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City Buying a New City Hall This Thursday?

Summary: It seems this Thursday, 30 March, the city is buying a new city hall building that is about eight (8) times larger than the old Ranch House Road city hall building. The council will make this decision during executive session, Thursday, 30 March 2023 at 6p. / WPC will update this blog as new information is shared by the city.

Latest Update: Tuesday, 28 March, 2023


City Buying a New City Hall This Thursday?

It seems this Thursday, 30 March, the city is buying a new city hall building that is about eight (8) times larger than the old Ranch House Road city hall building.

A Special Council Meeting has been called for Thursday, 30 March 2023, 6P. Willow Park Civics Blog > 30 March 2023 Special County Meeting

During the executive session, the council will consider “Agreement to purchase 120 El Chico Trail from Parker County RE Partners, LLC.”

The current, new El Chico City Hall is in Suite A of 120 El Chico building. In January 2023, the city moved the city hall from the Ranch House Road location, owned by the city, to the 120 El Chico Trial Suite A location, with a two and a half (2.5) year lease.

At the time of the move, it was reported the new El Chico City Hall Suite A, about 8K square feet, was three times larger than the Ranch House location, about 2.7K square feet.

The 120 El Chico Trail, Suite A, occupies about 40% of the building.

If the city purchases the entire 120 El Chico Trail building, the city will own a building of about 20K square feet, about eight (8) times larger than the original Ranch House City Hall location.

Note: During a tour of the February open house for the new El Chico City Hall, one of the city employees mentioned the city MIGHT buy the whole 120 El Chico Trail building and move the city police station from the Willow Park Public Safety Building, which was being sold to ESD1, to the the 120 El Chico Trail Building.

Willow Park Civics Blog > New Willow Park Police Station

Willow Park Civics > Issues > New Police Station

Council executive sessions are for consultation and deliberation only. Any action or vote must be made when the executive session reconvenes in open session. The public will not be able hear the executive session discussions, only the discussion and actions made when the council reconvenes to open session after the executive session.

Note on notifications to city citizens: The regular council meeting on Tuesday, 28 March was cancelled; the only notification was a note on the city website calendar.

As of the posting of this blog, the required meeting notice for the special meeting, Thursday 30 March, was posted ONLY on the agenda page of the city website, which is three pages into the website. Willow Park citizens would have to purposely search three pages into the website to know about the special council meeting.

The special meeting notice was not posted on the city webpage calendar, there was no website news blog, there was no Facebook post, there was no email or text.

Willow Park Civics Research

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