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Sr. Discount for WP Water Bill. Tell all your senior neighbors!

Updated: Apr 4, 2023

Summary: Willow Park offers a 25% Sr. Discount for the water bill portion of the City Utility Bill. (Who knew?) Here is how Willow Park senior citizens claim their water bill discount. Share with all your senior neighbors!

Latest Update: Tuesday, 04 April, 2023


Sr. Discount for WP Water Bill (Who knew?) Tell all your senior neighbors!

WP Water Base Rates. (Click to enlarge graphic.)

Here is how Willow Park senior citizens claim their 20% water bill discount.

Be qualified, drive to the City Hall, walk in, present your driver's license, know your address -- and Willow Park seniors will save about 25% off the water portion of their city utility bill.

Buried in a Willow Park online fee schedule is a water bill discount for senior citizens in Willow Park.

Who qualifies for the Willow Park Senior Water Rate Discount?

• Senior Willow Park residents who are 65 year old or older.

• The Willow Park utility bill, which includes the water charges, must belong to the 65 year-old senior of the residence. The water bill must have the name of the 65 year old senior.

How do Seniors claim their discount?

It's as simple as a drive to City Hall. At the front desk in the lobby, where you pay your utility bill in person, you will find the Willow Park Utility Clerk Tara Lahey (or her substitute). The clerk will take a copy of your driver's license and confirm your address. That's it.

Be qualified, drive to the City Hall, walk in, present your driver's license, know your address -- and Willow Park seniors will save about 25% off the water portion of their city utility bill.

El Chico City Hall

120 El Chico Trail, Suite A (East side of building.)

Willow Park, Texas 76087

How is the senior discount calculated?

• Willow Park online fee schedule.

• The regular Water Base Rate Residential is $41.71 but the Residential Sr. Base Rate is only $31.29, a 25% savings of $10.42.

• The Water Volume Charges for Residential are $3.89/1K gallons of water usage but the Residential Sr. charges are just $2.91/1K gallons for a 28% savings of $1.07/ 1K gallons.

• Example. The 15 March 2023 Willow Park WATER PORTION of the City Utility Bill for an actual senior resident in Willow Park - without the senior discount - was $54.84. Note: This is a Spring bill before Summer irrigation demands.

  • Without the senior discount the water portion of the city utility bill was $54.84.

    • Residential Water Base Rate $41.71

    • Residential Volume charge for 3,376 gallons used at $3.89/1K gallons = $13.13

  • With the senior discount, the water portion of the city utility bill would have been $41.27 for a 25% savings of $13.57. ($54.84 - $41.27)

    • Sr. Residential Water Base Rate $31.29

    • Sr. Residential Volume charge for 3,376 gallons used at $2.92/1K gallons = $9.98

If you have any questions

Contact Willow Park Public Works.

Contact your elected leaders.

Contact Willow Park Civics.

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