Summary: Somebody knows something. Most vandalism is a demand for attention, which means bragging. As a community, let's help. Not only for the preservation of our tax-supported, community assets, but also for the future of our young people, we need to stop this destructive and disrespectful behavior.
Latest Update: 06 August 2024
Tags: #Parks
Vandalism in Willow Park's Cross Timber Park. New security camera. As a community, let's help.
Somebody knows something. Most vandalism is a demand for attention, which means bragging. As a community, let's help. Not only for the preservation of our tax-supported, community assets, but also for the future of our young people, we need to stop this destructive and disrespectful behavior.
"On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, possibly between the hours of 1:00 and 5:00 p.m., the Cross Timbers Park restrooms were severely vandalized. The interior wall of the women’s restroom was spraypainted with vulgar graffiti and the commode seal was broken as an attempt to pull it from the wall. All interior walls, door, floor, sink, mirror, commode, and hand dryer of the men’s restroom were heavily spraypainted with more of the same. Fortunately, none of the damage was irreparable, but the Public Works department spent about $100 and worked a total of 6 manhours for reparations before the restrooms could be reopened. Based on the content, and that most of the damage was in the men’s room, Willow Park Police Department believes that the perpetrators were likely young males of approximately 11-14 years of age." [1]
"Staff believe that adding a second camera on the roofline of the restrooms, giving a clear view of those who move in and out of the restrooms, The addition of an additional camera will be at an estimated cost not to exceed $3,000, funds which are available within the Parks Department’s current fiscal budget." [1]
"If you have any information on these or any crimes committed within the City of Willow Park, please contact the Willow Park Police Department at 817-441-9747 or Emergency 911." [1]
Sources and Resources
[1] 06 August 2024 Parks Board Meeting Agenda Items 2. Discussion & Action: Purchase of Security Camera for Cross Timbers Park.
• Background:

On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, possibly between the hours of 1:00 and 5:00 p.m., the Cross Timbers Park restrooms were severely vandalized. The interior wall of the women’s restroom was spraypainted with vulgar graffiti and the commode seal was broken as an attempt to pull it from the wall. All interior walls, door, floor, sink, mirror, commode, and hand dryer of the men’s restroom were heavily spraypainted with more of the same. Fortunately, none of the damage was irreparable, but the Public Works department spent about $100 and worked a total of 6 manhours for reparations before the restrooms could be reopened. Based on the content, and that most of the damage was in the men’s room, Willow Park Police Department believes that the perpetrators were likely young males of approximately 11-14 years of age.
Just two weeks prior, upon tending to the restroom maintenance, our Parks Superintendent found the toilet so clogged that he had to snake the line to clear it, and the entire sink was smeared with, what appeared to be blood.
Additionally, he has had to clean feces smeared on walls in both restrooms. several times before.
Unfortunately, these manners of disgust and disrespect are inherent to public restrooms. The restrooms at Cross Timbers Park are locked 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. and the park is surveilled by a security camera and the Willow Park Police Department 24/7; however, catching such vandalism is difficult since it takes place inside of the restrooms. Staff believe that adding a second camera on the roofline of the restrooms, giving a clear view of those who move in and out of the restrooms, and additional surveillance signage will help to deter this behavior and provide WPPD better opportunities for evaluation and identification of persons of interest. The addition of an additional camera will be at an estimated cost not to exceed $3,000, funds which are available within the Parks Department’s current fiscal budget.
If you have any information on these or any crimes committed within the City of Willow Park, please contact the Willow Park Police Department at 817-441-9747 or Emergency 911.