Summary: Agenda items include the following: final plat for Country Hollow residential subdivision; increased sales tax; un-budgeted [El Chico City Hall] expenses; appoint members to a newly formed Police Station Committee; amend the Police Department Budget for overtime; cancellation of the May 2023 General Election.
Location and Time: El Chico City Hall, 120 El Chico Trl., Ste A, Willow Park, TX 76087, 6PM
Meeting Page (agenda packet, minutes, video) / Video Facebook * Minutes approved during the next city council meeting.
Latest Update: Saturday, 11 March, 2023
Added blogs: Council names committee to examine future of police station [review of 28 February Council Meeting], The Community News / Willow Park Civics Blog > Willow Park Police Chief resigns.
Tags: #DevelopmentSouth #CityHall #Finance #EMSFirePoliceAmb #ARPA #Elections2020
Public Comments
Agenda Items
3. Consideration & Action: Final Plat for Country Hollow residential subdivision, 101 Lots, being 19.17 acres, John H. Phelps Survey Tract, Abstract No. 1046, in the City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas. #DevelopmentSouth
See 21 February 2023 Planning and Zoning Meeting, Agenda Item 5, for all additional information, graphics, and research.
Willow Park Civics Blog > Country Hollow, a new Willow Park housing development
Teague, Nall & Perkins' engineers, Anthony Milbitz and Chris Hartke, were present, representing Scott Moehlenbrock and Red River Development. Milbitz presented an overview of the Country Hollow Final Plat and project, consisting of 101 lots, 98 of which are minimum 5,000 sq. ft. for residential single-family dwellings.
Councilman Runnebaum inquired about protective fencing around the detention ponds to which Milbitz replied that staggered ledges around the ponds are planned.
Councilman Contreras asked if a water feature was going to be included in the detention ponds to keep the water moving. Milbitz replied that this was still in discussion.
Councilman Contreras also inquired as to the buffers along the walking trail and privacy of those which are against its higher elevation. Milbitz said that the existing fences are in place but additional landscaping or another solution could be considered.
Councilman Contreras also questioned City Manager Grimes about added traffic in the area and construction damage would cause damage to the adjacent neighborhood. Milbitz interjected that construction traffic would be directed from the I- 20 Service Road down Bayhill Dr., not through the existing neighborhood, provided by signage/barricade.
Councilman Crummel asked if all of the subdivision was annexed, which Mayor Pro Tem Young confirmed; and he asked about drainage regarding northern properties and if [County Hollow] could handle more development. Milbitz explained the drainage detail.
4. Discussion & Action: To approve amending the FY 22 – 23 budget to reflect increased sales tax #CityHall #Finance
Background: As discussed at the February 14th meeting, [14 February 2023 Council Meeting Agenda Item 10] the City is collecting sales tax revenue at a more aggressive pace than anticipated. The budgeted amount for sales tax is currently $1,720,000. As the attached spreadsheet shows, to meet the requested additional sales tax of $280,000 which would bring the new budgeted amount to $2,000,000, the City would need to average $150,000 per month for the remainder of the FY. Currently, the City is averaging $190,000 per month.
Minutes: City Manager Grimes explained the increased sales tax status and recommendation to amend the sales tax revenue projection from $1,720,000 to $2 million.
5. Discussion & Action: To approve amending the FY 22 – 23 budget to include un-budgeted [El Chico City Hall] expenses:
A. Rent on 120 El Chico Trail
B. Moving Expenses
Background: As discussed at the February 14th meeting [14 February 2023 Council Meeting Agenda Item 10], the City has incurred unbudgeted expenses related to the City Hall facility located at 120 El Chico. Council has asked staff to amend the budget for Council approval.
