willow Park Financial Audit

    • Cruz: US Senator Cruz Newsletter, 24 March 2023

    • Texas 'will be short thousands of skilled workers by 2030

    • City Buying a New City Hall This Thursday?

    • 30 March 2023 Special Council Meeting

    • Sr. Discount for WP Water Bill. Tell all your senior neighbors!

    • WPC News Summary, 24 March 2023

  • Week of Friday, 24 March 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • "It is no dishonor to be in a minority in the cause of liberty and virtue." Samuel Adams, American statesman, a US Founding Father

    • Bills That Affect You, 88th TX Legislative Session

    • Pax­ton Shut Down Texas Robo­callers that Made Bil­lions of Ille­gal Calls

    • Cruz: US Senator Cruz Newsletter, 10 March 2023

    • Make a difference in your water supply -- and your water bill.

    • Parker County Days in 88th TX Legislative Session, 28 & 29 March

    • Reception honoring Police Chief Ellis

    • Williams Weekly: 10 March 2023

    • Communicate with your elected officials; 88th TX Legislative Session

    • Willow Park will have a May 2023 election ballot, with a decision that will effect property taxes.

    • Palo Pinto/Parker water authority partnership -- or maybe not

    • WPC News Summary, 17 March 2023

    • Only on What's Happening, Willow Park

      • Planets and Moon Set to Align to Form ‘Planet Parade’ Late March —Here’s What You Need to Know.

    • Updated Blogs and Issues

      • 14 March 2023 Council Meeting

  • Week of Friday, 17 March 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • "A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins." Benjamin Franklin, US Founding Father and America Polymath

  • "Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me." Primary Catholic Patron Saint of Ireland, St Patrick’s Feast, 17 March

    • 88th TX Legislature News Summary, 17 March 2023

    • WP Council names interim police chief

    • Willow Park represented in the US House of Representatives

    • ONCOR Electricity, Willow Park storm damage and prevention

    • Goodbye Willow Park Fire and Rescue

    • Willow Park election cancelled -- again.

    • 14 March 2023 Council Meeting

    • WPC News Summary, 10 March 2023

  • Updated Blogs and Issues

    • Willow Park Civics Blog > New Willow Park Police Station

    • Willow Park Civics Blog > Standard Services Restaurant is taking shape and WOW.

    • Willow Park Civics Blog > 14 March 2023 Council Meeting

    • Willow Park Civics Blog > Election Results: Voters approve ESD1 annexing fire department. Props A&B

    • Willow Park Civics > Issues > Fire Department ESD1

  • Week of Friday, 10 March 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • “I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” Patrick Henry, 12 March 1775, American attorney, politician, orator, first and sixth post-colonial Governor of Virginia

    • 88th TX Legislature News Summary, 10 March 2023

    • 14 March 2023 Council Meeting

    • Property Tax, 88th TX Legislative Session

    • One-of-a-kind Universal Theme Park is coming to Frisco.

    • Street Improvement Projects, Update 06 March 2023

    • Vehicle Safety Recalls Week, 06 March

    • Rogers: Mothers and Fathers of Texas Education

    • Finance: Willow Park Sales Tax

    • Williams Weekly: 03 March 2023

    • Willow Park is developing: Updates

    • Remember the Alamo. And remember freedom is not free.

    • WPC News Summary, 03 March 2023

    • Only on What's Happening, Willow Park

      • Gardening For Monarch Butterflies

  • Week of Friday, 03 March 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • “Human happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.” George Washington,​ Founding Father and 1st US President

    • 88th TX Legislature News Summary, 03 March 2023

    • New Willow Park Police Station

    • Texas Rangers’ Bicentennial, Sens. Cruz, Cornyn introduce bill.

    • Willow Park Police Chief resigns.

    • Williams Weekly: 24 February 2023

    • WP Emergency Warning Systems

    • 28 February 2023 Council Meeting

    • WPC News Summary, 24 February 2023

  • Week of Friday, 24 February 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • “Devotion to the truth is the hallmark of morality; there is no greater, nobler, more heroic form of devotion than the act of a man who assumes the responsibility of thinking.” Ayn Rand, Russian-born American writer and philosopher, author of Atlas Shrugged

    • 88th TX Legislature News Summary, 24 February 2023

    • 28 February 2023 Council Meeting

    • Election Integrity, 88th TX Legislative Session

    • New (Interim) City Hall: Update Cost

    • Gov. Abbott's Legislative Priorities for the 88th Legislative Session

    • Our Texas State Legislators receive committee assignments, 88th Legislative Session

    • Standard Services Restaurant is taking shape and WOW.

    • Last week’s ice storm stirred the taxpayer-funded renewable energy debate.

    • Cruz: US Senator Cruz Newsletter, 17 February 2023

    • Williams: High Inflation Continues to Hurt Working Americans

    • Country Hollow, a new Willow Park housing development

    • 21 February 2023 P&Z Comm. Meeting

    • WPC News Summary, 17 February 2023

  • Week of Friday, 17 February 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." John Adams​, Second US President and Founding Father

    • 88th TX Legislature News Summary, 17 February 2023

    • 21 February 2022 P&Z Comm. Meeting

    • Go east, young man: The Ranch Development East of Willow Park

    • Texas Republicans tapped to chair four committees in U.S. House - including WP's Rep.

