Summary: Willow Park is using Hotel Occupancy Tax [HOT] to purchase branding and promotion opportunities with Aledo ISD and with Trinity Christian Academy. For example, the AISD is selling advertisement space on its new Tim Buchanan Stadium scoreboard and the City of Willow Park is planning to advertise on that scoreboard.
Latest Update: 23 July, 2024
Like the agreement with AISD, Willow Park is paying HOT funds to Trinity Christian academy for City promotion.
Willow Park is using Hotel Occupancy Tax [HOT] [1] to purchase branding promotion opportunities with Aledo ISD [2] and with Trinity Christian Academy [3]. For example, the AISD is selling advertisement space on its new Tim Buchanan Stadium scoreboard and the City of Willow Park is planning to advertise on that scoreboard.
"The school district board voted to install a new scoreboard at Tim Buchanan Stadium. To offset the cost, they are selling ad space on the scoreboard." [4]
“One of the things we’ve been wanting to do is promote Willow Park and the community within the Aledo ISD,” Grimes said. “It’s not going to be a specific business, but it’ll be something like, ‘If you’re coming in for homecoming, come stay in Willow Park.’” [4]
The The Aledo ISD contract is a 3 year agreement at a cost of $10,000 per year, and can be paid out of HOT Funds.
The TCA contract is a 3 year agreement at a cost of $5,000 per year, and can be paid out of HOT Tax Funds
Sources and Resources
[1] Willow Park Civics > Glossary Plus > Finance, Budgeting, and Taxes > Hotel Occupancy Tax
"The variety of lodging options available in Texas is as diverse as the Lone Star State itself, ranging from traditional hotels and motels to trendy treehouses and tiny houses. But no matter the differences in these accommodations, they all have one thing in common: they are all subject to Texas’ State Hotel Occupancy Tax.
In addition, cities and counties in Texas can levy a Local Hotel Occupancy Tax. Both taxes are commonly referred to as HOT."
The purpose of the local hotel occupancy tax is to promote tourism and the convention and hotel industry. Texas Tax Code Chapter 351 and Tax Code Chapter 352 give municipalities the authorization to levy a tax on a person who pays for the use of a hotel room, as defined by Tax Code Chapter 156.
[2] 25 June 2024 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 5. Discussion/Action: to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Aledo Independent School District for advertisement.
• Background: Staff is recommending the City aggressively promote the City of Willow Park and strengthen our association with Aledo ISD thru various advertisements including at Aledo ISD sporting events. Staff strongly feels that our branding and name recognition will greatly improve by being promoted alongside Aledo ISD. The contract is a 3 year agreement at a cost of $10,000 per year, and can be paid out of HOT [Hotel Occupancy Tax] Tax Funds.
[3] 23 July 2024 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 5. Discussion/Action: to approve [HOT] advertisement with Trinity Christian Academy.
• Background: Similar to the recent contract signed with Aledo ISD, this opportunity allows the City to promote its branding and name recognition through a partnership with TCA. The contract is a 3 year agreement at a cost of $5,000 per year, and can be paid out of HOT Tax Funds
[4] Council Meeting Review, The Community News, 28 June 2024, Willow Park Civics Blog, posted 28 June 2024 Excerpt, Reprinted with written permission.
Union with Aledo ISD
Aledo sporting events are popular, because they win in pretty much every event across the board. So if a city wanted to promote itself, it makes sense to associate themselves with such a program.
Which is exactly what the Willow Park City Council voted to do Tuesday. They approved the city entering into an agreement with Aledo ISD thru various advertisements, including at Aledo ISD sporting events.
The school district board voted to install a new scoreboard at Tim Buchanan Stadium. To offset the cost, they are selling ad space on the scoreboard.
The city entered into a five-year agreement to be a part of that advertising. Starting Aug. 1 and running through July 31, 2029, Willow Park will pay $10,000 annually to have an ad on the scoreboard, with funding coming out of the hotel occupancy tax funds.
“One of the things we’ve been wanting to do is promote Willow Park and the community within the Aledo ISD,” Grimes said. “It’s not going to be a specific business, but it’ll be something like, ‘If you’re coming in for homecoming, come stay in Willow Park.’”
• Willow Park has a new Billboard at City Hall, Willow Park Civics Blog, 28 February 2024
The City of Willow Park now has control of the messages on both sides of the billboard in front of the new City Hall on El Chico Trail. The lease on the billboard is funded by the City's Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT).
Header Graphic: mock up draft from 23 July 2024 Council Meeting Agenda