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New Landscaping for New City Hall

Updated: Dec 4, 2024

Summary: The City has hired engineers to plan improvements to the front of the new City Hall. The $88K contract is for improvement plans only and not for the actual landscaping. The funds for this project were included in the $8.5M debit to purchase and improve the entire building.

Latest Update: Tuesday, 12 December, 2023

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New Landscaping for New City Hall

During the 12 December 2023 Council Meeting, the City hired engineers to plan improvements to the front of the new City Hall. The $88K contract is for improvement plans only and not for the actual landscaping.

The funds for this project were included in the $8.5M debit to purchase and improve the entire building at 120 El Chico Trail, approved during the 23 May 2023 Council Meeting. *2

"In an effort to beautify the frontage of City Hall with landscaping and increase the parking area," the Council has approved a $88,600 contract for "Civil Engineering and Architectural Services, with optional assistance with Utility Plan, Electrical Engineering, and Structural Engineering." *1

"These funds are available within those appropriated for the improvements to City Hall upon its purchase." *1

Willow Park Civics Research

Agenda Item 7. Discussion/Action: to approve a contact proposal for professional services with Westwood Professional Services, Inc. #CityHall


In an effort to beautify the frontage of City Hall with landscaping and increase the parking area, City Staff reached out to Dorothy Witmeyer of Westwood Professional Services, Inc. (previously Pacheco Koch) for help.

After meeting with Staff and understanding our requests for site improvements, Dorothy presented us with the attached proposal for Civil Engineering and Architectural Services, with optional assistance with Utility Plan, Electrical Engineering, and Structural Engineering. This proposal does not include the surveying of this area as this has already been done by Jacob & Martin at Staff’s previous request.

The total for the Civil Engineering and Architectural Services is $72,600, with an additional $16,000 for the optional services of Utility Plan, Electrical Engineering, and Structural Engineering, for a total of $88,600. These funds are available within those appropriated for the improvements to City Hall upon its purchase.

 • Exhibits: Westwood Professional Services, Inc.’s Contract Proposal w/ Exhibits

Willow Park Blogs > Willow Park City Hall Index 

 Willow Park Blog > New City Hall: Debt Done 13 June 2023. The City has issued debt of $8.5M to purchase and improve the entire building at 120 El Chico Trail.


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