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Willow Park City Hall Index

Updated: Apr 30

Summary: The following Willow Park Civics blogs and webpages include maps, plats, documents, graphics, photos, and history of City Hall on El Chico Trail.

Latest Update: 18 December, 2023

Select #Tags for additional articles: #CityHall


Willow Park City Hall Index

Willow Park Civics Blog > New Landscaping for New City Hall posted 13 December 2023

The City has hired engineers to plan improvements to the front of new City Hall. The $88K contract is for improvement plans only and not for the actual landscaping.

Willow Park Civics Blog > 12 December 2023 Council Meeting

• Agenda Item 7. Discussion/Action: to approve a contact proposal for professional services with Westwood Professional Services, Inc. "In an effort to beautify the frontage of City Hall with landscaping and increase the parking area..."

• Agenda Item 9. to authorize staff to accept bids to demolish the building located at 516 Ranch House Road.

• Executive Session Item 12. 551.072 - Discussing the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property; 516 Ranch House Road.

 Willow Park Civics Blog > New City Hall: Debt Done 13 June 2023.

The City has issued debt of $8.5M to purchase and improve the entire building at 120 El Chico Trail.

Willow Park Civics Blog > 23 May 2023 Council Meeting

Agenda Items 6 and 7, the council voted to issue two (2) Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation.

• Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation (CO), [tax exempt] Series 2023 for $4,310,000

• Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation (CO), Taxable Series 2023 A for $4,190,000

Council approves sale of certificates of obligation, Nearing closure for purchase of new home, The Community News, 24 May 2023 [in .pdf]

Willow Park Civics Blog > 09 May 2023 Council Meeting Executive Session

Willow Park Civics Blog > 25 April 2023 Council Meeting

• Executive Session 2. Discussion of purchase contracts for the purchase of 120 El Chico along with adjoining unimproved property. - Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney; Section 551.072 Deliberations Regarding Real Property #CityHall

• Minutes: To approve an approved property contract with Parker County RE Partners, LLC for the purchase of 120 El Chico Trail and to approve an unapproved contract with I20 KC LLC for the purchase of 120 El Chico Trail.

Willow Park Civics Blog > 11 April 2023 Council Meeting

• Executive Session 15. Discussion of purchase contracts for the purchase of 120 El Chico along with adjoining unimproved property. #CityHall 

Minutes: The City Council may approve an improved property purchase contract with Parker County RE Partners, LLC for 120 El Chico. Additionally, the City Council may approve an unimproved property purchase contract with I-20 KC, LLC for unimproved property adjoining 120 El Chico.

Willow Park Civics Blog > New City Hall: Update - Debt, 05 April 2023

Willow Park Civics Blog > New City Hall Original Post 05 April 2023.

No longer the interim lease of a suite, the City of Willow Park is purchasing the entire building at 120 El Chico Trail. Currently the city is working on funding of $8,500,000* for the purchase. The new El Chico City Hall will be over six (6) times larger than the old Ranch House Road City Hall and will house all city departments.

120 El Chico Trail, Willow Park, Texas 76087


8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (12N - 1 p.m. lunch break)

In December 2022, the city signed a two and a half year lease (2.5) for Suite A of 120 El Chico Trail and quickly moved from the first Willow Park City Hall on Ranch House Road to the El Chico City Hall in January 2023. And just as quickly, during the 30 March 2023 Special Council Meeting, the City started the process of purchasing the whole building at 120 El Chico Trail. Rreferences in Journal below.)

The El Chico City Hall will house all city departments.

The El Chico City Hall comes with the following data:

  • Year Built 2010

  • 16,851 sq. ft. Note: The Ranch House Road City Hall about 2.7K sq. ft.

