Summary: The Stormwater Drainage Improvement Project in Willow Park started the implementation of Phase One beginning on April 2023. Phase One was completed September 2023 and as of April 2024, Phase 2 of the Drainage Improvement Project was completed, which also completed the entire Willow Park Drainage Improvement Project.
Latest Update: 25 June 2024; 17 June, 2023
Tags: #DrainageManagement
• Includes Resources (buttons), Latest Update, Project, Journal
Drainage Improvement Project, Phase One
Latest Update: As of September 2023 , Phase 1 of the Drainage Improvement Project is completed.
Drainage Improvement Project, Phase One History

Phase One of the Willow Park Master Drainage Project
• Started 03 April 2023
• Engineer: Humphrey & Morton Construction Company, Inc. [No website found.]
• Phase One Project Location map to the left and in .pdf. Individual location maps in City Of Willow Park Master Drainage Plan Discussion, 12 November 2019.
• Phase One consisted of $731K in independent drainage projects plus $1.7M for drainage improvement projects to be implemented during the current Willow Park Street Improvement Project for a total on Phase One of $2.42M
• Projects consists of the following:
Improvements to the Pleasant Ridge culvert crossing near El Chico,
Regrading of an earthen channel from Sam Bass Road to Squaw Creek Road
Improvements in the channel along the eastern city limits flowing to El Chico
Improvements to drainage included in the current Willow Park Street Improvement Project
Master Drainage Project, Phase One Journal

• Certificate of Completion for Phase 1 of the Willow Park Drainage Improvement Project in .pdf .
• During the 13 June 2023 Council Meeting, video 8:15, Agenda Item 4. Discuss/Action: to award bid for Phase 2 Drainage Project, Willow Park Engineer contractor Turner discussed the status of Phase One, Phase Two and total Master Drainage Project financing.
• The total bond package for this Master Drainage Project was $3.865M (23 August 2022 Council Meeting, (Willow Park Civics Blog > Drainage Improvement Project)
• Phase One consisted of $731K in independent drainage projects plus $1.7M for drainage improvement projects to be implemented during the current Willow Park Street Improvement Project for a total on Phase One of $2.42M. / Willow Park Civics Blog > Street Improvement Project, Comprehensive
• Phase Two bids are $1.018M for a subtotal of $3.5M on the Master Drainage Project plus $250K in "soft costs" for a total of $3.75M on the current Master Drainage Project.
• Since the project bond was $3.9M, there is an excess of bond funds of $150K, which was recommended to be awarded to JRM Construction for contingencies.
• During the 25 April 2023 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 9 City Engineer Report the City Engineer presented the following update: 2022 Drainage Improvements, Phase I and Phase 2 in .pdf
Engineer: Jacob and Martiin, LLC
Contractor: Humphrey & Morton Construction Company, Inc.
Project is 10% complete
The project consists of a 4'’ x 8'’ box culvert and associated headwalls under Pleasant Ridge Road,, regrading of an earthen channel off Sam Bass Road, and channel improvements including a three barrel 3’'x5’ 'box culvert, concrete channel lining and grading along the east city limits down to El Chico Trail.

• Capital Improvement Project update, Street construction and drainage work continue, City of Willow Park website post, 10 April 2023.
2022 Drainage Improvements, Phase I
Engineer: Jacob and Martin, LLC
Contractor: Humphrey & Morton Construction Company, Inc.
Project is 3% complete
The project consists of a 4’ x 8’ box culvert and associated headwalls under Pleasant Ridge Road, regrading of an earthen channel off Sam Bass Road, and channel improvements including a three barrel 3’ x 5’ box culvert, concrete channel lining and grading along the east city limits down to El Chico Trail.
Latest Project Updates:
The City Council awarded a construction contract to Humphrey & Morton Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $731,035.00.
A pre-construction meeting was conducted January 24, 2023.
The 180-calendar day construction project started April 4, 2023.
Contractor has mobilized and started construction of the headwall (upstream end of the existing 48” culverts) on the east side of El Chico Trail. Drainage improvements will continue east along the channel.

• Drainage project set to begin April 4, City of Willow Park website post, 03 April 2023. Crews are mobilizing this week to begin work on a drainage project in the area of El Chico Trail (roughly inside the circle on the map). We are not expecting any traffic impacts from this project, but fences and other obstructions within the easement right-of-way may have to be relocated to accommodate the new ditch work. Fences that must be taken down will be maintained in temporary operation and replaced permanently after construction is complete.
• During the 13 December 2022 Council Meeting, the council award Phase 1 of the 2022 Drainage Improvements Project to Humphrey & Morton Construction Company.
The total contract will include the following amounts:
• $158,581.00 (Bid Schedule A), improvements to the Pleasant Ridge culvert crossing near El Chico
• $52,874.00 (Bid Schedule B), regrading of an earthen channel from Sam Bass Road to Squaw Creek Road
• $519,580.00 (Bid Schedule C) improvements in the channel along the eastern city limits flowing to El Chico for a total project cost of $731,035.00.
Implementation of Phase 1 will start the first of 2023 to be completed by summer. Bidding for Phase 2 of the Drainage improvement Plan will also start the beginning of 2023. Note, the largest portions of the drainage improvement project and funds will be included with the city's Street Improvement Project. (WPC Blog > Street Improvement Projects, Comprehensive, 07 June 2023).
