Agenda items: ETJ Boundary Agreement with Weatherford; Wastewater Treatment Plant WWTP final plat; final plat for ETJ at 7003 East Bankhead Hwy; Reports: Fort Worth Water Project, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Street Improvement Project, Drainage Project , Planning and Development Q report, Police Q Report, Judicial Q Report; Executive Session, sell Public Safety Building, purchase of 120 El Chico
Location and Time: El Chico City Hall, 120 El Chico Trail, Suite A, Willow Park, TX 76087, 6PM
Meeting Page (agenda packet, minutes, video) / Video Facebook, FB after Executive Session *Minutes approved during the next city council meeting.
Latest Update: Saturday, 06 May, 2023 Minutes; Friday, 05 May, 2023, Friday, 21 April, 2023
Tags: #WastewaterTreatmentPlant #DevelopmentSouth #DevelopmentNorth #FortWorthWater #StormDrainage #Streets #EMSFirePoliceAmb #CityHall
City’s connection with FW water now permanent, Land swap with Weatherford approved [25 April 2023 council meeting review] The Community News, 05 May 2023
Public Comments
Agenda Items
2. Discussion/Action: City Council may consider, discuss and take action to approve a Joint Resolution and Boundary Agreement to exchange land in their ETJs and adjust the boundary between the ETJs of the two cities.
Background: The cities of Willow Park and Weatherford desire to adjust the boundary between the ETJ of the two cities.
The first proposed ETJ adjustment is shown in Exhibit A. The City of Willow Park will release 365 acres to the City of Weatherford along the north side of White Settlement Road. In exchange, the City of Weatherford will release to the City of Willow Park 702 acres along the south side of White Settlement Road.
The second proposed ETJ adjustment is shown in Exhibit C. The City of Weatherford will release to the City of Willow Park 20 acres along the south side of Crown Road, a portion of ETJ previously adjusted under Resolution No. 2022-03.
This boundary adjustment will provide a more logical alignment of the ETJ boundary in both locations, which will provide for more contiguous development and effective delivery of municipal infrastructure for both cities. Willow Park Administration and Staff have worked together with Weatherford to develop this agreement to the benefit of both jurisdictions.
Weatherford City Council approved resolution R2023-07 at their regular meeting held on April 11, 2023. [See Willow Park Civics Blog > Hundreds of acres could trade between Weatherford and Willow Park ETJ.]
Exhibits: * Joint Resolution and Boundary Agreement *Exhibits A-C [See Willow Park Civics Blog > Hundreds of acres could trade between Weatherford and Willow Park ETJ.]
Willow Park Civics Research
Willow Park Civics Blog > Hundreds of acres could trade between Weatherford and Willow Park ETJ, 13 April 2023
See The Community News article linked above.

3. Consideration/Action: Final Plat for Lot 1, Block 1, Willow Park Water Reclamation Area, being 8.610 acres, Wesley Franklin Survey, Abstract No. 468, in the City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas. #WastewaterTreatmentPlant
Background: Applicant and property owner, City of Willow Park, proposes to plat 8.610 acre tract, located on J. D. Park, proposes to plat 8.610 acre tract, located on J. D. Towles Drive, Wesley Franklin Survey, Abstract No. 468, into Lot 1, Block 1, Willow Park Water Reclamation Area.
This parcel is zoned R-1 and subject plat will include a lot and street dedication for the development of a public wastewater treatment facility and the public street extension by the city. J. D. Towles Drive will extend northeast, as shown, along Lot 1, Block 1 with a 60’ public right-of-way.-of-way. The plat also shows all The plat also shows all recorded easements, and FEMA floodway and 100 yr. floodplain boundaries.
Exhibits: • Plat Plat Application Application • Preliminary Preliminary Plat Plat —Willow Park Water Reclamation Area • Aerial photo of property photo of property.
Willow Park Civics Research
See 18 April 2023 P&Z Comm. Meeting Agenda Item 5: Final Plat for Lot 1, Block 1, Willow Park Water Reclamation Area, being 8.610 acres, Wesley Franklin Survey, Abstract No. 468, in the City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas. [plats, maps, etc.]
See 21 February 2023 P&Z Comm. Meeting Agenda Item 4 Preliminary Plat for Lot 1, Block 1, Willow Park Water Reclamation Area, being 8.610 acres, Wesley Franklin Survey, Abstract No. 468, in the City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas
Willow Park Notes: extending TD Towles Drive
Willow Park Civics > City > City Services > Wastewater
See The Community News article linked above.

