Summary: Capture water while it is raining to use on your landscape later! Join the free online workshop to learn the basics of DIY Rainwater Harvesting!
Latest Update: Monday, 22 August, 2022

Date: Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Cost: Free Online Workshop
City of Weatherford
Capture water while it is raining to use on your landscape later!
Join our free online workshop to learn the basics of DIY Rainwater Harvesting!
Rainwater harvesting is great for North Texas because you can keep some of the rain we get during the spring and fall to use during our hot and dry summers. Even a small roof area can produce a usable amount of water during an average rainfall. From huge cisterns to small DIY barrels, capturing rainwater can be done by anyone.
Learn about the following:
How much water your roof will produce in a year
Where to put your rain barrel to capture the most water
How to install a barrel
How to hook up and use your new water source
How to build your own 50 gallon rain barrel with just a few supplies from the hardware store
This is a free online class only. Registration is required to receive information on how to participate.
The workshop will be 45 minutes long and taught by Dr. Dotty Woodson.