More people are relocating to these Texas cities than Austin, moving company says. BigCountryHomepage .com, 02 May 2022
Here’s where Texas’ population increased the most in the past decade, according to the 2020 Census, KXAN Austin, 12 August 2021
(This webpage is ornery, so here it is in .pdf.)

Editorial Comment: They’re coming. Next door Tarrant County is #2 in Population Change in Texas Counties 2010 to 2020 and Parker County increased 26.76%. Economic development management is going to be paramount.
Population Change in Texas Counties 2010 -2020
Fastest Growing by total increase, #2 Tarrant County
Population Change in Texas Counties, % change
Map, Population Change in Texas Counties, % change
Parker County 26.76% increase
Population Change in Texas Cities 2010 -2020
Fastest Growing by total increase, #2 Forth Worth +177,709
Map, Population Change in Texas Cities, % Change in Population
Map, Population Change in Texas Metropolitan Statistical Areas
Texas County Rankings
Harris County remains the largest county in Texas, accounting for 16.23% of the statewide population. Dallas, Tarrant, Bexar and Travis Counties comprise the rest of the top five largest counties.
State Population Changes
Austin ranked No. 16 on the list of cities with most people moving in. Houston and San Antonio both ranked higher, at No. 12 and No. 13 respectively, but Dallas-Fort Worth claimed the top spot in Texas, at No. 2 nationwide.
The PODS data is in line with U.S. Census Bureau numbers. According to 2020 Census data, all five aforementioned cities ranked in the top 5 Texas cities with the highest increase in population. Houston added more than 200,000 residents between 2010 and 2020, and Fort Worth and Austin both added more than 170,000. San Antonio and Dallas both saw population increases of a little more than 100,000.
Fort Worth saw the largest percentage increase during the same timeframe, with a 23.98% jump in population. Austin was close behind with a population increase of 21.68%. Houston, Dallas and San Antonio all saw population increases between 8 and 9%.
So what’s driving the trends? The PODS report highlights the fact that many companies are now allowing remote working permanently, which gives employees more freedom when choosing where to live.
“Moving closer to family, particularly aging family members, is also high on the list, which could explain why many people have found themselves moving to Florida and Maine, two states with the highest percentage of older-aged populations in the country,” the report states.
Meanwhile, several locations in the Northeast, particularly around New York City, saw the most people leaving.