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29 March 2022 P&Z Comm. Meeting

Updated: Apr 15, 2022

Summary: Wilks Development of Trinity Reserves rezoning from greenbelt to 92 additional houses; re application for rezoning for Bay Hill Drive "Tiny Lease Houses"; consider amendments to the City of Willow Park Zoning Ordinance Chapter 14; Article 14.12 "Off-Street Parking And Loading Requirements."

Latest Update: Friday, 15 April, 2022

Agenda and Packet / Minutes* / Video

[Editorial Comment: Agenda and packet was not distributed publicly until the morning of Monday, 28 March, 2022.]

Agenda Items

1. PUBLIC HEARING to consider a request to rezone 8.768 acres from PD/TP (Treatment Plant), 13.747 acres from PD/EC (Event Center), and 5.539 acres from Green Belt to PD Single Family, and the PD Development Standards to amend the maximum number of single family detached homes to 189, part of Lot 2R, Block 11, The Reserves at Trinity, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas, located adjacent to Meadows Place Drive. #TIRZandWilksDev

  • Open Public Hearing b. Close Public Hearing c. Make Recommendation

  • BACKGROUND: This zoning change request is for three tracts (28.054 acres) of the 140.3 acre Planned Development approved by Council on October 25, 2016 and amended April 9, 2019 (see Exhibit A). The owner is requesting the TR "Treatment Plant", EC "Event Center", and a portion of the GB "Greenbelt" be zoned SF "Single Family". The rezoning of this 28.05 acres would allow for development of up to 92 additional single-family lots. The PD currently provides for a maximum of 97 single family lots. Approval of the Zoning Change will also require amending the PD Development Standards (6, a, vii) to provide for a maximum number of 189 single family detached homes within the property. Rezoning of the Event Center and Treatment Plant properties will eliminate the public improvement zoned properties in the Planned Development.

  • EXHIBITS:Application ? / Zoning Exhibit C / Existing Zoning Exhibit C-1 / PD Ordinance 740-16

  • Willow Park Civics Issue > TIRZ Wilks Development

Current Zoning Map, March 2022

Proposed Zoning Map, March 2022

Proposed Zoning Map with FEMA lines
  • Commission Discussion:

    • The developer submitted an additional proposed zoning map with the FEMA Regulatory Floodway (dark blue line) and the FEMA 10- year Flood Plain (light blue line) added to the proposed zoning map. In addition, the developer pointed out the area inside the FEMA Regulatory Floodway could never be developed. and the area in between the FEMA Regulatory Floodway and the the FEMA 10- year Flood Plain could only be developed if that area was engineered out of the flood plain.

    • The commissioners requested the rezoning of the new single family houses exclude the FEMA Regulatory Flood acres, since that area can not be used for housing. In addition, they emphasized the need to fulfill the TIRZ design of the walking paths along the creed.

    • The commissioners asked questions about the removal of the public Event Center, especially since this was one of the pubic benefits that supported the tax advantages of the TIRZ agreement.

Minutes: Betty Chew, City Planner, presented and explained the request for rezoning of 8.768 acres from PD/TP (Treatment Plant), 13.747 acres from PD/EC (Event Center), and 5.539 acres from Green Belt to PD Single Family, part of Lot 2R, Block 11, The Reserves at Trinity.

Vice-Chairperson Rodney Wilkins opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. Vice-Chairperson Rodney Wilkins closed the public hearing.

Commissioner Scott Smith questioned the moving of the Event Center with regard to the tiered zoning of the location. Betty Chew stated that the Water Treatment Plant was relocated so that use could be released. In explaining the rezoning request, Jeff Davis of Spiar Engineering stated that there is a floodway area within the Greenbelt area that, although requested to be rezoned as residential, would be unusable for building.

Commissioner Scott Smith stated that if it was unusable, then it should not indicate residential in the zoning change request change but stay greenbelt space. To that point, Betty Chew stated that if the 3.18 acres of the Greenbelt requested could be reclaimed for greenbelt/trail development it would increase the acreage close to what was for the Event Center, and the Greenbelt/Trail would be a community amenity. Commissioner Scott Smith questioned if the Event Center was to be moved to another location or if it was gone, as it was still shown to be listed on the Wilks' website. Chad Long of Wilks Development stated that he was not aware of it being on the website and confirmed that the Event Center would be, in fact, gone with this rezoning.

