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No means NO Fireworks in Willow Park.

Summary: Fireworks are illegal to possess, use, and sell inside the city limits of Willow Park. If you set off fireworks inside the city, you could be cited and fined, and, if any damage occurs, you could be charged with arson. Instead, attend the Hudson Oaks or Weatherford professional fireworks displays. An estimated 11,500 people in the US were treated for injuries in hospital emergency departments due to the mishandling fireworks; in 2020 twenty six (26) people died of firework-related injuries.

Latest Update: Friday, 30 June, 2023


No means NO Fireworks in Willow Park.

Fireworks are illegal to possess, use, and sell inside the City Limits of Willow Park. If you set off fireworks inside the city, you could be cited and fined, and, if any damage occurs, you could be charged with arson. [1] [4]

The Willow Park Police Department directs citizens, who want to report the illegal use of fireworks within the city limits, to call the Willow Park Police Dept. non-emergency number (817) 441-9747, and you will be forwarded to the correct law enforcement source. Other citizens suggest document as much as possible, since law enforcement often arrives after the offense has ceased.

Instead of bucking the law and common sense and neighborly courtesy, attend one of the great local, professional firework displays.

Boomin 4th Hudson Oaks, Parker County’s larges fireworks show.

• Weatherford's Spark in the Park, More than just fireworks.

The United States is seeing a significant upward trend in fireworks-related injuries. In 2021, an estimated 11,500 people were treated for injuries in hospital emergency departments due to the mishandling of live, misfired and waste consumer fireworks. [2] In 2020, twenty six (26) people died of firework-related injuries. [3]

Sources and Research

[2] Educating the Public About Safe Handling of Fireworks, US Fire Administration, 27 June 2023 Excerpt The United States is seeing a significant upward trend in fireworks-related injuries. In 2021, an estimated 11,500 people were treated for injuries in hospital emergency departments due to the mishandling of live, misfired and waste consumer fireworks.

[1] City of Willow Park Code of Ordinances > Chapter 5, Fire Prevention And Protection > Article 5.04 Fireworks > Sec. 5.04.001 Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to give away, sell, offer or expose for sale, or have in possession with intent to give away, sell or to use, discharge or cause to be discharged, ignited, fired or otherwise set in action, or to possess with the intent to discharge or cause to be discharged, ignited, fired, or otherwise set in action, within the limits of the city, any fireworks, firecrackers, rockets, sparklers, torpedoes, roman candles, fire-balloons, or other fireworks or substances or any combination whatsoever designed or intended for pyrotechnic display, except as hereinafter provided. (Ordinance 307-91, sec. I(A), adopted 11/19/91; 1993 Code, sec. 5.401)

[3] Agencies warn against firework use this 4th of July, CentralValleydotCom, 27 June 2023, Excerpt. In 2020, approximately 15,600 people were rushed to hospital emergency departments across the country due to fireworks-related injuries, up significantly from 10,000 in 2019, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. In the same year, 26 people died of firework-related injuries.

As we head into our country's Birthday Week, we’d like to remind all residents of Willow Park that the sale, possession, and use of fireworks within the city is AGAINST THE LAW, period. At best, you will be fined if you’re violating the ordinance. At worst, you could be charged with arson if you start a fire. This includes even the “little ones” like sparklers (which get as hot as a blowtorch, by the way).

They’re not worth it, don’t do it. It’s illegal. It’s dangerous. It’s just a really bad idea.

Make good choices for your neighbors, your property, your community, and your first responders. As always, we will be here if you need us.


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