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26 March 2024 Council Meeting

Updated: Apr 22, 2024

Agenda Items: contract for food, pool and hotel/motel inspections; various ordinances of international, national, and state codes. Executive Session: real property 205 Canyon Ct.; real property Kings Gate Bridge; Beall Development Agreement; Halff & Associates Litigation.

• Location and Time: El Chico City Hall, 120 El Chico, Suite A, Willow Park, Texas 76087, 6PM

minutes approved during the next meeting

Youtube video

Facebook Video / Facebook Video after Executive Session

• Latest Update: updated 19 April 2024 minutes; posted 22 March 2024

• Tags: #FortWorthWater


Public Comments

Agenda Items

3. Discussion/Action: to approve a contract for food, pool and hotel/motel inspections.

Background: Duane Barritt has been the City Health Inspector for over 10 years. Duane does all food establishments, hotel/motel inspections and all other items stated in the agreement.

Recommendation: Staff recommends City Council approve the new agreement with Duane Barritt to provide health inspection services for the city.

Exhibits: Proposed Agreement [including inspection fees]

4. Discussion/Action: to adopt an ordinance adopting the 2021 editions of the International Building Code, the International Fire Code, the International Residential Code the International Existing Building Code, the International Mechanical Code, the International Plumbing Code, the International Swimming Pool & Spa Code, the International Fuel Gas Code, the National Fuel Gas Code, the International Property Maintenance Code, the International Energy Conservation Code;, the 2020 editions of the National Electrical Code and the Liquified Petroleum Gas Code; and adopting a Construction Administrative Code.

Background: Staff collectively revised the Code of Ordinances’ “Chapter 3 Building Regulations” with “Construction Code and Standards”. This revision will reflect and adopt the current 2021 edition of the Building and Fire Codes.

Recommendation: Staff recommend acceptance of the amended ordinance, as presented, effective as of this passage.

Exhibits: Ordinances - Chapter 3

Willow Park Civics Research


Mayor and Council Comments

Mayor Moss stated the citizens of Willow Park are fortunate to have a staff and city council we have. There are a lot of great things happening in Willow Park.

City Manager Comments

City Manager Bryan Grimes announced two events coming up.

• The first event is Shred Day that will be held on Saturday, April 6, 2024 at the old city hall location at 516 Ranch House Road from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Residents must have proof of residency such as an ID card or utility bill.

• The second event is the Total Eclipse of the Park. The City is partnering with the East Park County Chamber for the event to be held on Monday, April 8, 2024 at the Aledo Athletic Complex. Gate open at 1:00 pm. with the totality at 1:40 pm. There will be food trucks on location as well.

Executive Session

5. Section 551.072 - Discussing the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property; 205 Canyon Ct. #FortWorthWater

Willow Park Civics Research

12 March 2024 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 4. Section 551.072 - Discussing the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property; 205 Canyon Ct.

• Minutes: To authorize the Mayor to approve a real estate contract for the property located at 205 Canyon Ct., Willow Park, TX pending the appraisal report.

• The Community News council review linked above: "Property purchase / After returning from executive session, the council approved the purchase of a small piece of land, just under a couple acres, at 205 Canyon Ct. The empty lot is adjacent to the water treatment plant and allows for expansion of it should the need arise. / “The idea is if we ever need to expand those facilities, it is an ideal location,” Grimes said."

Willow Park Civics Research

• 205 E Canyon Ct, Willow Park, TX 76087 Off Market, 1.28acre lot

Zillow Sold on 07/20/21

6. Section 551.072 - Discussing the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property; Kings Gate Bridge.

7. 551.087 - Economic Development Negotiations; 551.071 Consultation with City Attorney; Beall Development Agreement.

27 February 2024 Council Meeting, Executive Session Agenda Item 12. 551.087 - Economic Development Negotiations; 551.071 Consultation with City Attorney; Beall Development Agreement.

8. Section 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney; Halff & Associates Litigation. #FortWorthWater


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