  • 2.54 acres

  • 48 parking spaces and additional 1/4 Acre graveled parking lot

  • Parker County Appraisal District for 120 El Chico Trail  

    • The most recent property appraisal in 2022 was for $1,600,000

    • Legal: Acres: 2.542, Lot: ALL, Blk: 68R, Subd: EL CHICO

Willow Park Civics Blog > 03 April 2023 Special Council Meeting

Agenda Item 1 all matters incident and related to approving and authorizing publication and posting of notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation in an amount not to exceed $8,500,000 for the purpose of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) acquiring, renovating, improving and equipping an existing building for public safety facilities, judicial facilities, a city hall and municipal facilities for administrative offices for city departments

Willow Park Civics Blog > 30 March 2023 Special Council Meeting, Executive Session

Willow Park Civics Blog > City Buying a New City Hall This Thursday? 28 March 2023

Willow Park Civics Blog > New (Interim) City Hall 23 February 2023

In new digs, Willow Park council discusses possible new police station, The Community News, 17 February 2023, Review of 14 February 2023 Council Meeting, [Photo of ribbon cutting.] Excerpts. need for new police station, unbudgeted expenses with new city hall, Wastewater treatment plant, Drainage project update, Fort Worth water update, Street project update, Opioid settlement

City hall ribbon cutting and open house, City of Willow Park website, 25 January 2023

 Our city hall will make the Big Debut on Valentine's Day [Tuesday, 14 February 2023]! Join us in showing some love for Willow Park with a ribbon cutting at 11 a.m. with the East Parker County Chamber

Utility payment drop box has moved, City of Willow Park, 19 January 2023

The utility payment drop box has moved to our new location!

Open for business. Tuesday, 17 January, 2023 City of Willow Park Facebook page. 

"This is your sign! City Hall will open tomorrow, Jan. 17, 2023, at 8 a.m. in our new location at 120 El Chico, Suite A. Please note there are two entrances at our new location: the western door is for development, permitting, and inspections, and the eastern door is for utility payments and all other departments.

Hours will remain the same as the old location: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. with a break from noon-1 p.m. for lunch. The utility drop box will remain at the old city hall location for now. Our phone numbers and email address are the same as the old location, so if you have any questions, feel free to give us a call at 817-441-7108 or email We look forward to serving you in our new building!

Willow Park Civics Update: City answers to citizens questions, 09 January, 2023

  • Will the new council chamber have the technology to live-feed and video the council meetings? Yes

  • Will the city phone numbers remain the same? Yes

  • How many of the current city hall employees will make the move to the El Chico Trail City Hall? All current city hall employees will be moving to the new city hall.

  • Will any city employees still work at the Ranch House City Hall, and if so how many? Or will the Ranch House city hall be closed entirely. The Ranch House building will be closed entirely. [The Willow Park Utility Drop-box and the USPS drop-box will remain at the old Ranch House Rd. location until further notice. Updated 19 January 2023. the Utility Drop Box is now at the El Chico City Hall.]

  • What departments will be located in the new El Chico City Hall? Administration, Finance/HR, Utility Billing, Building Permits, Development, City Engineer, and Communications. The Fire Marshal office will move over at a later date to which I don’t know exactly when yet.  

  • Will other city employees who do not work in the current Ranch House City Hall, also move into the new facilities? Fire Marshal’s Office

  • Will the new city hall have a US Post Office Box available as the Ranch House Road city hall now has? If not, where will be the closest US Post Office Box? The USPS is the authoritative over the US Post Office Box. We have informed USPS of our move.


Willow Park Civics Blog > 13 Dec. 2022 Council Meeting

Informational, City Administrator Comments: Executed a lease for new City Hall at 120 El Chico trail Suite A; this is the new address for city hall effective 01 January but may be able to get into the building sooner. #CityHall

Willow Park Civics Blog > 28 November 2022 Special Council Meeting

Executive session

• 1. 551.071 Gov’t Code (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 Gov’t Code (Deliberations regarding real property) - Lease of Office Space for City Hall with Parker County RE Partners, LLC.

• 2. 551.072 Discussing the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property – Willow Park Public Safety Building. #EMSFirePoliceAmb #CityHall

• RECONVENE into Open Session

  • A motion was made by Councilmember Runnebaum and a seconded by Councilmember Young to authorize the Mayor to execute a lease with Parker County RE Partners, LLC subject to changes as discussed in executive session.  


Willow Park Civics > Issues > New City Hall, includes Willow Park Civics Blogs

(including the El Chico City Hall lease, dated 05 December 2022), and details of the city's plans for a new city hall.

Willow Park Civics > Issues > Fire Department and ESD1, includes Willow Park Civics Blogs. A new city hall was part of the plans during the ESD1 annexation of Willow Park Fire and Rescue.

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