Summary: May general election; reappointment of Board of Adjustment, Planning and Zoning and Parks members; proposal for city's Parks & Trails Master Plan (expenditure); furniture purchase for New City Hall (expenditure); Wastewater Effluent Line project (expenditure); Water and Sewer Rate Analysis Study (expenditure); fee for 2023 Steering Committee Membership Assessment for cities served by Oncor (expenditure)
Location and Time: 516 Ranch House Rd, Willow Park, TX 76087, 6PM
Meeting Page (agenda packet, minutes, video) / Video Facebook * Minutes approved during the next city council meeting. * There was no video of this council meeting; Willow Park Civics is providing an audio of the meeting.
Latest Update: Thursday, 23 February, 2023, Saturday, 11 February, 2023, added minutes
Council approves amending trail plan, Election set, Board appointments. The Community News, 03 February 2023
Tags: #CityHall #Parks #Elections2020 #WastewaterTreatmentPlant #FortWorthWater #Electricity #EMSFirePoliceAmb
Public Comments
Agenda Items
2. Discussion/Action: to adopt an ordinance to Order the May 6, 2023 General Election. #Elections2020
Ordinance Excerpts. It is hereby ordered that an election for certain municipal officers shall be held in and throughout the City of Willow Park, Texas on MAY 6, 2023. / The polling location for election day shall be the City of Willow Park City Hall located at 120 El Chico Trail, Suite A, Willow Park, Texas… said polling place shall be open between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on the date of election. / Notice of the City election shall be given by posting a Notice of Election at the City of Willow Park City Hall on the bulletin board or other location used for posting notices of the meetings of the City Council, not later than 21 days prior to the date of the election, and by publication of said notice at least once in the newspaper published in the City, or if none, in a newspaper of general circulation. The date of said publication to be not less than 10 days nor more than 30 days prior to the date set for the election. / Early voting by personal appearance shall commence on April 24, 2023 and shall continue Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. until May 2, 2023 at a location to be determined by the City and the Early Voting Clerk. Extended hours for early voting shall be determined by the Early Voting Clerk and the City. A supplemental notice shall be issued stating the early voting location and the dates for the extended hours of early voting. / Applications for voting by mail shall be delivered to the Early Voting Clerk at the same address not later than the close-of-business on April 25, 2023. The Early Voting Clerk's address to which ballots voted by mail may be sent is: Jenise Miller, Early Voting Clerk, 1112 Santa Fe Drive Weatherford, TX, 76086
Council approves amending trail plan, Election set, Board appointments. The Community News, 03 February 2023
3. Discussion/Action: Consider and Reappoint Board of Adjustment Commissioners for Place Numbers 1, 3, and 5
Background: The following Board of Adjustment Commissioners are recommended for reappointment:
Michael Chandler – Place 1
Cynthia Neverdousky – Place 3
Michael Caldwell - Place 5
[Applications included in agenda packet.]
Council approves amending trail plan, Election set, Board appointments. The Community News, 03 February 2023
4. Discussion/Action: Consider and Reappoint Planning & Zoning Commissioners for Place Numbers 1, 3, 5, and Alternate 1. 5. Discussion/Action: Consider and Reappoint Parks Board Members for Place Numbers 1, 3, and 5.
Background: The following Planning & Zoning Board Commissioners are recommended for reappointment:
Rodney Wilkins – Place 1
Billy Weikert – Place 3
Jared Fowler – Place 5
Zachary Walker – Alternate 1
[Applications included in agenda packet.]
Council approves amending trail plan, Election set, Board appointments. The Community News, 03 February 2023
5. Discussion/Action: Consider and Reappoint Parks Board Members for Place Numbers 1, 3, and 5.
Background: With regard to January’s expiring positions, Staff has received Parks Board Applications requesting reappointment from the following:
Lea Young, Ex-Officio – Place 1
James McKibben – Place 3
David Wagner – Place 5
[Applications included in agenda packet.]
