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Street Improvement Projects, Phase One

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

Summary: Work began 28 November 2022 on Phase One (1) of the Willow Park Comprehensive Street Improvement Project, which is expected to be completed the beginning of December 2023. Four (4) roads will be reconstructed with concrete: Crown Road; Sam Bass Road; Ranch House Road; Kings Gate Road. In addition, eleven (11) roads will be improved with asphalt on reconstructed road foundations.

Latest Update: 03 November 2023; Monday, 05 December, 2022

Tags: #Streets


Street Improvement Project, Phase 1

On Monday, 28 November 2022, work began on the first phase of the Street Improvement Project. The XIT construction contract is $6.42M dollars and is expected to be competed in twelve months.

• "As part of our 2022 Street Improvement Project, work will begin on Crown Road on Monday, November 28. (21 November 2022 message from City of Willow Park.)

Willow Park Civics Blog > Street Improvement Projects, Comprehensive

"The most current project schedule for our 2023 Street Improvements project shows a completion date of December 8th, 2023." City Engineer Gretchen Vazquez, 28 July 2023 email to WPC.

Four (4) roads will be reconstructed with concrete.

Eleven (11) roads will be improved with asphalt on reconstructed road foundations.

  • Asphalt Group 1, Trinity Road, Trinity Court, Sam Bass Court

  • Asphalt Group 2, Old Ford Road and adjoining cul de sacs,Crested Butte Court, Ridge Haven Court, Pleasant Court

  • Not Started: Sam Bass Road, east from Ranch House Road to El Chico Trail and its eastern tributaries Fox Hunt Trail, Woodbridge, and Aspenwood Drive

This Project phase will cost $6.42M ($5.25M) and is expected to be competed in twelve months.

14 Sept 2021 Council Meeting, Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan (in .pdf below)

  • XIT Paving Contract in .pdf / Extracts below.

    • This project consists of removing and replacing approximately 36,500 square yards of existing asphalt pavement with concrete paving and replacing approximately 18,600 square yards of asphalt pavement with 2" HMAC. page 8 and page 83

    • Kingsgate Road page 31 / 4’ sidewalk page 41 / Kings Gate Road shall include 12 bike lane symbols as shown on the Plans. This item shall be considered incidental to the overall project bid. page 4

    • Asphalt Streets 4’ sidewalk page 45

    • On or before 20 November and to complete the work. page 67

During the 25 October 2022 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 3, the council awarded a $6.42M contract to XIT Paving.

  • Background: City staff opened bids at 1 p.m. on Friday Oct. 21. We believe XIT Paving to be the low bidder, we will have supporting documentation early next week prior to the meeting. Staff is reviewing all documents and conferring with the contractor.

  • Minutes: To award a bid to XIT Paving in the amount $6,419,677.$5.25 for street improvements from street improvement Certificate of Obligation.

  • Willow Park Civics Research

    • The current street improvement bond is $5.2M, however city does not plan to increase debt for the additional $500K but to address the difference from the general fund. [Editorial Note: This CO, approved in the 14 December 2021 council meeting (below) was for $5.8M with $500K reserved for parks.]

    • $1.17 for drainage improvements from the 2019 Roads, Parks, Drainage, Tax Note.

    • 12 month warranty from completion of entire project

    • The project timeline is twelve (12) months from beginning to completion.

    • Definition and explanation of Certificate of Obligation at Willow Park Civics > Resources > Glossary.

During the 14 December 2021 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 1," the council approved the issuance and sale of City of Willow Park, Texas, Combination Tax and Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2022 "including the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of such certificates in the amount not to exceed $5,775,000 to finance the costs of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) acquiring, constructing, improving and maintaining streets,... and equipping park facilities [$500k]... /As has been discussed at previous Council meetings, Council has authorized staff to develop a Certificate of Obligation package for street and park improvements. While the CO is open any street and park improvements, the focus of this CO is on the attached street improvement."

Street Improvement Project, Phase 1, 19 Oct 2021 Council Meeting

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