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Street Improvement Projects, Update 24 April 2023

Summary: With Crown Road behind schedule and Kings Gate Road started 06 March 2023, construction began this week on two (2) more Willow Park roads, on the eastbound side of Ranch House Road between Vista Dr/East Lake Dr and Crown Road and on Trinity Court. Find details, maps, photos, and charts about Willow Park Street Improvement Plans. / Willow Park Civics will update and repost this Blog as the project develops. WPC also maintains a journal at Willow Park Civics > City > City Services > Streets and Roads

Latest Update: Wednesday, 26 April, 2023


Blog Index: Current Update, Phase One Project, Total Street Improvement Project (includes First Phase starting 28 November / Long-Term Street Improvement Project ($30.9M) / Squaw Creek Road Special Project ($9M) / Willow Park Parks and Trails / Willow Park Civics Research)

Current Update Phase 1

• Crown Road • Kings Gate Road • Ranch House Road • Trinity Court

Crown Road, (from Ranch House Road south to the city limits) [cement]

Although Crown Road construction, which began March 2023, is behind schedule, the contractor has indicated they will adjust manpower to complete Phase One on time, November 2023.

In addition, there have been complaints about traffic management. If you are experiencing construction management issues, contact the City Administrator Bryan Grimes., (817) 441-7108

UPDATE: Crown Road, Phase 1 - (Northbound Lane) 24 April 2023 Council Meeting Agenda Item 9 in .pdf; City Engineer Report 29.10 on Facebook video.

  • The contractor continues to work on the drive approaches and concrete riprap alongCrown Road (northbound lane). The northbound section is substantially complete.

  • The contractor will switch traffic to start construction on the southbound lane of Crown Road mid next week

  • All but one of the driveways along Crown Road are complete.

  • Approximately 5,400 square yards of concrete have been poured to date.

Traffic on Crown Road continues to be SOUTHBOUND only. Willow Park City , 123 March 2023

• Kings Gate Road (from north of the bridge to the top of the hill) [cement]

Kings Gate Road construction began March 2023 and is on schedule.

Note: Kings Gate Road Bridge is the responsibility of TxDOT and is not part of Willow Park's Kings Gate Road construction; see details at Willow Park Civics Blog > Kings Gate Road Bridge /TBD

UPDATE: King’s Gate Road, Phase 1 (Southbound Lane), 24 April 2023 Council Meeting Agenda Item 9 in .pdf; City Engineer Report 29.10 on Facebook video.

  • The existing asphalt has been removed and hauled off to meet final pavement grade. The crew continues to work on the subgrade preparation.

  • The contractor has completed the installation of the 24” storm sewer pipe on the west side of King’s Gate Road north of the Clear Fork Trinity River and will begin working on the 2-20’ curb inlets.

  • The contractor started setting up the concrete paving forms.

  • Poured cement starting Tuesday and working north.

Construction Traffic Pattern, Willow Park City

• Ranch House Road between Vista Dr/East Lake Dr and Crown Road [cement]

Ranch House Road is beginning the week of 24 April 2023. On 21 April 2023, the City identified construction traffic patterns and warned Willow Park drivers the Willow Park Police would be monitoring traffic closely.

UPDATE: Ranch House Road, Phase 1 (Eastbound Lane) 24 April 2023 Council Meeting Agenda Item 9 in .pdf, City Engineer Report 29.10 on Facebook video.

• Construction on the eastbound lane of Ranch House Road will start April 24, 2023.

• Site Barricades personnel will install barricades, warning/detour signs, and traffic cones.

Willow Park City Facebook 21 April 2023 "Beginning Monday, April 24, construction crews will be mobilizing for work on the eastbound side of Ranch House Road between Vista Dr/East Lake Dr and Crown Road. Please remember: NO EASTBOUND TRAFFIC IS ALLOWED DURING THIS PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION, PERIOD. If you live along this stretch of Ranch House, you will be allowed back and forth to your home, but only westbound. Please see the attached map for detours and alternate routes.

"Willow Park Police Department will be watching and will be issuing citations for wrong-way driving. Please don't endanger yourself or anyone else by disobeying the signs.

