Summary: As part of the Chapter 380 agreement with UNCO Standard Services restaurant, Willow Park agreed to construct a lift station south of I20 near the new restaurant and a waste water pipeline from the lift station to the Willow Park Wastewater Treatment Plant. This Bankhead I20 Wastewater Project will be funded with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.
Latest Update: Friday, 04 August, 2023
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Wastewater Project: Bankhead I20 sewer lines and lift station
Note: The Willow Park Wastewater Treatment Project consists of four projects: the new plant (WWTP), the effluent lines to the Squaw Creek Club, an extension of wastewater lines under I20, and wastewater lines along Bankhead South. All are covered at Willow Park Civics > City > City Services > Wastewater
Summary: As part of the Chapter 380 agreement with UNCO Standard Services restaurant, Willow Park agreed to construct a lift station south of I20 near the new restaurant and a waste water pipeline from the lift station to the Willow Park Wastewater Treatment Plant. This Bankhead I20 Wastewater Project will be funded with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.
As part of the Chapter 380 financial and tax agreement with UNCO Standard Services approved during the 14 December 2021 Council Meeting, Willow Park agreed to the "Construction of Lift Station... the City shall construct and install a lift station and extend approximately 1,750 linear feet of forced sewer main, in sizes, capacities and locations as determined by the City in its reasonable discretion, to an area adjacent to and/or near the Property [UNCO's Standard Services Restaurant] as is depicted in attached Exhibit "C" [source Chapter 380 Agreement below]
On 11 March 2022, The City published a Public Notice in The Community News, (in .pdf) “Separate sealed bids for the construction of BANKHEAD SEWER EXTENSION will be received by the City of Willow Park, Texas... This project consists of furnishing and installation of approximately 1,850 linear feet of 6-inch SDR 26 PVC force main, 435 linear feet of 14-inch bore and encasement, and 95 linear feet of encased sewer line, lift station, and associated appurtenances… The project to be constructed will be financed with assistance from the American Rescue Plan Act and is subject to all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations…”
Willow Park Civics Research:
Willow Park Civics > City > City Services > Wastewater
Willow Park Civics > City > Development > Chapter 380 Agreement, City of Willow Park and UNCO RE Holdings LLC
The City of Willow Park has chosen its Chapter 380 Agreement with UNCO RE Holdings LLC / Standard Services Restaurant development, on which to spend the city's ARPA funds.
Effective date 10 December 2021 / approved 14 December 2021 Council Meeting
"Chapter 380 Grant(s)" shall mean: 5.04 Construction of Lift Station... the City shall construct and install a lift station and extend approximately 1,750 linear feet of forced sewer main, in sizes, capacities and locations as determined by the City in its reasonable discretion, to an area adjacent to and/or near the Property as is depicted in attached Exhibit "C", no later than thirteen ( 13) months after the Effective Date of this Agreement; provided, that if the City is delayed in completing such construction beyond thirteen ( 13) months after the Effective Date of this Agreement then the three (3) year time period for the Chapter 380 Payments under this Agreement shall extend on a month-for-month basis until such construction is completed. Developer shall be responsible, at its sole cost and expense, for extending its service line to the point of interconnection with the City's sewer main and for the payment of any tap fees.
Willow Park Civics Blog > Standard Services Restaurant is taking shape and WOW. 21 February 2023
Willow Park Civics Blog > New restaurant I20 South, 26 October, 2022
14 December 2022 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 6. to authorize the Mayor's signature on a Chapter 380 Agreement between the City and Unco. / During previous deliberations, Council has authorized staff to prepare a Chapter 380 Agreement with UNCO for a restaurant / amusement and entertainment concept to be located along the South Frontage Road of IH 20, near the new TCA Athletic Complex currently under construction. The deal points include:
• Connectivity to the City of Willow Park Wastewater System
• Waiver of all inspection fees and permits up to $20,000
• Rebate on 100% of Ad Valorem Taxes for a 3 year period
ARPA PROJECT: Public Notice The Community News, 11 March 2022 (in .pdf) “Separate sealed bids for the construction of BANKHEAD SEWER EXTENSION will be received by the City of Willow Park, Texas... This project consists of furnishing and installation of approximately 1,850 linear feet of 6-inch SDR 26 PVC force main, 435 linear feet of 14-inch bore and encasement, and 95 linear feet of encased sewer line, lift station, and associated appurtenances… The project to be constructed will be financed with assistance from the American Rescue Plan Act and is subject to all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations…”
Willow Park Civics Webpage > Issues > American Recuse Plan Act (ARPA) Funds
The American Rescue Plan (ARP) was enacted to provide state and local governments with the money needed to rescue their budgets and economies during the pandemic. The Treasury administered over $1 trillion of funds appropriated through the legislation. Almost $195 billion went to the states mostly based upon the number of unemployed people in each state. According to the US Treasury, the Act provided funds for many state and local projects, including 'affordable housing, quality education, and public health to reduce the health, economic, and educational disparities that left them more vulnerable to COVID-19.'” The American Rescue Plan, Truth in Accounting, 18 October 2022