Commissioner Scott Smith made a motion recommending approval of the subject zoning change with the amendment to change the original 3.18 acres zoned Greenbelt area presented as Single Family back to Greenbelt within the floodway area, in addition to the approximate 0.6 acre area within the 6.154 acre parcel that is also shown to be FEMA floodway to the south. It was also recommended to approve the PD amendment to increase the number of homes as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Billy Weikert. Motion carried 5-0.

2. PUBLIC HEARING to consider a request for rezoning from R-1 to PD R-5 Planned Development District to allow for development of single-family dwellings on individual lots, for 19.16 acres John H. Phelps Survey, Abstract No. 1046, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas, located adjacent to Bay Hill Drive. #TinyRentalHouses

  • a. Open Public Hearing b. Close Public Hearing c. Make Recommendation

  • BACKGROUND: The proposed Planned Development consists of 19.16 acres of land to be developed with single-family housing on individual lots. The property was annexed by petition November 9, 2021. The owner is requesting PD Planned Development District zoning. The property will be developed with + 98 single-family dwellings. The PD Development Standards are the R-5 Zoning requirements except for the minimum requested lot size to be 5,000 square feet. [.115 acres] housing on individual lots. The property was annexed by petition November 9, 2021 council meeting.

  • EXHIBITS: Application / Planned Development Standards / Site Plan / Zoning Map / Future Land Use Map

  • Willow Park Civics Issue > Tiny Rental Houses, Trulo Homes at Willow Park

TruLo Bay Hill Location Map March 2022

TruLo Bay Hill Houses Map March 2022
  • Public Hearing Discussion [See video above, timestamp 36.55]

    • Presentation by Developer

    • [Two of the half dozen citizens to attended the meeting because of this development were allowed to ask questions of the developer.]

    • [Editorial Comment: The project presented to the P&Z Commission during their 18 January 2022 meeting was for a “PD Planned Development District zoning.The property will be developed with + 170 units. There will be single-family and duplex units mixed throughout the development.” These houses were to be for lease. During this P&Z meeting three (3) citizens, a petition with seventy eight (78) signatures, and a neighboring business indicated their opposition to this small, lease house development. Sensitive to the citizens’ concerns, the developers withdrew their request, indicating their desire to be good neighbors of Willow Park. During this 29 March 2022 P&Z Commission meeting, the developers presented a project, as promised, that had been changed to “PD Planned Development District zoning. The property will be developed with + 98 [owned] single-family dwellings. The PD Development Standards are the R-5 Zoning requirements except for the minimum requested lot size to be 5,000 square feet (.115 acres).” While two Willow Park neighbors questioned the developers about traffic and drainage, there was no direct resistance to this new project.]

Minutes: During Public Hearing, Cole Pyson of 100 Saw Grass spoke to his concern about traffic and if a traffic study would be done. Betty Chew responded that the City Engineer would be looking at the street layouts. Eddie Glam at 116 Camouflage asked which builders were going to be used, if there would be an HOA, if there would be a cap on rental properties, and a concern for the silt dirt runoff. Red River Development replied that it would get the zoning change done first before determining who would be building; there is a proposed HOA for common areas and city streets; it is expected that these homes will be for sold to homeowners, with the expectation of very few investors; and, the top of the development is fill dirt which will be cut down for grading and reduce the amount of runoff. Commissioner Rodney Wilkins also stated that the new streets would align with existing city streets and add more right-of-way.

Representatives from Red River Development presented the request for zoning change from R-1 to PD R-5.

3. PUBLIC HEARING to consider amendments to the City of Willow Park Zoning Ordinance Chapter 14; Article 14.12 "Off-Street Parking And Loading Requirements."

  • a. Open Public Hearing: There were no public comments b. Close Public Hearing c. Make Recommendation

  • BACKGROUND: The Staff reviewed the parking regulations in Chapter 14 of the Zoning Ordinance. These changes reflect updated requirements regarding parking and unloading requirements.

  • EXHIBITS: Zoning Ordinance Chapter 14, Article 14.12 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirement



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