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Rezoning from residential to commercial is an important issue for ALL Willow Park residential owners. Decisive Council Meeting Tue 23 January. Speak up.

Updated: Feb 3

Summary: Willow Park Church of Christ, in the middle of the old Willow Park wants to convert from residential zoning to commercial zoning. During the 23 January Council Meeting, the residents in the neighborhoods around the Church are planning to ask the Council NOT to approve the rezoning ordinance until the City addresses the concerns and rights of Willow Park home owners.  Join them and add your voice. Even if you don't choose to speak, your attendance sends a strong message.

Latest Update: posted 19 January, 2024

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"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." Martin Luther King, Jr." Martin Luther King Jr.


Rezoning from residential to commercial is an important issue for ALL Willow Park residential owners. Decisive Council Meeting Tue 23 January. Speak up or forever hold your peace.

The rezoning of the Willow Park Church of Christ — 721 Ranch House Road, in the middle of old town, residential Willow Park — will affect all Willow Park home owners. Even one residential lot rezoned from residential to commercial will set a precedent and welcome further rezoning.

During 23 January Council Meeting, the residents in the neighborhoods around the Church are planning to ask the Council NOT to approve the rezoning ordinance until the City addresses the questions and concerns of Willow Park Citizen and makes adjustments to the Class III – Business ordinance that will protect and respect the rights and the property of Willow Park home owners. Study the specific changes at WPC Blog > Message from home owners on rezoning WP Church of Christ from residential to commercial at 23 January 2024 Council Meeting.

 Join them and add your voice. Even if you don't choose to speak, your attendance sends a strong message.

Consider how many of your neighbors will be thankful to take the money and run - further away from the rapid stampede of sprawl of the DFW Metroplex. And developers will be glad to pay premium prices to establish a presence in a city that is growing in residential and commercial development.

During the Tuesday, 23 January 2024 Council Meeting 6 p.m, El Chico City Hall, the Council will decide whether to change the zoning for the 1 acres lot of the Willow Park Church of Christ from from “Class II: Residential: ‘R-1’ Single-Family District” to “Class III – Business: ‘O’ Office District” [Definitions below (1)].

If you plan to speak, consider the following:

• It's a good idea to have copies of your comments or notes to distribute to everyone on the dais, to the local newspaper representatives and digital reporters, and to your attending neighbors.

• Arrive early to complete and submit a speaker request form. Only speakers, who complete and submit the speaker request form five (5) minutes before the council convenes, may speak during the Meeting.

• You will only have three (3) minutes to speak.

• In addition, the mayor may decide to decrease public speaking time to one (1) minute per speaker.

• Citizens speak BEFORE the council considers the agenda item and are NOT allowed to comment, ask questions, or speak any other time during the council meeting.

• The council may choose not to answer your questions or to consider your concerns before they vote on an agenda item.

Find additional details about the re-zoning change and about Aledo Legacy, LLC, who is buying the Willow Park Church of Christ lot, and of their commercial multi-use office plans for the Church building refer to the following:

City of Willow Park Municipal Code

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