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Rogers: Who is keeping score?

Summary: "I will vote in ways that support limited government – both federal and state, and local control. Property tax relief and securing the border are at the top of the list this session." / Glen Rogers is the Texas House of Representative for District 60, which includes Willow Park.

Latest Update: Tuesday, 17 January, 2023

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The Community News, 16 January, 2023. My great great grandfather, Dr. Edwin Clay Rogers of Fannin County, served in the 5th Congress of the Republic of Texas in 1840-41. He served alongside Sam Houston, who had termed out in his first tenure as President of the Republic and was elected as a congressman from Fayette County. These were one-year terms. In the Fannin County Historical Museum in Bonham, there is an exhibit of old medical textbooks and instruments used by Dr. Rogers. One instrument, a small, brass-bell-shaped device, was used to examine Sam Houston’s ear. You might say Doc Rogers had ole’ Sam’s ear …

Sam Houston once declared, “Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what source it may.” Since Texas achieved her independence from Mexico, Texans have long lived by this proclamation. As the 88th Legislature began this January, Houston’s words were on my mind. I will strive to represent our district without succumbing to any oppressive force.

My short time as a public servant has been eye-opening, revealing to me that there are forces that seek to oppose the truth, that wish for Texas to fall out of the hands of the people, and that seek to undermine lawmakers who refuse to follow orders. My first obligation is to serve my House District 60 constituents.

Property tax relief and securing the border are at the top of the list this session. People in Parker, Palo Pinto, and Stephens counties also need policies that improve infrastructure, such as water systems and roads. Law enforcement, educators and social workers request improvements made to mental health care. Teachers desire deregulation from the TEA and more substantial support from the state. Citizens yearn for local control over their own affairs. There are a multitude of non-partisan issues that the legislature must address this year and I am devoting myself to taking proper care of my home district first.

Doing so will not make me the most popular legislator with certain elements within my own party. It certainly will not earn me great ratings from “scorecard” results that will undoubtedly fill mailboxes next election cycle with hit pieces.

As has been the consistent practice of Empower Texans (now Defend Texas Liberty PAC), there will be a series of what are termed “Scorecard Votes.” That is, legislation designed by hyper-partisan political agents for the exclusive purpose of creating attack ads for the next election cycle. Usually, these are bad policies that pose as conservative legislation. Most of the time, they are meaningless votes. Unfortunately, there are legislators who will vote simply to earn the favor of a scorecard: but not me.

In accordance with Houston’s declaration, I have yet to learn submission to any oppression. I am always going to vote to improve my community and to protect our conservative ideals, always in accordance with the United States and Texas Constitutions. I will vote in ways that support limited government – both federal and state, and local control. I will help craft legislation that will have a positive impact on the people in my district. I will support public schools as required of legislators by Article 7, Section 1 of the Texas Constitution.

Politics is often energized by hate. That will not be the case in our office. If you live in the district, my office will be there to serve you, regardless of whether we agree on every issue.

My pledge is this: I will make votes after prayerful consideration and always seek what is best for people of this district, not as directed by special-interest PACs or phony scorecards. My staff and I will strive to remain positive throughout the session, even as things get tough or intense. When faced with opposition, I will cling onto the Truth and will remember who I serve – God, my country, the Great State of Texas and House District 60.

Glenn Rogers is the state representative in House District 60, which includes Parker County.

Willow Park Civics Research


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