Minutes: City Manager Grimes recapped the two lines items as shown for about $50,000 for the moving expenses and $140,000 for rent, and asked Council to add those expenses to the current fiscal budget, paid by the previous action item
6. Discussion & Action: To appoint members to a newly formed Police Station Committee #EMSFirePoliceAmb
Background: At the request of Lea Young, staff and council have been asked to establish a police station committee to assist and consult to design, build, and construct a police station for the City of Willow Park. The proposed nominees are:
Doyle Moss (Chair)
Mayor Pro Tem Lea Young
Councilman Chawn Gilliland
Police Chief Ellis
Assistant Police Chief Franklin
[No citizens]
14 February 2023 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 13
City Manager Grimes presented that, as previously discussed at the last Council meeting and upon the recommendation of Mayor Pro Tem Young, that a police station committee be assembled to plan and design a new stand-alone police station in the likelihood that we need to build one. Grimes continued that he visited with Mayor Moss about his being the Chair, accompanied on the committee by Mayor Pro Tem Young and Council member Gilliland, Chief Ellis and Assistant Chief Franklin. Mayor Pro Tem Young commented additionally that staff members, such as City Manager Bryan Grimes and current Fire Chief John Schneider, would be consulted, as needed. City Manager Grimes stated the city staff support will be led by Betty Chew based on her previous experience of such a project. It was proposed by City Manager Grimes that this process would take about 24 months.
Council member Runnebaum asked about the budgeting process to which City Manager Grimes replied we would want to procure professional services within the next 90 to 120 days, or sooner, but here are different ways to proceed; by the first meeting, we will have options from which to consider. He also discussed some of the things that need to be done, some of which can be done simultaneously to, ideally, have construction under way this time next year.
Mayor Pro Tem Young asked that if the committee was appointed, that the first meeting could potentially take place within the next 2-4 weeks, to have an agenda item for selecting the contractor or how to proceed with the budget.
7. Discussion & Action: To amend the Police Department Budget: A. Overtime / A FY 2022/2023 budget amendment to increase overtime budget. #EMSFirePoliceAmb
Background: The City of Willow Park experienced multiple days of freezing ice and rain that resulted in shutting the city down for a period of five days, beginning on January 30, 2023, and ending on February 3, 2023. This storm placed an enormous strain on our overtime budget that is needed to efficiently operate the department. This unprecedented winter storm forced the department to expend 392 hours of overtime costing the department $17,193.42 of overtime that was unexpected when planning the fiscal year budget.
Minutes: Assistant Chief Franklin presented to the Council, informing them that February's ice storm incurred extra overtime by the Willow Park Police Department at a cost of $17,193.42 in overtime, and requested a budget amendment to reflect that cost.
8. Discussion/Action: To adopt an Ordinance Of The City Council Of The City Of Willow Park, Texas, Ordering The Cancellation Of The General Election Scheduled For May 6, 2023; Declaring The Unopposed Candidates For Mayor, Councilmember For Place No. 1, Councilmember For Place No. 2; To Be Elected To Office #Elections2020
Background:The Mayor and Councilmembers Places 1 and 2 were all uncontested for place on ballot for the 2023 General Election.
Mayor and Council Comments
Requests for future meeting items:
Council member Contreras requested updates for Water and Wastewater, effluent line - project start date, and road update with next scheduled roads.
Mayor Pro Tem Young requested to visit the lift station project for which ARPA funds were used. As the project was underbudget, she suggested that we discuss what the additional funds are to be used for. Council member Contreras asked about the time frame to use funds, to which Mr. Grimes replied what he believed was 2025, and proposed consideration for use on sewer. #ARPA
Mr. Grimes announced that an audit report was due to be presented on March 14.
Mayor Pro Tem Young stated that the March 14 meeting was Spring Break, to which all Council members stated they would be present, and the March 28 meeting is Parker County Day at the Capitol, which would make Mayor Moss and Mr. Grimes absent from the meeting.
City Manager Comments
Minutes: Chief Carrie Ellis announced that she was retiring from the Willow Park Police Department at the end of March. She expressed her gratitude to the City Council for their confidence in her for the past six years. Council member Gilliland expressed his thanks to Chief Ellis and her
Willow Park Civics Blog >Willow Park Police Chief resigns, 01 March 2023
History-making police chief saying goodbye, The Community News, 01 March 2023
Executive session
[none planned]