Summary: A new committee of Willow Park city elected officials and staff will be planning for a new Willow Park Police Station. Plans are being negotiated to sell the current Willow Park Safety Building to Parker County Emergency Services District 1 (ESD1), as a part of the ESD1's annexation of the Willow Park Fire and Rescue Department.
Latest Update: Friday, 17 March, 2023; Originally posted Thursday, 02 March, 2023
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New Willow Park Police Station
Willow Park Civics will follow the new Willow Park Police Station at Willow Park Civics > Issues > New Police Station.

Update Friday, 17 March, 2023.
During the Executive Session of the 14 March 2023 Council Meeting, (Agenda Items 9 and 11), the council agreed "to sell the Public Safety Building and Fire Station No. 2 to Parker County ESD No. 1." During the 28 February 2023 Council Meeting, the council appointed a Police Station Committee, and City Administrator Bryan Grimes commented, "Currently, the plans were to build a new police station at the 516 Ranch House road location of the old city hall, although plans could change."
Information is also included in The Community News' 17 March 2023 edition, PS Building, firefighters transfer approved.
Read details in the original Willow Park Civics blog below.
Originally posted Thursday, 02 March, 2023
During the 28 February Council Meeting (Agenda Item 6) the Willow Park City Council appointed members to the Police Station Committee, established during the 14 February 2023 Council Meeting, (Agenda Item 13), "to assist and consult to design, build, and construct a police station for the City of Willow Park." The Police Station Committee will include the following members:
• Doyle Moss (Chair)
• Mayor Pro Tem Lea Young
• Councilman Chawn Gilliland
• Police Chief Ellis
• Assistant Police Chief Franklin
City Administrator Bryan Grimes indicated the committee will also include several staff members as support, including contractor Betty Chew, who will be the main staff support based on her past experience.
In addition, Council Member 4 and Mayor Pro Tem Lea Young indicated the new committee will update the council monthly.

Why does Willow Park need a new Police Station, since the current Safety Building for the Willow Park Police Department and Willow Park Fire and Rescue Department was just completed and occupied in January 2020?
In the November 2022 general election, the majority of Willow Park and Willow Park ETJ citizens who voted, elected to allow the Parker County Emergency Services District 1 (ESD1) to annex (acquire) the Willow Park Fire and Rescue Department. [Reference Willow Park Civics > Issues > Fire Dept ESD1 for details.] One of the negotiating points was ESD1's plans to establish a larger presence in Willow Park and perhaps move ESD1 HQ to Willow Park.

One option was for for ESD1 to buy the old city hall location on Ranch House Road and to build a new ESD1 facility; another option was for ESD1 to buy the current Willow Park Safety Building and move out the Willow Park Police Department. Negotiations are ongoing, but according to a statement during the ESD1 annexation, Willow Park and ESD1 are planning to finalize the agreement by April 2023.
During the 28 February council meeting, Grimes reported, "in all likelihood ESD1 will purchase the current Willow Park Safety building for their [ESD1] use." Grimes continued that, currently, the plans were to build a new police station at the 516 Ranch House road location of the old city hall, although plans could change.
Timing will be an issue since the new police station building will need to be competed in twenty four (24) months. Grimes estimated, after six to nine months needed to acquire professional services and for design, the construction should start this time next year, 2024.
• Council names committee to examine future of police station [review of 28 February Council Meeting], The Community News, 02 March 2023
• Willow Park to celebrate new public safety building, Weatherford Democrat, January 2020,