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Hundreds of acres could trade between Weatherford and Willow Park ETJ

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

Summary: "Hundreds of acres may change hands between Weatherford and Willow Park as the cities consider an adjustment between their boundaries." Although Willow Park has yet to hear of this Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) exchange, the Weatherford City Council, during their 11 April 2023 Meeting, passed "Joint Resolution R2023-07, between the City of Weatherford and the City of Willow Park to adjust the boundary between the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the two cities." Willow Park Civics will update this blog as Willow Park shares information.

Latest Update: Wednesday, 12 April, 2023

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Hundreds of acres could trade between Weatherford and Willow Park ETJ

Weatherford Council, 11 April 2023 Agenda 6c, ExhibitA

Hundreds of acres could trade between Weatherford and Willow Park ETJ, Dallas Business Journal, 12 April 2023, [in .pdf] Excerpts.

Hundreds of acres may change hands between Weatherford and Willow Park as the cities consider an adjustment between their boundaries.

The redrawn boundary would take place between both cities’ extraterritorial jurisdiction, or ETJ. The proposal would provide more room for contiguous development and speed delivery of municipal infrastructure, according to Weatherford city documents.

The Weatherford City Council approved the joint resolution during its meeting on Tuesday. [See below for 11 April 2023 Weatherford Council agenda and documents.]

Under the agreement, the City of Willow Park will release approximately 365 acres to the City of Weatherford along the north side of White Settlement Road. In exchange, Willow Park will gain approximately 702 acres along the south side of White Settlement Road.

Additionally, Weatherford will release another 20 acres along the south side of Crown Road.

The boundary adjustment also provides a more logical alignment of the ETJ boundary in both cities. The cities worked together jointly to come to this agreement, and the border adjustment benefits both communities, according to the documents.

Based on maps of the land swap, it appears that little development has taken place in the subject properties.

Many are looking to this part of Parker County for growth, and significant parcels have come into play for future development. Recently, the 2,000-acre Dean Ranch that straddles the border between Fort Worth and Aledo sold, ushering future development.

The Parker County property sold for over $100 million.

[end of article]


Willow Park Civics Research

Weatherford Council, 11 April 2023 Agenda 6c, ExhibitC
  • Background / Discussion

    • The cities of Weatherford and Willow Park desire to adjust the boundary between the ETJ of the two cities.

    • The first proposed ETJ adjustment is shown in Exhibit A and further described in Exhibit B. The City of Willow Park will release approximately 365 acres to the City of Weatherford along the north side of White Settlement Road. In exchange, the City of Weatherford will release to the City of Willow Park approximately 702 acres along the south side of White Settlement Road.

    • Additionally, a second proposed ETJ adjustment is shown in Exhibit C. The City of Weatherford will release to the City of Willow Park approximately 20 acres along the south side of Crown Road, a portion of ETJ previously adjusted under separate resolution R2022-14.

      • Willow Park City Council 12 April 2022, Agenda Item 17. to approve a joint resolution [R2022-14] between the City of Willow Park and the City of Weatherford to adjust the boundary between the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the two cities.

        • Background: The Cities of Willow Park and Weatherford desire to adjust the boundary between the ETJ of the two cities. The proposed ETJ adjustment is in the Crown Road area (Exhibit A). The City of Willow Park will release a 5.874 acre tract to the City of Weatherford and the City of Weatherford will release an 11.141 acre tract and a 7.274 acre tract to the City of Willow Park.This boundary adjustment will provide generally square tracts of land which will provide for orderly development, continuation of thoroughfares, and effective delivery of municipal utility services for both cities. Willow Park and Weatherford administration have worked together to develop this agreement for the future development of this area where the cities share common boundaries. EXHIBITS: • Proposed Resolution • Exhibits A-D

      • Weatherford City Council 26 April 2022, Agenda Item 6g, Consider approval of Resolution R2022-14, a Joint Resolution between the City of Weatherford and the City of Willow Park to adjust the boundary between the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the two cities. Exhibits.

    • This boundary adjustments proposed will provide a more logical alignment of the ETJ boundary in both locations, which will provide for more contiguous development and efficient delivery of municipal infrastructure for both cities. Weatherford administration and staff have worked together with Willow Park to develop this agreement to the benefit of both jurisdictions.

  • Resolution R2023-07 Joint Boundary Agreement.pdf

  • Exhibit A.pdf

  • Exhibit B.pdf

  • Exhibit C.pdf


• Current Willow Park City Limit and EJT Map, February 2022 with Exhibit A and Exhibit C from Resolution R2023-07 Joint Boundary Agreement April 2023 (From Willow Park Civics > City > City Limit Maps)


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