"We are aware that this is going to be a huge inconvenience for those in the area, particularly since Crown Road is southbound only at this time. Relief is on the way! Traffic should be switching to northbound only on Crown soon.

We appreciate everyone's patience during this process. It will be well-worth it when the projects are complete."

• Trinity Court [asphalt]

Trinity Court is the first asphalt street repair in the Willow Park Street Improvement Project, Phase 1. The city engineer indicated, during the 25 April 2023 Council Meeting, that while not listed on the Street Improvement Project Report, work started on Trinity Court the week of 24 April 2023 with a "small crew working on the fourteen (14) driveways on Trinity Court; they are trying to do two (2) a day."

  • 25 April 2023 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 5, City Engineer Report 29.10 on Facebook video.

  • 14 February 2023 Council Meeting, Trinity Court, Trinity Drive, and Sam Bass Court: Contractor will begin working on Trinity Court, Trinity Drive, and Sam Bass Court in the coming weeks.  XIT delivered construction notices to residents on 1/19/2023.

  • Base Bid Schedule asphalt streets, page 45, XIT Paving Contract, linked below.


Phase One Project

(See Willow Park Civics > City > City Services > Streets and Roads for complete Journal )

  • This Project phase will cost $6.42M dollars and is expected to be competed in twelve months, November 2023. WPC Notes: Note, the largest portions of the Drainage improvement Project and funds will be included with the city's Street Improvement Project [13 Dec. 2022 Council Meeting]

  • Engineer: Jacob & Martin, LLC

  • Contractor: XIT Paving & Construction, Inc.

  • Capital Improvement Project update, Willow Park Website, 10 April 2023, Street construction and drainage work continue. "The project consists of removing and replacing approximately 36,500 square yards of existing asphalt pavement with concrete paving and replacing approximately 18,600 square yards of asphalt pavement with 2” HMAC."

  • List of Streets: Crown Road, King’s Gate Road, Ranch House Road Sam Bass Road, Sam Bass Court, Trinity Drive, Trinity Court, Old Ford Road, Crested Butte Court, Ridge Haven Court, Pleasant Court

Road remaining to be completed:

  • Sam Bass Road [cement]

    • Base Bid Schedule Sam Bass Road, page 42, XIT Paving Contract, linked below.

  • Old Ford Road and adjoining cul de sacs [asphalt]

  • Sam Bass Court [asphalt]

    • 14 February 2023 Council Meeting  Trinity Court, Trinity Drive, and Sam Bass Court: Contractor will begin working on Trinity Court, Trinity Drive, and Sam Bass Court in the coming weeks.  XIT delivered construction notices to residents on 1/19/2023.

  • Trinity Drive [asphalt]

    • 14 February 2023 Council Meeting  Trinity Court, Trinity Drive, and Sam Bass Court: Contractor will begin working on Trinity Court, Trinity Drive, and Sam Bass Court in the coming weeks.  XIT delivered construction notices to residents on 1/19/2023.

  • Base Bid Schedule asphalt streets, page 45, XIT Paving Contract, linked below.


Total Street Improvement Project

Including First Phase starting 28 November / Long-Term Street Improvement Project ($30.9M) / Squaw Creek Road Special Project ($9M) / Willow Park Parks and Trails / Willow Park Civics Research

• First Phase of the Willow Park Street Improvement Project

On Monday, 28 November 2022, work begins on the first phase of the Street Improvement Project (Project).

"As part of our 2022 Street Improvement Project, work will begin on Crown Road on Monday, November 28. During the project, Crown Road will be closed from Ranch House Road south to the city limits, and the only traffic allowed will be Crown Road residents." (21 November message from City of Willow Park below.)

The Project begins with the cement reconstruction of the following city streets:

14 Sept 2021 Council Meeting, Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan (in .pdf below)
  • Crown Road (from Ranch House Road south to the city limits)

  • Sam Bass Road

  • Ranch House Road (from Crown Road to Vista)

  • Kingsgate Road (from north of the bridge to the top of the hill)

And after the cement projects are completed, the following roads will be reconstructed in asphalt:

  • Old Ford Road and adjoining cul de sacs

  • Sam Bass Ct.

