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Index, Willow Park Church of Christ rezoning from residential to commercial

Updated: Mar 3

Summary: The following Willow Park Civics blogs and webpages include maps, plats, documents, graphics, photos, and history of the Willow Park Church of Christ rezoning from residential to commercial, Index.

Latest Update: updated 28 February, 2024; posted 22 January, 2024

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Willow Park Church of Christ rezoning from residential to commercial Index

Council approves zoning change for church property, 01 March 2024, The Community News

• Agenda Item 6 Public Hearing

• Agenda Item 7 Discussion and Action on rezoning to PD

• [Rezoning from Residential to Planned Development Commercial Office passed council, quorum of four, with four Yea votes.]

• Agenda Item 2 Public Hearing #2

• Agenda Item 5 Discussion and Action on rezoning to PD

The next step in rezoning the Willow Park Church of Christ will be a P&Z Meeting, Tuesday, 20 February, 2024, and then a Council Meeting, Tuesday, 27 February, 2024. The City will be considering and taking action on a new rezoning request for the Church, from Residential Zone to Planned Development Zone. All Willow Park Citizens are encouraged to attend and participate in these City Meetings.

Public Hearing for Haney Development rezoning and SUP for Roller Skating Rink; Public Hearing for WP Church of Christ rezoning; Legal Notice for NBT Financial Bank opening; Legal Notice for First Bank Texas mobile branch.

The City of Willow Park finally had a conversation with the residential neighbors of the Willow Park Church of Christ; Citizen were concerned about the Willow Park Church of Christ rezoning from residential to commercial; the City is proposing to use a Planned Development Zone to address most of the Citizens' concerns.

For the WP Church of Christ rezoning from residential to commercial, the City is holding a Q&A working group meeting for WP Citizens, Wednesday, 31 Jan. 2024, 11A, at City Hall. ALL Willow Park Citizens are encouraged to be involved.

Over twenty Willow Park Citizens attended the 23 January 2024 Council Meeting, to listen and speak about the rezoning of the Willow Park Church of Christ from residential to commercial. However, the Council began by postposing the rezoning action for a future date. However, Citizens still spoke. WPC will continue to follow this rezoning issue.

"Current ordinances for businesses do not protect residents who are located in close proximity to these types of operations. The local citizens are 100% in agreement that the City Council must deny this proposed change until all the citizens’ objections are [addressed]..." Important issue for ALL Willow Park residential owners. Decisive Council Meeting Tue. 23 January. Speak now or forever hold your peace. Details at linked blog.

Willow Park Church of Christ, in the middle of the old Willow Park wants to convert from residential zoning to commercial zoning. During the 23 January Council Meeting, the residents in the neighborhoods around the Church are planning to ask the Council NOT to approve the rezoning ordinance until the City addresses the concerns and rights of Willow Park home owners. Join them and add your voice. Even if you don't choose to speak, your attendance sends a strong message.

23 January 2024 Council Meeting, Agenda Items 2 and 3, posted 22 January 2024

Willow Park Church of Christ, in the middle of the old Willow Park residential zone, wants to convert from residential zoning to commercial zoning. The buyer, Aledo Legacy LLC, wants to convert the church to a multi-use office building. The P&Z Commission approved during their 16 January meeting and the last Public Hearing and decision will be made at the 23 January City Council Meeting. Details in the blog linked below.

16 January 2024 P&Z Commission, Agenda Items 2 and 3,posted 15 January 2024

Public Hearing and recommendation on Willow Park Church of Christ rezoning from residential (church) to commercial for sale to office building. Details and maps in linked blog.

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