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Williams: President's Attack on Main Street

Summary: "In just two short years, the Biden Administration has enacted extensive new burdensome rules and bureaucratic paperwork on small businesses." Newsletter from US Rep. Roger Williams for Texas District 25, which includes Willow Park.

Latest Update: Wednesday, 02 November, 2022


President Biden's Attack on Main Street

Dear Texans,

In just two short years, the Biden Administration has enacted extensive new burdensome rules and bureaucratic paperwork on small businesses. Congress enacted safeguards to insulate Main Street America from the most harmful policies coming out of Washington. However, it appears that many of these processes continue to be ignored. Republican Members on the House Small Business Committee know this has had negative consequences on hardworking job creators and took action to provide oversight on this regulatory attack.

My colleagues and I launched a full-scale oversight approach across the Biden Administration's federal agencies addressing their rules implementation and processes. Main Street America doesn’t need more burdensome regulations, they need less government and free market policies to help them grow and stay competitive. We cannot allow the Biden Administration to be derelict in their duty to advocate on behalf of America's job creators in order to help them enact their radical political agenda.

To read more on the House Small business Committee Republicans' work to protect small businesses, read

House Small Business Committee Republicans, 24 October 2022

In God we trust,

Roger Williams

Member of Congress


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