  • Trinity Trinity Ct.

This Project phase will cost $6.42M dollars and is expected to be competed in twelve months.

  • XIT Paving Contract in .pdf / Extracts below.

    • This project consists of removing and replacing approximately 36,500 square yards of existing asphalt pavement with concrete paving and replacing approximately 18,600 square yards of asphalt pavement with 2" HMAC. page 8 and page 83

    • Kingsgate Road page 31 / 4’ sidewalk page 41 / Kings Gate Road shall include 12 bike lane symbols as shown on the Plans. This item shall be considered incidental to the overall project bid. page 4 [See Parks and Trails below.]

    • Asphalt Streets 4’ sidewalk page 45

    • On or before 20 November and to complete the work. page 67

During the 25 October 2022 Council Meeting, agenda item 3, the council awarded a $6.42M contract to XIT Paving.

  • $5.25 for street improvements from street improvement Certificate of Occupancy. The current street improvement bond is $5.2M, however city does not plan to increase debt for the additional $500K but to address the difference from the general fund. [Editorial Note: This CO, approved in the 14 December 2021 council meeting (below) was for $5.8M with $500K reserved for parks.]

  • $1.17 for drainage improvements from the 2019 Roads, Parks, Drainage, Tax Note.

  • The project timeline is twelve months from beginning to completion.

  • Definition and explanation of Certificate of Obligation at Willow Park Civics > Resources > Glossary.

During the 14 December 2021 Council Meeting, agenda item 1," the council approved the issuance and sale of City of Willow Park, Texas, Combination Tax and Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2022 "including the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of such certificates in the amount not to exceed $5,775,000 to finance the costs of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) acquiring, constructing, improving and maintaining streets,... and equipping park facilities [$500k]... /As has been discussed at previous Council meetings, Council has authorized staff to develop a Certificate of Obligation package for street and park improvements. While the CO is open any street and park improvements, the focus of this CO is on the attached street improvement."

• Long-Term Street Improvement Project

During the 13 September 2022 Council Meeting discussion and approval of the "City of Willow Park Capital Improvements Plan and Land Use Assumptions and amended Water and Wastewater Impact Fees," the report included the cost of the total Street Improvement Plan of as $30.9M.

During the 19 October 2021 Council Meeting, agenda item 1 "to consider street improvement and park projects," council considered the phases of the larger Street Improvement Project.

Street Improvement Project, Phase 1, 19 Oct 2021 Council Meeting

During the 14 September 2021 Council Meeting, agenda item 5. council discussed and approved the "Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan and funding options." See 14 September er 2021, Map in Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan and funding options" above. The full Street Improvement Plan is in .pdf. / Street Improvement Plan MAP in .pdf.

• Squaw Creek Road is considered a special project.

Summary: The improvement of Squaw Creek Road has several unique challenges: significant grade changes, need for more right-of-way, limited detour options. In addition, there are major drainage improvements that must be included at the same time as the street improvements. The total estimate for street improvement is $6M and for drainage improvement, $2.75M, for a total Squaw Creek Road Implement Project of about $9M. Note, these constructions estimates are at mid-2022 prices.

During the 14 June 2022 Council Meeting, agenda item 8, council discussed a presentation by the city engineer concerning the special requirements and expenses of improving Squaw Creek Road.

8. Discussion/Action: to consider water line replacement and street improvements to Squaw Creek

BACKGROUND: Squaw Creek road, a minor arterial street, is in need of water line replacement, and street repair. Staff asked Derek Turner to provide information to Council which outlines the unique challenges these projects have, as well as a cost analysis of the improvements.

• Willow Park Parks and Trails

The Willow Park Parks Committee and City Council have incorporated hike and bike lanes on several Willow Park streets to add connectivity to Willow Park trails.


Willow Park Civics Research

  • Willow Park Civics > City Services > Streets and Roads Journal

  • Willow Park Civics Blog > Capital Project Schedule. 24 August 2022

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