Council approves amending trail plan, Election set, Board appointments. The Community News, 03 February 2023
6. Discussion/Action: Consider approval of proposal by Baird, Hampton & Brown to amend Parks & Trails Master Plan. #Parks
Background : Larry Colvin is a Senior Designer for Civil, Landscape, and Trails for Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. and the President of the Weatherford Mountain Bike Club. He, who was instrumental in the design and implementation of the Parks of Aledo Trail system, has spent many uncompensated hours for the past 1.5 years working with Mayor Doyle Moss, Mayor Pro Tem Lea Young, and City Staff with designing a single-track trail plan for the City of Willow Park.
It was requested that Baird, Hampton & Brown submit the attached proposal for an official addendum to the City’s Parks & Trails Master Plan to include a final design of the Willow Park Trail System. The total proposal is $44,235, divided and paid in increments as benchmark tasks are completed, including some of which that have already been.
Staff and Mayor Pro Tem Young believe that updating our Parks & Trails Master Plan with a current, realistic, and implementable trail plan and map will help to validate the project and build momentum within the residential and business community and increase fundraising opportunities.
Exhibits: • Proposal for “Professional Services for Amending the City of Willow Park October 2019 Parks and Trails Master Plan” • “East Parker County Trails” draft map [in .pdf]
Council approves amending trail plan, Election set, Board appointments. The Community News, 03 February 2023

7. Discussion/Action: to approve furniture purchase for New City Hall.
Background: Staff received a verbal agreement however we are waiting for an actual purchase agreement for the office furniture. This item may be postponed to a future meeting. #CityHall
Exhibit: Bill of sale from TG Mercer to City of Willow Park handed out during meeting in .pdf.
Minutes: To approve a purchase agreement with T. G. Mercer for the sale of the following goods in the amount of $23,000: The entirety of furniture/furnishings at 120 El Chico Trail office, including but limited to: desks, office chairs, various television/monitors, IT paraphernalia, installed camera system/security system, coffee machines, refrigerator, etc.
8. Consideration/Action: award construction contracts to JRM Construction Services, LLC, and RK Construction, LLC for the Wastewater Effluent Line project. #WastewaterTreatmentPlant
Background: On January 10, 2023, a bid opening was conducted at City Hall for the Wastewater Effluent Line project. A total of five (5) bids were received for four (4) separate bid schedules. Bid schedules A through C consists of furnishing and installing effluent pipe and related appurtenances. Bid D furnishing and installing a lift station and necessary appurtenances.
WPC > City Government > Public Notices
The low bid for base bid schedules A through C was submitted by JRM Construction Services, LLC. It is recommended that base bid schedule D be awarded as a separate contract to the low bidder for that schedule.
Staff recommends award of the contract to the lowest responsive bidder, JRM Construction Services, LLC [website] for base bid schedules A through C and RK Construction, LLC [website] for base bid schedule D. The total contract will include the following amounts: $637,745.00 (Bid Schedule A), $149,816.00 (Bid Schedule B), and $121,328.00 (Bid Schedule C), and $315,000.00 (Bid Schedule D) for a total project cost of $1,223,889.00.
Recommendations: Staff recommends Council award a construction contract to JRM Construction Services, LLC, Inc. for base bid schedules A through C in the amount of $908,889.00 and a separate contract to RK Construction, LLC for base bid schedule D in the amount of $315,000.00. Award of the construction contracts are contingent upon the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) approval.
Exhibits: • Wastewater Effluent Line Bid Award Recommendation Letter – JRM Construction Services, LLC Wastewater Effluent Line Bid Award Recommendation Letter – RK Construction, LLC • Bid tabulation
Minutes: To award a contract to JRM Construction Services, LLC in the amount of $908,889.00 and a separate contract to RK Construction, LLC in the amount of $315,000.00. Award of the construction contracts for the Wastewater Effluent Line are contingent upon the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) approval.
Willow Park Civics Notes:
Half of the effluent water from the WWTP will be released as usual into the Clear Fork Trinity River and with the new wastewater effluent line half of the effluent water will be piped to the Squaw Creek Golf Club to there retention pond.