4. Consideration/Action: Final Plat for Lots 1-5, Block 1, Nolte Addition, being 29.99 acres, David Addington Survey, Abstract No. 21, in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas. [7003 East Bankhead Hwy] #DevelopmentSouth
Background: Applicant, Vincent Jones, [lives on property and manages] along with the property owner, Barbara Nolte [lives in FL], propose to plat 29.99 acre tract, located south of East Bankhead Highway, David Addington Survey, Abstract No. 21, from one parcel to Lots 1 through 5Lots 1 through 5,
This subdivision is within the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction, and therefore, requird to be submitted to the City for plat approval (Subd. Ord. Sec. 10.02.001) As per Ms. Nolte, the subdivision of these lots is intended for partial sale. Preliminary Preliminary Plat was approved by City Council on Plat was approved by City Council on NovemberNovember 15, 2022.
The Final Plat reflects City Staff's’s reviews. Staff has also also requested clarification for "Bankhead Cove” not shown on the Plat, and for consideration of an addition 15' right-of-way dedication on E. Bankhead Highway for future expansion to 90' Minor Arterial, based on the City’s Thoroughfare Plan
Due to posting deadlines, these minor changes are not shown on the Plat presented.
Exhibits: • Plat Plat Application • Final Plat - Lots 1-5, Block 1 Nolte Addition, being 29.99 acres, David Addington Survey, Abst. 21 Parker Co, TX.
Willow Park Civics Research
18 April 2023 P&Z Meeting, Agenda Item 6. Consideration & Action: Final Plat for Lots 1-5, Block 1, Nolte Addition, being 29.99 acres, David Addington Survey, Abstract No. 21, in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas. [7003 East Bankhead Hwy]
15 November 2022 Council Meeting Agenda Item 6, Preliminary Plat, additional exhibits.
18 October 2022 P&Z Meeting, Agenda Item 4. Preliminary Plat for Lots 1-5 of 29.99 acres, David Addington Survey, Abstract No. 21, in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas. 6850 East Bankhead Hwy
See The Community News article linked above.

5. Public Works
Fort Worth Water Project / Public Works Report #FortWorthWater
Completed in the last 30 days. [El Chico Pump Station]
North sidewalk and drive poured; west sidewalk poured.
Permanent Fort Worth meter and chlorine analyzer installed and talking with Fort Worth SCADA.
Willow Park pumps and PLC (Programmable Logic Control) installed and communicating with SCADA.
Drainage berm and piping installed along west side of property.
City’s attended onsite training for using emergency power generator and switchover unit.
In the next 30 days
Pour south approach and sidewalk (end of April).
Landscaping, irrigation, and fencing is set to be installed.
The alarm system for the pump station is scheduled for installation.
Schneider Electric will schedule “classroom” training on pump’s vfd (Variable Frequency Drives) with City personnel.
Willow Park Civics Research
Willow Park Civics > City > City Services > Water
Willow Park Civics Blog > Water for Willow Park
See The Community News article linked above.
New Wastewater Treatment Plant / Public Works Report #WastewaterTreatmentPlant
The bid request was published in last week’s Community News.
There will be a Prebid meeting on May 4, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. here at City Hall.
Bids are do and be opened on May 18, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. here at City Hall.
Several plan sets have been picked up by prospective bidders.
The effluent line construction meeting was held on Monday, April 10, 2023, with Notice to Proceed issued at the same time.
New Wastewater Treatment Plant / Engineer Report
Engineer: Jacob and Martin, LLC Contractor: TBD
The project consists of construction of a new 1.0 MGD wastewater treatment plant and all associated appurtenances.
Project is 0% complete Latest Project Updates:
A non-mandatory Pre-Bid conference will be held on May 4, 2023.
Bid Opening will be held May 18, 2023.
Wastewater Improvement Project: Effluent Line / Engineer Report
Engineer: Jacob and Martin, LLC Contractor: B&L Construction Company
Project is 0% complete
The project consists of furnishing and installing approximately 5,200 linear feet of 10-inch HDPE effluent force main, 1,980 linear feet of 12-inch HDPE effluent force main, and effluent lift station and associated appurtenances.
Latest Project Updates:
A preconstruction meeting was held on April 10, 2023.
The 270-calendar day construction project will start April 20, 2023.
Willow Park Civics Research
Willow Park Civics > City > City Services > Wastewater
Willow Park Civics Blog > Wastewater Treatment Plant
6. Planning and Development #DevelopmentNorth #DevelopmentSouth
Quarterly Staff Report, Planning and Development .pdf
Willow Park Civics Research
Willow Park Civics > City > City Development > City Development Report and WPC Map [Google Map]
7. Police. Quarterly Update in .pdf #EMSFirePoliceAmb
Minutes: STATS as of 4/17/2023
999 Calls for Service
81 arrest – 125 criminal charges
554 Citations - 770 violations
1015 Warnings
See The Community News article linked above.
8. Municipal Court. Quarterly Update in .pdf
9. City Engineer
King’s Gate Road Bridge Replacement, TxDOT
Engineer: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Contractor: TBD
Design is 30% complete
The proposed work is a partnership with the City of Willow Park/TxDOT to remove and replace the King’s Gate Road bridge over Clear Fork Trinity River and construct the approach roadways. Bridge length and width is approximately 109' long and 44' wide, (2 - 12' lanes, with 2 - 8' shoulders, 1' offset to each bridge rail and 1' width for each bridge rail).
