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WP Council names interim police chief

Summary: Willow Park's Assistant Police Chief Daniel Franklin has been appointed interim police chief. Chief Franklin will be assuming this position as Police Chief Ellis retires. Learn about Chief Franklin's plans for the Willow Park Police Department, professional experience, and family.

Latest Update: Thursday, 16 March, 2023

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WP Council names interim police chief

The Community News, 17 March 2023

During the 14 March 2023 Council Meeting, Willow Park's Assistant Police Chief Daniel Franklin was appointed interim police chief. Chief Franklin will be assuming this position as Police Chief Ellis retires. (Willow Park Civics Blog >Willow Park Police Chief resigns.)

"Me and her worked really well together, her thinking and mine are pretty much in line," Franklin said. "I wouldn't see much need to change the department.

"I'm excited to have an opportunity to continue the path Chief Ellis and I have been working on. I've worked with a lot of police chiefs and she's the best I've ever worked with."

Read more about Chief Franklin in the complete article in the 17 March 2023 edition of The Community News.

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