Summary: A compendium of Willow Park Civics weekly news summaries, emailed to WPC Blog subscribers.
Latest Update: Friday, 10 February 2023

Archive of Willow Park Civics Weekly News Summary
"I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedoms of the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." James Madison, Fourth US President and Founding Father
88th TX Legislature News Summary, 10 February 2023
13 February 2023 Board of Adjustments Meeting
Read the sky, SKYWARN Spotter Training
Williams: Williams' Weekly, 06 February 2023
TX Senator Springer drew the short straw in re-election
Aledo ISD: your property taxes and ISD tax rates
Cruz: US Senator Cruz Newsletter, 04 February 2023
Happy Trails to you, Willow Park
WPC News Summary 2023, 03 February 2023
"You can’t be for big government, big taxes, and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy." Ronald Reagan, 40th US President
88th TX Legislature News Summary, 03 February 2023
07 February 2023 Parks Board Meeting
Willow Bark is back.
"Invasion" on the Border, Parker Co. included
Backyard chickens now part of TX 88th Legislative Session
Budget and Surplus, 88th TX Legislative Session
Falling Across Texas, Remembering the Columbia Shuttle
This week's weather and the electrical grid
Williams: Williams' Weekly, 30 January 2023
New Medical Campus in Willow Park
Gov. Abbott reveals why Covid19 emergency declarations are still intact
Williams: President Biden Drains U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve
WPC News Summary 2023, 27 January 2023
"God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right even though I think it is hopeless." Chester Nimitz, Commander in Chief, US Pacific Fleet, and Commander in Chief, Pacific Ocean Areas, commanding Allied air, land, and sea forces during World War
88th TX Legislature News Summary, 27 January 2023
WP Emergency Warning Systems
Bills that affect you, 88th TX Legislative Session
Schools, Students, and Education, 88th TX Legislative Session
Water for Willow Park
TX lawmakers highlight state's fragile water systems, including WP's Tx House Rep D60 Glenn Rogers
Willow Park Baptist Church opens new campus!
Willow Park North Exciting Updates in Maps
Ted Cruz To Reintroduce Bill Reinstating Military Members Who Refused COVID-19 Vaccine
24 Jan. 2023 Council Meeting
WPC News Summary 2023 for 20 January 2023
“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." Thomas Jefferson, Third President and Founding Father of the U.S.
88th TX Legislature News Summary
Your Phone Bill, Texas Connectivity Fund, 88th TX Legislative Session
Williams: Williams' Weekly
Texas now home to 30 million people / Wilks Development Map
TX Senator Cornyn visits border
TX State Gambling, 88th TX Legislative Session
Texas gas prices continue to rise at faster rate than overall U.S. prices
Electricity and ERCOT
Rogers: Who is keeping score?
New (Interim) City Hall
WPC News Summary 2023 Week of Friday 13 January 2023
"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session." Gideon Tucker, 1826 - 1899, American lawyer, newspaper editor and politician
88th TX Legislature News Summary
Aledo ISD Growth Committee Data Dig
New (Interim) City Hall - Updated
Minority Party House Committee Chairs, 88th TX Legislative Session
Rogers: Defending our local schools
Glamper Camper Pampers your RV, Boat, and Classic Car
Glen Rose Nuclear Power Plant to renew License
Williams: Sworn in to WP's TX-25
WPC News Summary 2023 Week of Friday 06 January 2023
“A nation can only be free, happy, and great in proportion to the virtue and intelligence of the people." Stephen F. Austin, "Father of Texas,” 4th Secretary of State of Texas
Texas laws that took effect 01 January 2023
Automated McDonald's in White Settlement, First in US
"Invasion" on the Border, Parker Co. included
New (Interim) City Hall
Corporate subsidies come to Aledo ISD in Chapter 313 Project Redeemer
Corporate Welfare/Subsidies, 88th TX Legislative Session
General Legislative Info. 88th TX Legislative Session
WPC News Summary 2022