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Willow Park Trails (and EPCoT) Master Plan, Fantastic Brochure, August 2023 Update

Updated: Oct 11, 2023

Summary: Enjoy the dramatic, Willow Park Trail Amendment Master Plan brochure. Willow Park is moving full force, implementing their plans to make Willow Park a 5-star place to live and to raise a family. With a rich variety of parks and trails, Willow Park is going to be in the very center of East Parker County Trails, EPCoT.

Latest update: Monday, 14 August, 2023


Willow Park Trails (and EPCoT) Master Plan, Fantastic Brochure, August 2023 Update

Willow Park is moving full force, implementing their plans to make Willow Park a 5-star place to live and to raise a family.

With a rich variety of parks and trails, Willow Park is going to be in the very center of the East Parker County Trails, EPCoT. In this center is the new Kings Gate Park, with its play-ground, cement walking trails, and now plans for mountain bike trails, training trails, sports fields, and more.

And remember, the Willow Park Kings Gate Park and Trails, just off and visible from I20, is surrounded by the following:

Along with the Willow Park Parks Board and Willow Park Council Lea Young, Larry Colvin, the President of Weatherford Mountain Bike Club and Senior Civil Engineer Designer for Baird, Hampton & Brown, are the driving forces for this Willow Park Parks and Trails, and beyond.

During the 01 August 2023 Parks Board Meeting, (agenda item 3 / audio file 2), Larry Colvin gave an update on Willow Park and EPCot trails, and introduced the Willow Park Trail Amendment Master Plan brochure.

The brochure is meant to educate and excite the general public, land developers, architects, engineers, planners, private land owners, and neighboring cities from Dallas to Mineral Wells.

Enjoy the first version of the Willow Park Trails (and EPCoT) Master Plan in.pdf and in graphics below. (Detailed exhibits are in a forthcoming blog.)

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