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City purchases property to make Kings Gate Bridge ready for TxDOT to replace in 2025.

Summary: The City is preparing for TxDOT to start work on rebuilding the Kings Gate Bridge. Two small pieces of property, about an acre total, are being purchased in order for TxDOT to have enough land for easement rights to widen the Bridge. TxDOT construction should be started and be completed by TxDOT in 2025.

Latest Update: posted 25 September 2024

Tags: #Streets


City purchases property to make Kings Gate Bridge ready for TXDOT to replace in 2025.

The City is preparing for TxDOT to start work on rebuilding the Kings Gate Bridge, on Kings Gate Road at the I20 Service Road intersection.

During August and September 2024 Council Meetings [1, 4], the City started the purchase of two small pieces of property, on the East and West sides of the Kings Gate Bridge, ".1185 acre of land and the other being approximately 1 acre" from a private owner in order for TxDOT to have enough land for easement rights to widen the Bridge. [1, 2, 3]

Both pieces of property will be purchased by the City from RTSB Enterprises, Inc, for $150,000.00. with closing not after February 1, 2025. [5 Contract with Maps]

TxDOT construction should be started and completed by TxDOT in 2025. [2]

Kings Gate Road Bridge and 100 feet of Kings Gate Road on either side of the Kings Gate Road Bridge are the maintenance and construction responsibility of the Texas Department of Transportation, TXDOT. Willow Park has partnered with TxDOT to replace the bridge. [2, 3]

Willow Park Civics Sources and Resources

[1] 27 August 2024 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 8. 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney); 551.072 (Deliberation Regarding Real Property) - possible purchase of tract of property on Kings Gate Road and adjoining tract off I-20 Service Road

• Willow Park Civics Notes: Action was taken on agenda item 8. To approve a contract to sale real property for the purchase of two parcels of land, one being .1185 acre of land and the other being approximately 1 acre of land for the Kings Gate Bridge Project.

[2] Street Improvement Projects, Kings Gate Road Bridge, Willow Park Civics Blog, 26 April 2023 / Index: Current Update, Project, Journal

[3] 17 February 2023, Q&A Willow Park to WPC: Kings Gate Road and Bridge. "The maintenance and upkeep of the bridge and 100 feet on either side of the [Kings Gate Road] bridge is the responsibility of the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT).  In 2019, we provided matching funds to replace the Kingsgate Bridge. As of today, TXDOT has indicated that the bridge should be completed in 2025.  The improvements to Kings Gate Road, that the City will be working on in the coming months, will align with the improvements that TXDOT will have on the bridge.  Obviously, the street project will be completed before the bridge is completed. Some of the [Kings Gate Road] street improvements are eligible for TIRZ reimbursement, but we have not had any significant discussions on that topic yet." 

• 3 Discussion/Action: to adopt a resolution of the City Council of the City of Willow Park, Texas finding that a public necessity exists and authorizing condemnation to acquire fee acquisition of property on one tract for municipal purposes to acquire right of way for King’s Gate Road and other public uses, which tract is generally described being located in Parker County, the Issac O. Headley survey, abstract no. 619, and being part of lot 1, block 1, Trinity Meadows Addition, an addition of the City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas, being an approximate 0.0807 acre (3,514 sq ft), property ID# r000091194, generally located northwest from the intersection of King’s Gate Road and Interstate Highway 20 Frontage Road in Willow Park, Texas, at 4200 E. Interstate 20 Service Road S, Willow Park, Texas 76087, and being more particularly described herein providing notice of an official determination to acquire real property for a 0.0807 acre fee acquisition for use as a right of way; authorizing the City Manager to obtain the necessary appraisal report(s) and the making of bona fide offers of just compensation for the property; ratifying prior documents made for acquisition of the property; authorizing legal counsel to institute eminent domain proceedings on behalf of the city for the acquisition of the property if negotiations are unsuccessful; appropriating funds from a lawful source; providing a cumulative repealer clause; providing a severability clause; and providing for an effective date. 

4. Discussion/Action: to adopting a Resolution to authorize the execution of an Advance Funding Agreement for the King’s Gate Bridge. [City found no changes necessary so additional debt was needed; no action taken.]

[5] Contract to Sell Real Property from RTSB Enterprises, Inc. to City of Willow Park in.pdf

2. PURCHASE PRICE: Purchase Price payable by Buyer at closing: $150,000.00.

That RTSB ENTERPRJSES, INC. AKA RTSB ENTERPRIZES, INC., a Texas corporation ("Seller"), for and in consideration of the amount specified in Section 2, "Sales Price," and the promise and covenants of the parties expressed herein, agrees to grant, sell and convey by General Warranty Deed to the City of Willow Park, a Type A general law municipality ("Buyer"), a good and indefeasible fee simple title, free and clear of all liens, easements, and other encumbrances of any kind to the following described real property situated in Parker County, Texas, to-wit (hereinafter the "Property"):

l) 0.1185 of an acre of land, situated in the Isaac 0. Hendley Survey, Abstract Number 619, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas, and being a part of Lot l, Block l, Bell's Natural Stone Addition, an addition to the City of Willow Park, Texas recorded in Cabinet C, Slide 117, Plat Records, Parker County, Texas, and also being a part of that certain tract of land described in a Warranty Deed to RTSB Enterprises, Inc. from RTSB Enterprises, Inc, dba Red's recorded in Instrument Number 20 I 911978, Official Public Records, Parker County, Texas, executed on May l 5,2019, said tract of land being more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set out in full;

2) Approximately 1.00 acre tract of land as outlined in yellow and depicted in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set out in full. This tract of property is the entirety of the property owned by Seller, east of the Clearfork Trinity River, that adjoins the 1-20 Service Road as depicted in Exhibit B;

4. CLOSING: Closing shall take place within a reasonable time after title has been approved by the title insurance agency for title insurance coverage, or such other time as may be mutually agreed upon in writing by Seller and Buyer, but in no event shall said closing be later than February I, 2025. Seller agrees to execute and cause to be executed and delivered to Buyer at closing, all legal instruments of conveyance required by the title insurance agency to fully consummate this transaction.


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