Latest Project Updates:
TxDOT is preparing right-of-way documents for acquisition and utility conflict matrix to determine the utilities that need to be relocated. Environmental documentation has started.
Letting Date is July 2024.
CSJ 0008-03-124 IH20 - Parker County, TxDOT
Engineer: TxDOT
Contractor: Northeastern Pavers, LLC
Project is 0% complete
Project consists of milling and overlaying of IH 20 main lanes from US 180 to the IH20/30 Split.
A preconstruction meeting was held on April 13, 2023.
The 256-calendar day construction project will start May 20, 2023.
Project workdays are Sunday thru Thursday, 7pm-6am.
Total contract amount for this project is $18,575,904.96.
Willow Park Civics Research
See The Community News article linked above.
Willow Park Civics Research
Willow Park Civics > City > City Services > Streets and Roads
Willow Park Civics Blog > Street Improvement Projects, Update 06 April 2023
2022 Drainage Improvements, Phase I and Phase 2 in .pdf #StormDrainage
10. Communications and Marketing
Report included in Agenda Packet
See The Community News article linked above. Excerpt. Willow Bark a big success. / The second annual Willow Bark, held April 15 was a big hit, the city’s Communication and Marketing Director, Rose Hoffman, told the council in her quarterly report. Hoffman said more than 250 folks showed up for the free event at McCall Elementary School that included a dog costume contest and a weenie dog race. There were plenty of activities for humans as well, including face painting, bounce houses, karaoke DJ and more. / “It was the best attended event I’ve seen since I’ve been with the city,” Hoffman said. / The animal welfare group Parker Paws was also onsite.
• Mayor and Council Comments
Mayor Moss thanked City Manager Bryan Grimes and Rose Hoffman for their assistance in hosting the Parker County Mayor’s Breakfast at city hall. It was well attended. He also thanked Toni Fisher, Planning and Development Director for the new city hall sign. Mayor Moss said the city has a great city council and staff and he is very thankful.
Councilman Runnebaum thanked the City Staff and City Manager for the progress on all of the projects.
Councilman Contreras echoed Councilman Runnebaum’ s comments regarding the City Staff and projects. He thanked Rose for hosting the Willow Bark event.
Councilman Gilliland thanked everyone from Public Works Department down to the Communications Department on doing a great job. He said it was a positive meeting and he is happy to be part of the positive progress moving forward with the city.
City Administrator Comments
Bryan Grimes, City Manager thanked the City Staff. He said this is by far the best staff he has worked with. He thanked the City Council for giving him the ability and resources to hire the staff and they are very good at their jobs. The staff seeks to be better and understand what they are here for and that is for the citizens of Willow Park. City Staff is very competent and knowledgeable of their jobs.
He thanked City Council for their leadership and said it is a pleasure to work with a group like this. Mr.
Grimes reported on the May 9th agenda there will be an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Hudson Oaks to place a repeater on our water tower for their water meter readings.
He also reported that property appraisals went out last week. As the City starts working on the budget, the City will see a significant tax rate decrease.
See The Community News article linked above. Excerpt. Tax decrease on the horizon. As part of his closing remarks Tuesday, Grimes said citizens should expect a decrease in taxes in the next fiscal year. / “As we start putting our budget together we will see a significant tax decrease,” he said. “I don’t want to commit to a number now.” / The decrease will come about as a result of the annexation of the city’s fire department by Parker County Emergency Services District 1. That freed up approximately $1.4 million in the city’s annual budget that was previously going to support the fire department. #EMSFirePoliceAmb
Executive session
11. Agreement with Parker County ESD No. 1 to sell Public Safety Building, Fire Station No. 2- Section, and 516 Ranch House Road. 551.071 - Consultation with attorney. #EMSFirePoliceAmb
30 March 2023 Special Council Meeting, Executive Session
14 March 2023 Council Meeting, Agenda Item 11 and Executive Session
12. Discussion of purchase contracts for the purchase of 120 El Chico along with adjoining unimproved property. - Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney; Section 551.072 Deliberations Regarding Real Property #CityHall
11 April 2023 Council Meeting, Executive Session
30 March 2023 Special Council Meeting, Executive Session
Minutes: To approve an approved property contract with Parker County RE Partners, LLC for the purchase of 120 El Chico Trail and to approve an unapproved contract with I20 KC LLC for the purchase of 120 El Chico Trail.
See The Community News article linked above.
Willow Park Civics Research:
Willow Park Civics Blog > New City Hall
Willow Park Civics Blog > City Buying a New City Hall This Thursday?
Willow Park Civics > Issues > New City Hall, includes Willow Park Civics Blogs
Willow Park Civics > Issues > Fire Department and ESD1, includes Willow Park Civics Blogs. A new city hall was part of the plans during the ESD1 annexation of Willow Park Fire and Rescue.