Summary: First Baptist Church of Willow Park has changed its name to Cross Timbers Baptist Church.
Latest Update: Friday, 28 October, 2022, added The Community News article
As of 21 October 2022, First Baptist Church of Willow Park has changed its name to Cross Timbers Baptist Church.

601 Ranch House Rd
Willow Park, TX 76087
(817) 441-7170
Looking for FBC Willow Park?
You're in the right place! We changed our name recently to Cross Timbers Baptist Church. We're the same church embarking on a new beginning.
First Baptist becomes Cross Timbers Baptist Church, The Community News, 26 October 2022 Excerpt
The members of the newly-named Cross Timbers Baptist Church in Willow Park will tell you that the adage from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet that “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” applies here.
Renaming any “First Baptist Church” might seem a daunting task, but pastor Jonathan Mansur said his congregation was on board.