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Willow Park Population. Declaring and preparing for City growth.

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Summary: Willow Park now has a resolution declaring the population of Willow Park to be greater than 5,000 (about 8.5K). This population resolution allows the City to expand its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, ETJ, one (1) mile beyond the current City limits, preparing the City for commercial and residential growth.

Latest Update: Thursday, 30 November, 2023

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Willow Park Population. Declaring and preparing for City growth.

September 2023 City Limits and ETJ Map

Willow Park now has a resolution declaring the population of Willow Park to be greater than 5,000. This population resolution allows the City to expand its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, ETJ, one (1) mile beyond the current City limits, preparing the City for commercial and residential growth.

During the 14 November 2023 Council meeting (*1), City Administrator Grimes explained, Texas statutes indicate a city population of less than 5K can only have an ETJ of .5 miles outside the city limits; a population over 5K is allowed to extend its ETJ to a mile beyond the city limits.

Grimes also explained there are several ways the State allows a city to determine city population. One is the current US Census for Willow Park, which count 5,650 residents in the City of Willow Park.

However, the calculation preferred by our City Staff is to use the current water connections and garbage-only accounts; this calculation estimates the current City of Willow Park population at about 8.5K.

Research and Sources

*1 During the 14 November 2023 Council Meeting, Agenda item 4., the Council passed the following resolution "to approve a resolution finding and declaring that the City of Willow Park has more than 5,000 inhabitants in the corporate limits of the City." (FB video 24.03)

Background: Per state statute, General Law Cities in Texas may certify their population is greater than 5000 residents. There are multiple ways to make this determination, including using water accounts as a base line. The formula to certify population using water accounts is as follows:

• Number of Accounts * 3.5 Residents per Account

• 2281 Water Accounts * 3.5 Residents = 7,983 Residents

• Please note this only reflects water accounts. The City also has 141 garbage only accounts which is not reflective in this formula. When garbage only accounts are factored in, the City could add an additional 493 residents to our population.

Exhibits: • Ordinance • Texas Demographic Center, Estimates of Total Population

• Council Review The Community News 17 November 2023. New wastewater plant bid accepted, Certificates of obligation to help with payment, Haney annexation, population estimate Weatherford Mountain Bike Club

• The Texas Constitution > Local Government Code > Title 2. Organization Of Municipal Government > Subtitle C. Municipal Boundaries And Annexation > Chapter 42. Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Of Municipalities> Subchapter A. General Provisions > Sec. 42.001.

Purpose Of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: The legislature declares it the policy of the state to designate certain areas as the extraterritorial jurisdiction of municipalities to promote and protect the general health, safety, and welfare of persons residing in and adjacent to the municipalities.

Sec. 42.021. EXTENT OF EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION. (a) The extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality is the unincorporated area that is contiguous to the corporate boundaries of the municipality and that is located:

(1) within one-half mile of those boundaries, in the case of a municipality with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants;

(2) within one mile of those boundaries, in the case of a municipality with 5,000 to 24,999 inhabitants;

(3) within two miles of those boundaries, in the case of a municipality with 25,000 to 49,999 inhabitants;

(4) within 3-1/2 miles of those boundaries, in the case of a municipality with 50,000 to 99,999 inhabitants; or

(5) within five miles of those boundaries, in the case of a municipality with 100,000 or more inhabitants.

• The Texas Constitution > Article 11. Municipal Corporations, Section 5 Cities Of More Than 5,000 Population: Adoption Or Amendment Of Charters; Taxes; Debt Restrictions

• Texas City Limits Coalition > What is an ETJ?

The Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) is a designated buffer area located just outside of the city limits. In 1963, each municipality was afforded an ETJ by the Texas Local Government Code as a method of defining potential growth and future service boundaries. Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) zones are still controlled by certain city laws that restrict Texans from having a voice.


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