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Biden’s Border Crisis, US House Rep D25 Roger Williams

Summary: In representing District 25, US Rep. Williams has often spoken, written, and moved legislation about ongoing illegal immigration at US borders. Williams is the US House Representative for Texas District 25, which includes Willow Park.

Latest Update: Saturday, 14 October, 2023

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Biden’s Border Crisis, US House Rep D25 Roger Williams

In representing District 25, US Rep. Williams has often spoken, written, and moved legislation about ongoing illegal immigration at US borders. Williams is the US House Representative for Texas District 25, which includes Willow Park.

Biden’s Border Crisis, The Community News, 05 October 2023

Guest Column by Roger Williams, U.S.Congressman

From day one of the Biden Administration, Texans have watched helplessly as our once-secure nation and thriving communities fall victim to Biden’s failed policies at our southern border. In Joe Biden’s America, every state is a border state, meaning no family or small business is shielded from the effects open borders have on our nation. Whether you live in Eagle Pass, Texas or New York City, the crisis at our southern border affects you.

It’s no secret that Biden’s failures have emboldened human traffickers, gang members, and terrorists to cross into our country, many evading detection or, if caught, released only to disappear without a trace. More than 7.2 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since Biden took office, bringing with them enough fentanyl to kill more than five billion people, making it the new leading cause of death for Americans ages 18 to 45 and devastating communities in my district, Texas, and across the country.

Biden’s response? He has only visited the border once, and in his first 100 days he signed more than 94 executive actions opening our borders even further, including halting construction of the border wall and ending Trump’s successful “Remain in Mexico” policy. It should come as no surprise that Biden, who campaigned on open borders and free healthcare for illegal migrants, would take action to make it easier for them to exploit the asylum process and break our nation’s laws, yet he refuses to take accountability and put the safety and well-being of Americans first.

The numbers don’t lie. President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas have misled Congress and ignored the American people. This historic crisis is fueled by reckless policies and complete disregard for our sovereignty, national security, and the safety of our communities.

In Congress, I am fighting each day to secure our nation. I have introduced legislation to restore President Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy and was a leader in the passage of the Secure the Border Act in the House of Representatives, which would restart construction of the border wall, increase hiring of border patrol agents, protect children from human trafficking, and end dangerous catch and release.

I am also proud to have joined my Republican colleagues from Texas on an amicus brief highlighting that the federal government does not have jurisdiction to regulate the recently installed buoy system at Texas’ southern border. Being on the frontlines, Texans have faced the brunt of this disaster and cannot afford to wait on the Biden Administration to take this invasion seriously.

Placing the enormous burden of defending our nation’s borders solely on any one state is unacceptable. Congress must take action to do what the President will not and put America first and secure our nation!

Willow Park Civics Research

Biden's Border Crisis Is A Disaster For America, Roger Williams, US House Newsletter, 20 July 2021

Biden’s Border Crisis Firsthand, Roger Williams, US House Newsletter, 06 July 2023

Congressman Williams Column - Biden’s Border Crisis, The Comanche Chief, 28 September 2023


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