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Make a difference in your water supply -- and your water bill.

Summary: Your water bill may change due to two bills before the state congress. Tell your representatives how you want them to represent you. Take five minutes right now to make a difference in the water supply to Willow Park and in your future water bills. (Make it a family project -- a civics learning experience.) Here is how.

Updated: Tuesday, 21 March, 2023

Select #Tags for additional articles: #StateLegislation #FortWorthWater


Make a difference in your water supply -- and your water bill.

Take five minutes right now to make a difference in the water supply to

Willow Park and in your future water bills. (Make it a family project -- a civics learning experience.) Here is how.

  • Education: Take three minutes to read this blog and to skim the included articles to determine if you want to support the the current legislative bills that would assign surplus Texas revenues to improving access to water in Texas.

  • Action: Take two minutes to send a digital communication to your elected legislators for or against these bill. Hey, they work for you; tell them what you want them to do.


  • Currently there are bills in both houses of the Texas congress that, if passed, would assign billions of dollars "to pay for new water projects and upgraded infrastructure." These billions of dollars would come from the unprecedented TX budget surplus; "The state is expecting a record $188 billion in revenue estimated for 2024-25 biennium and a $32.7 billion surplus. Both are a first in state history." Willow Park Civics Blog > Budget and Surplus, 88th TX Legislative Session

  • Article: Texas Senate takes first step toward establishing billions for state’s water supply, infrastructure, The Texas Tribune, 20 March 2023, Excerpt. A nine-member state Senate committee led by Lubbock Republican Charles Perry unanimously voted to advance updated versions of Senate Bill 28 [Legiscan] and Senate Joint Resolution 75 [Legiscan]. / Coupled together, the legislation creates a new Water Supply for Texas Fund to be administered by the Texas Water Development Board to pay for new water projects and upgraded infrastructure — with a focus on rural communities... the bills’ sponsor and advocates suggested billions would be devoted to the state’s water needs.

  • Article: Texas lawmakers propose historic investments to broadband and water infrastructure — but voters will have the last word, Texas Standard, 10 March 2023, Excerpts. The bills come as the two systems have worsened in Texas in recent years. Last year, 2,457 boil-water notices were issued across the state and reservoir levels, exacerbated by the drought and heat, dropped to 67% capacity.


  • Write a three-sentence instruction to Senator Springer and Representative Rogers that states your intent to support or not support these bill.

    • For example

      • Subject: Support SB 28 and SJR 75

      • Senator Springer (Representative Rogers), As your Willow Park constituents, we ask you to support bills SB 28 and SJR 75 to assign some of the state's excess revenue to building Texas' water supply for the future. Thank you for your service.

      • Your name and address

  • For additional suggestions, Willow Park Civics Blog > Communicate with your elected officials; 88th TX Legislative Session

  • Senator Drew Springer, Texas Senate Official Website

  • Representative Glen Rogers, Texas House Official Website

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