    • Q&A Redux, Happy Trails to You

    • Rogers: The Texans’ House

    • Lt. Gov. Patrick's official list of TX Senate legislative priorities, 88th TX Legislative Session

    • Williams: Republicans Mark an End to the COVID-19 Pandemic

    • WP's PC Brewing Co. is moving - but not far.

    • Where Did All the Press-Friendly Texas Politicians Go?

    • 14 February 2023 Council Meeting

    • WPC News Summary 2023, 10 February 2023

  • Week of Friday, 10 February 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • "I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedoms of the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." James Madison​, Fourth US President and Founding Father

    • 88th TX Legislature News Summary, 10 February 2023

    • 13 February 2023 Board of Adjustments Meeting

    • Read the sky, SKYWARN Spotter Training

    • Williams: Williams' Weekly, 06 February 2023

    • TX Senator Springer drew the short straw in re-election

    • Aledo ISD: your property taxes and ISD tax rates

    • Cruz: US Senator Cruz Newsletter, 04 February 2023

    • Happy Trails to you, Willow Park

    • WPC News Summary 2023, 03 February 2023

  • Week of Friday, 03 February 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • "You can’t be for big government, big taxes, and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy." Ronald Reagan​, 40th US President

    • 88th TX Legislature News Summary, 03 February 2023

    • 07 February 2023 Parks Board Meeting

    • Willow Bark is back.

    • "Invasion" on the Border, Parker Co. included

    • Backyard chickens now part of TX 88th Legislative Session

    • Budget and Surplus, 88th TX Legislative Session

    • Falling Across Texas, Remembering the Columbia Shuttle

    • This week's weather and the electrical grid

    • Williams: Williams' Weekly, 30 January 2023

    • New Medical Campus in Willow Park

    • Gov. Abbott reveals why Covid19 emergency declarations are still intact

    • Williams: President Biden Drains U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve

    • WPC News Summary 2023, 27 January 2023

  • Week of Friday, 27 January 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • "God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right even though I think it is hopeless." Chester Nimitz​, Commander in Chief, US Pacific Fleet, and Commander in Chief, Pacific Ocean Areas, commanding Allied air, land, and sea forces during World War

    • 88th TX Legislature News Summary, 27 January 2023

    • WP Emergency Warning Systems

    • Bills that affect you, 88th TX Legislative Session

    • Schools, Students, and Education, 88th TX Legislative Session

    • Water for Willow Park

    • TX lawmakers highlight state's fragile water systems, including WP's Tx House Rep D60 Glenn Rogers

    • Willow Park Baptist Church opens new campus!

    • Willow Park North Exciting Updates in Maps

    • Ted Cruz To Reintroduce Bill Reinstating Military Members Who Refused COVID-19 Vaccine

    • 24 Jan. 2023 Council Meeting

    • WPC News Summary 2023 for 20 January 2023

  • Week of Friday, 20 January 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." Thomas Jefferson​, Third President and Founding Father of the U.S.

    • 88th TX Legislature News Summary

    • Your Phone Bill, Texas Connectivity Fund, 88th TX Legislative Session

    • Williams: Williams' Weekly

    • Texas now home to 30 million people / Wilks Development Map

    • TX Senator Cornyn visits border

    • TX State Gambling, 88th TX Legislative Session

    • Texas gas prices continue to rise at faster rate than overall U.S. prices

    • Electricity and ERCOT

    • Rogers: Who is keeping score?

    • New (Interim) City Hall

    • WPC News Summary 2023 Week of Friday 13 January 2023

  • Week of Friday, 13 January 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • "No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session." Gideon Tucker, 1826 - 1899, American lawyer, newspaper editor and politician

    • 88th TX Legislature News Summary

    • Aledo ISD Growth Committee Data Dig

    • New (Interim) City Hall - Updated

    • Minority Party House Committee Chairs, 88th TX Legislative Session

    • Rogers: Defending our local schools

    • Glamper Camper Pampers your RV, Boat, and Classic Car

    • Glen Rose Nuclear Power Plant to renew License

    • Williams: Sworn in to WP's TX-25

    • WPC News Summary 2023 Week of Friday 06 January 2023

  • Week of Friday, 06 January 2023 in .pdf and in .html

  • “A nation can only be free, happy, and great in proportion to the virtue and intelligence of the people." Stephen F. Austin, "Father of Texas,” 4th Secretary of State of Texas

    • Texas laws that took effect 01 January 2023

    • Automated McDonald's in White Settlement, First in US

    • "Invasion" on the Border, Parker Co. included

    • New (Interim) City Hall

    • Corporate subsidies come to Aledo ISD in Chapter 313 Project Redeemer

    • Corporate Welfare/Subsidies, 88th TX Legislative Session

    • General Legislative Info. 88th TX Legislative Session

    • WPC News Summary 2022


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