The lift station and pump are part of the new Willow Park Wastewater Treatment Plant project.
Expect Texas Water Board approval by the end of February.
9. Consideration/Action: to Approve Agreement With NewGen Strategies & Solutions to Provide Water and Sewer Rate Analysis Study. #FortWorthWater #WastewaterTreatmentPlant
Background: In February of this year it has been one year since the last update was presented to City Council. NewGen will analyze the water and sewer financials for the previous and current fiscal years including debt service.
WPC Blog > City Meetings > 08 February 2022 Council Meeting Agenda Item 6. Discussion/Action: water/wastewater rate study. / The City has entertained the services of NewGen Strategies & Solutions, LLC to study the current and future water and wastewater rates based upon several factors including debt obligations and Capital Improvements. The analysis will be presented by Chris Ekrut, Chief Financial Officer/Partner of NewGen.
Recommendations: Staff recommends the City Council approve agreement with NewGen.
Exhibits: Proposal agreement. "Costs incurred by NewGen under this agreement, inclusive of out-of-pocket expenses, will not exceed $18,000 without prior written authorization of the City"
10. Discussion/Action: to adopt a resolution approving the 2023 Steering Committee Membership Assessment for cities served by Oncor. #Electricity
BACKGROUND: The City of Willow Park is a member of a 171-member city coalition known as the Steering Committee of Cities Served by Oncor [website] (Steering Committee). The resolution approves the assessment of a ten cent ($0.10) per capita fee to fund the activities of the Steering Committee.
Why this Resolution is Necessary. The Steering Committee undertakes activities on behalf of municipalities for which it needs funding support from its members. Municipalities have original jurisdiction over the electric distribution rates and services within the city. The Steering Committee has been in existence since the late 1980s. It took on a formal structure in the early 1990s. Empowered by city resolutions and funded by per capita assessments, the Steering Committee has been the primary public interest advocate before the Public Utility Commission, ERCOT, the courts, and the Legislature on electric utility regulation matters for over three decades.
Explanation of “Be It Resolved” Paragraphs I. The City is currently a member of the Steering Committee; this paragraph authorizes the continuation of the City’s membership. / II. This paragraph authorizes payment of the City’s assessment to the Steering Committee in the amount of ten cents ($0.10) per capita, based on the population figure for the City as shown in the latest TML Directory of City Officials.
Willow Park Civics Research
25 October 2022 Council Meeting
2. Discussion/Action: consider approval of a resolution denying Oncor’s requested electric rate increase.
5. Discussion/Action: to adopt a resolution of the City of Willow Park suspending the June 17, 2022 effective date of Oncor Electric delivery company’s requested rate change to permit the city time to study the request and to establish reasonable rates; approving cooperation with the steering committee of cities served by Oncor to hire legal and consulting services and to negotiate with the company and direct any necessary litigation and appeals; finding that the meeting at which this resolution is passed is open to the public as required by law; requiring notice of this resolution to the company and legal counsel for the steering committee.
23 March 2021 Council Meeting Agenda
3. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on a resolution authorizing continued participation with the steering committee of cities served by Oncor.
17 April 2018 Council Meeting Agenda
10. Discussion/ Action: To consider and take action on Resolution 07-2018, Oncor Electric Delivery Co rate increase
08 August 2017 Council Meeting Agenda
11. Discussion/Action: To discuss and consider approving Resolution No. 10-17, a resolution to deny the rate application and consolidation proposed by Oncor.
11 April 2017 Council Meeting Agenda
15. Discussion/Action: To consider and approve Oncor Rate Increase Resolution No. 04-17, a Resolution suspending the requested rate change. (Scott Wall)
Mayor and Council Comments
City Manager Comments
Executive session
Executive Session 11. 551.072 Discussing the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property - Willow Park Public Safety Building. #EMSFirePoliceAmb
Minutes: City Council did not convene into Executive Session.