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The wastewater effluent line from the new WWPT to the Squaw Creek Golf Club is completed.

Summary: To diminish the effects of effluent water in the Clear Fork Trinity River, which runs through the back yards of our southern neighbors, Willow Park has built a pipeline from the new Willow Park Wastewater Treatment Plant to a retention pond at the Squaw Creek Golf Course. The effluent line was completed April 2024.

Latest Update: posted 24 June, 2024


The wastewater effluent line from the new WWPT to the Squaw Creek Golf Club is completed.

*# = source#

The Willow Park Wastewater Treatment Project consists of four projects:

the new plant (WWTP), the effluent lines to the Squaw Creek Club, an extension of wastewater lines under I20, and wastewater lines along Bankhead South. All are covered at Willow Park Civics > City > City Services > Wastewater 

"The effluent [*1] line from the new Wastewater Treatment Plant location to Squaw Creek Golf Course was completed and accepted by staff on April 29, 2024. For the city to close out this part of the project with the Texas Water Development Board, the council must approve the work and accept this portion of the project as completed." [*2]

Project Closeout, Texas Water Development Board

To diminish the effects of effluent water in the Clear Fork Trinity River, which runs through the back yards of our southern neighbors, Willow Park is building a pipeline from the new Willow Park Wastewater Treatment Plant to a retention pond at the Squaw Creek Golf Course. [*3]

During the 14 February 2023 Council Meeting (Agenda Item 14), the city awarded "a base bid schedule A through D for the Wastewater Effluent Line to B&L Construction Company for a total of $1,383,285.00" to install "approximately 5,200 linear feet of 10-inch HDPE effluent force main, 1,980 linear feet of 12-inch HDPE effluent source main, an effluent lift station and associated appurtenances. [*3]

History and Journal of the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Willow Park are covered at Willow Park Civics > City > City Services > Wastewater .

History and Journal of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent Line are covered at Willow Park Civics Blog > Wastewater Project: Effluent Line, posted 17 May 2023

Sources and Resource

Source *1

What is Effluent? A deep dive into understanding effluent. Wastewater Magazine

Effluent is sewage that has been treated in a septic tank or sewage treatment plant. It is also referred to as “trade effluent” or “wastewater.”

Effluent is waste other than waste from kitchens or toilets, surface water or domestic sewage. It can be produced and discharged by any industrial or commercial premises. Effluent usually flows from the premises directly into the main sewer network and it cannot enter a river, reservoir, stream or lake unless it is cleaned and treated first. 

Source *2 11 June 2024 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 9. Discussion/Action: to consider and approve acceptance of the closeout of the Wastewater Effluent Line contract – TWDB CWSRF No. 73890 CID 01. #WastewaterTreatmentPlant


Project Closeout, Texas Water Development Board

The effluent line from the new Wastewater Treatment Plant location to Squaw Creek Golf Course was completed and accepted by staff on April 29, 2024. For the city to close out this part of the project with the Texas Water Development Board, the council must approve the work and accept this portion of the project as completed.

Exhibits: Texas Water Development Board

[Source *3] Wastewater Project: Effluent Line, Willow Park Blog, 17 May 2023

To diminish the effects of effluent water in the Clear Fork Trinity River, which runs through the back yards of our southern neighbors, Willow Park is building a pipeline from the new Willow Park Wastewater Treatment Plant to a retention pond at the Squaw Creek Golf Course. 

During the 14 February 2023 Council Meeting (Agenda Item 14), the city awarded "a base bid schedule A through D for the Wastewater Effluent Line to B&L Construction Company for a total of $1,383,285.00" to install "approximately 5,200 linear feet of 10-inch HDPE effluent force main, 1,980 linear feet of 12-inch HDPE effluent source main, an effluent lift station and associated appurtenances.

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