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27 June 2023 Council Meeting

Updated: Jul 9, 2023

• Agenda items: pinning new Police Chief; consultant for bids for new insurance brokerage services; establish Insurance Trust Fund; consider bids for new Waste Water Treatment Plant WWPT; Budget Workshop; Executive Session - dispute with Halff Associates regarding the Fort Worth Water Project, - Bid of MH Civil Constructors for WWPT

• Location and Time: El Chico City Hall, 120 El Chico Trail, Suite A, Willow Park, TX 76087, 6PM

• Latest Update: Friday, 07 July 2023, Monday, 03 July, 2023, Friday, 23 June, 2023

Council celebrates outgoing, incoming leaders, [budget workshop] .pdf, The Community News, 30 June 2023


Public Comments none

Agenda Items

2. Pinning of Police Chief, Daniel Franklin #EMSFirePoliceAmb

3. Presentation of a Proclamation for Betty Chew.

4. Discussion/Action: to approve an agreement between the City of Willow Park and HUB Insurance for insurance brokerage services.

• Background: Consulting Services Agreement with HUB International Texas, Inc to solicit sealed bid proposals for the City’s group health, dental, vision and life insurance. Rodney Dryden, Senior Vice President will give the presentation. Senior staff met with representatives of the HUB company and are recommending the change to HUB for the procurement of the City's group health, dental, and vision.

• Exhibits: Consulting Services Agreement between the City of Willow Park and HUB International Texas, Inc.

  • i) develop proposal specifications to solicit sealed proposals for the City Employee Benefit Program; ii) solicit proposals for the City Employee Benefit Program; and (iii) analyze proposals received for the City Employee Benefit

  • one (1) year agreement

  • In consideration of the Services to be performed by Consultant, City shall pay Consultant the sums of $100.00 payable upon the signing of the Agreement by both parties. This fee is not refundable. In addition, Consultant may earn commissions from the insurance carrier(s) who are awarded the contract to provide the City Employee Benefits Program by the City as provided in Appendix B attached hereto and incorporated herein.

5. Discussion/Action: to approve a resolution establishing an Insurance Trust Fund.

• Background: Trust Fund allows cities to pay insurance premiums through a single non-profit trust to achieve exemption from embedded insurance premium taxes.

• Exhibit: City Of Willow Park, Texas Resolution No. 2023-05

  • the establishment of the City of Willow Park, Texas Insurance Trust Fund.

  • the insurance policies described on Exhibit A...when issued in the name of the Trustee, will continue a trust fund (the "Trust Fund") to be held for the benefit of the employees and their eligible dependents under and in accordance with the Plan

6. The City Council may consider awarding a contract for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant to the lowest, responsible bidder. #WastewaterTreatmentPlant

• Background: On May 24th, the City accepted bids for the construction of the wastewater treatment plant, funded through the Texas Water Development Board. Staff, along with Derek Turner, reviewed the bids for the project at that time.

There were three bids received and accepted for five bid schedules. The low bid for base bid schedules A through E was submitted by MH Civil Constructors, Inc. in the amount of $14,881,000, however, they withdrew their bid shortly after opening citing material errors.

The second bidder was Gracon Construction, Inc. with a bid of $20,560,775. Derek spoke with the second bidder and, while he is willing to negotiate to lower the total cost, it does not appear he will be willing to reduce his bid significantly.

As it does not appear that negotiating will result in a significantly lower cost, Derek and staff recommend rejecting all bids, reworking the project, and rebidding. There are a number of changes that could be made to reduce cost if the Council finds them acceptable.

Attached are the bid tab sheets, the letter from MH Civil Constructors withdrawing their bid, and Derek’s letter to staff with his recommendation to reject all bids. Again, staff supports rejecting all bids related to this project.

• Exhibits: [none included in agenda packet]

• Minutes: No action taken.

Willow Park Civics > City > City Services > Wastewater

7. Budget Workshop

• Background: Council will have the 1st draft version of the complete budget [in.pdf] for their review, questions, and comments. This is not the final budget. Department heads and staff will be available for Council as they work thru the preliminary budget.

• Council celebrates outgoing, incoming leaders, [budget workshop] .pdf, The Community News, 30 June 2023

• Willow Park Research

13 June 2023 Council Meeting > 2023 Budget Calendar.

  • June 27: Budget Workshop

  • July 25: CAD Deadline To Provided Certified Appraisal Tax Roll

  • August 8: Discussion Of Tax Rate; Council Holds A Record Vote On Approving Proposed Tax Rate; Set Date To Conduct Public Hearing On Budget And Tax Rate For August

  • August 11: Publish Notice Of Budget Public Hearing In Community News For Public Hearing On 22 August

  • August 22: Council Will Conduct Public Hearing On Budget; Following The Public Hearing The City Council Votes To Adopt Budget; Council Will Conduct Public Hearing On Tax Rate; Following The Public Hearing, Council Votes To Adopt Tax Rate

  • August 22: Adoption of Budget / Set Tax Rat

Executive Session

8. Section 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney;

• Status of negotiations/potential litigation with Halff Engineering #FortWorthWater

  • Willow Park Civics Research

• Bid of MH Civil Constructors [See Agenda Item 6]


  • Mayor Comments

    • Minutes: Mayor Moss read a short summary of the history of city hall. Today the city closed on the new city hall. He thanked each city councilmember, City Manager Bryan Grimes, Assistant City Manager Bill Funderburk, and Chance Smith.

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