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Increase in Willow Park Water Rates and Wastewater Sewer Rates, starting October 2024

Summary: As planned in 2023, the Willow Park Water Rates and Wastewater Sewer Rates are increasing, starting October 2024. This year's increases were presented in the 27 August 2024 Council Meeting.

Latest Update: 03 September, 2024


Increase in Willow Park Water Rates and Wastewater Sewer Rates, starting October 2024

As planned in 2023, the Willow Park Water Rates and Wastewater Sewer Rates are increasing, starting October 2024. [1]

This years increases are found in the 27 August 2024 Council Meeting Ordinance [2, in .pdf] and as follows:

Water Base Rates

Water Volume Rates

"For example, the increase this coming fiscal year will be 10 cents per 1,000 gallons for both residential and commercial accounts. Senior rates will remain unchanged for any use under 9,000 gallons per month." [4]

Wastewater Base Rates and Volume Rates

Last year's (Oct 2023 to 2024) rates were as follows [2]:

• The monthly base rate for Wastewater will increase to $24.80 for single-family residential and $31.74 for commercial accounts.

• The volumetric charge per 1,000 gallons will increase to $6.39 for single-family residential and $8.18 for commercial accounts.

In addition, during the 27 August 2024 Council Meeting [1] the City informed the Council of the following:

• Wastewater Fund should be self sustaining by year three, so may or may not have Water/Wastewater Fee increases next year, 2025/2026.

• When new WWPT comes online October 2025, City will be able to sell current wastewater package plant to pay down debt for new WWTP.

• Will transfer $200K back to Water Fund.

• Suggested new study every three to five years.

In August of 2023 [2, 3], NewGen Strategies and Solutions proposed a plan to maintain the water fund and allow the wastewater fund to become independent of the water fund within 3 years.

• Year 1 of that plan was implemented for FY 2023-2024 with an increase in wastewater rates to both residential and commercial, and by establishing a multi-family wastewater rate.

• Year 2, which is proposed to be implemented for this next fiscal year (2024-2025) includes increases in the

water volumetric charge,

• increases in both the wastewater base and volumetric charge, as well as

• an increase in the multi-family wastewater fee.

Willow Park Sources and Resources

[1] 27 August 2024 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 4. Discussion/Action: to adopt an ordinance adopting a comprehensive fee and rate schedule for the following Enterprise Fund Utility Rates/Services/Charges for Fiscal Year 2024-25, including water impact fees, water tap fees, wastewater impact fees, wastewater tap fees, drainage impact fees, utility deposits/fees, water base rates, water volumetric charges, wastewater rates, solid waste rates, additional utility services charges, and water meter costs; amending various city ordinances; and containing a severability clause and an effective date.


In August of 2023 [2], NewGen Strategies and Solutions proposed a plan to maintain the water fund and allow the wastewater fund to become independent of the water fund within 3 years.

Year 1 of that plan was implemented for FY 2023-2024 with an increase in wastewater rates to both residential and commercial, and by establishing a multi-family wastewater rate.

Year 2, which is proposed to be implemented for this next fiscal year (2024-2025) includes increases in the

water volumetric charge,

• increases in both the wastewater base and volumetric charge, as well as

• an increase in the multi-family wastewater fee.

Exhibits: • Proposed Ordinance [in .pdf] • NewGen Study as presented to Council in August, 2023 [in .pdf]

[2] 22 August 2023 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 8. Discussion/Action: to accept the water and wastewater study from NewGen Strategies and Solutions.

[3] Nope, you didn't flush more in September. Increase in Willow Park Wastewater Sewer Rates. Willow Park Civics Blog, posted 25 October 2023, Excerpts.

One reason your October 2023 City Utility Bill was higher this month is an increase in the "Residential Sewer Fee" (aka wastewater fee.)

There are two parts of the Residential Sewer Fee; the first is a fixed fee per residence, and the second is a "volumetric charge per 1,000 gallons" based on the residential usage.

Notice of wastewater rate increase, Willow Park Website, 20 September 2023

Beginning with the October billing cycle, some utility rates will change on your monthly bill. The City of Willow Park has not increased wastewater rates since 2017, and customers will see an increase in their wastewater charges beginning on their October statements.

The monthly base rate for Wastewater will increase to $24.80 for single-family residential and $31.74 for commercial accounts.

The volumetric charge per 1,000 gallons will increase to $6.39 for single-family residential and $8.18 for commercial accounts.

Multi-family housing residents could see an increase in their bill, depending on their property management, as rates have increased for multi-family properties.

[4] 27 August 2024 Council Meeting Review by The Community News, 30 August 2024, Willow Park Civics Blog, posted 30 August 2024

Wastewater fund

Due to rising costs in the water and wastewater systems, along with construction of a much-needed wastewater plant, in August of 2023, NewGen Strategies and Solutions proposed a plan to maintain the city's water fund and allow the wastewater fund to become independent of the water fund within three years. The first year of that plan was implemented for FY 2023-2024 with an increase in wastewater rates to both residential and commercial, and by establishing a multi-family wastewater rate.

Year 2 is set to begin with the new fiscal year.

“I’m going to say we’re on track,” Public Works Director Michelle Guelker said.

In the study, it was recommended the city address:

• Revenue sufficiency - Revenues must match or exceed expenses.

• Reserves - Must plan for a rainy day.

• Reinvestment - Repair, replace, and reinvest in infrastructure.

NewGen officials said the cost to the city to create a balance would be approximately $35.4 million. To help offset that cost, the average monthly bill will see a modest increase.

For example, the increase this coming fiscal year will be 10 cents per 1,000 gallons for both residential and commercial accounts. Senior rates will remain unchanged for any use under 9,000 gallons per month.

Wastewater Treatment Plant, Willow Park Civics Blog Index

The new Wastewater Treatment Plant started construction March 2024... after hiring a second contractor and assuming an additional $4M in debt; hiring, firing and suing the first WWTP construction contractor; reducing the WWPT design from a 1M gallon capacity plant to 750K gallons; assuming a $14M debt; increasing residential and commercial wastewater fees; approving the final location and plat for the new WWPT; in addition to several years struggling to find the correct location.

Index of Willow Park Water, Local to State, Willow Park Civics Blog Index  


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