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Willow Park's Memorial Park is moving.

Summary: The City of Willow Park is planning to move the "Willow Park Memorial Park" from it's current Ranch House Road location to the new "beautified" parking lot in front of the new El Chico City Hall. Currently, there is no indication the new City Hall Memorial/Veterans Park will also be dedicated to Private Paul Balint Jr. or will also include any of the current dedications and memorials.

Latest Update: 18 August 2024


Willow Park's Memorial Park is moving.

Looks like it's a done deal. The City of Willow Park is planning to move the "Willow Park Memorial Park" from it's current location on Ranch House Road to the new "beautified" parking lot in front of the new El Chico City Hall. That's the plan.

Since the City moved their City Hall from the Ranch House Road location to the new El Chico location [2], Memorial Park, next to the old City Hall has not been fully maintained. Over the last year, the sign for Balint Memorial Park has fallen and not replaced and "the flower beds are not planned to be reconstructed at this point since the sprinkler system is no longer operational due to the old City Hall’s demolition." [1]

During the May 2024 Parks Board Meeting [3] and again during the 13 August 2024 Council Meeting [4], the City presented its new El Chico City Hall "beautified" parking lot.

The $1M+ upgrades to the parking area and empty lot in front of the El Chico City Hall, include an area for a new, albiet smaller, Memorial (Veterans ) Park - a space in the southwest corner for “Future Development – Memorial Park.” [4]

The dedication of the current Willow Park Memorial park is to Pfc. Paul Balint Jr. [5] Currently, there is no indication the new City Hall Memorial/Veterans Park will also be dedicated to Private Paul Balint Jr. or will also include any of the current dedications and memorials.

Sources and Resources

Memorial Park: Lawn maintenance continues. The flower beds are not planned to be reconstructed at this point since the sprinkler system is no longer operational due to the old City Hall’s demolition.

[2] Willow Park City Hall Index, Willow Park Civics Blog, posted 13 December 2023

[3] 07 May 2024 Parks Board Meeting, Agenda Item 4. Discuss past progress and future plans for Kings Gate Park.

[4] 13 August 2024 Council Meeting, 09 August 2024, Agenda Items 2 and 3

• 2. Discussion/Action: approval for Westwood Professional Services to proceed with the bid process and start the City Hall parking lot project.

• 3. Discussion/Action: Kings Gate Park Concept Plans and Memorial Park consideration for relocation.

During initial City Hall parking lot discussions with Westwood, adding parkland to the City Hall site was discussed and Staff agreed that the future of the Memorial Park at 516 Ranch House Rd. needed to be decided. While brainstorming, it was suggested that the park be moved to the site of City Hall. Albeit a separate project, the conceptual plan for the City Hall parking lot shows a space in the southwest corner for “Future Development – Memorial Park”. While requesting the cost estimate for Kings Gate Park, Staff also asked Ms. Witmeyer to provide an estimate for the addition of [Veterans Park] to the City Hall property. A conceptual design has not yet been requested, but a cost estimate for basic elements expected for such a project is $610,000 with a 30% contingency.

[5] Memorial Day: Willow Park's Pfc. Paul Balint Jr., Willow Park Civics Blog, posted 30 May 2024

On Memorial Day we remember Willow Park residents who died for our country. Pfc. Paul Balint Jr. of Willow Park was 22 when he died in service to his country; he was killed 15 December 2006 by small-arms fire in Ramadi, Iraq. He died of injuries sustained when his unit came in contact with the enemy during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Willow Park City Hall Index, Willow Park Civics Blog

Willow Park Parks and Trails Index, Willow Park Civics Blog


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