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24 August 2021 Council Meeting

Updated: Apr 3, 2022

Summary: 2021-2022 Proposed Budget; 2021-2022 Proposed Tax Rate; proposed storm water impact fee; Fort Worth Water Update, Wastewater Treatment Plant Update

Latest Update: Monday, 04 April, 2022

Public Comments

Sheriff Russ Authier addressed the Council to introduce himself.

Agenda Items

1. The City Council may conduct a public hearing on the City of Willow Park Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Proposed Budget.

A. Open Public Hearing B. Citizen Comments C. Close Public Hearing

2. The City Council may conduct a public hearing on the City of Willow Park Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Proposed Tax Rate A. Open Public Hearing B. Citizen Comments C. Close Public Hearing

3. Discussion/Action: To consider and act on adopting Ordinance 836.21, an ordinance providing for the adoption of the City of Willow Park Municipal budget for Fiscal Year 2021 - 2022.

4. Discussion/Action: To consider and act on adopting Ordinance 837-21, an ordinance adopting an Ad Valorem Tax Rate and levy on assessed property not to exceed $0.56665 per $100 valuation for tax year 2021 for the City of Willow Park, Texas including a Levy for Debt obligations ($0.26503) and a levy for Maintenance and Operations ($0.30162) consistent with the Fiscal Year 2021- 2022 Municipal Budget.

• Councilmember Runnebaum moved that the property tax rate be increased by the adoption of a tax rate, $0.56665, which is effectively an 8.2 percent increase in the tax rate, as set forth in Ordinance No. 837-21. Councilmember Contreras seconded the motion.

Mayor Moss called for a discussion: There was an email submitted that is included as an attachment to the minutes. Mayor Pro Tem Young stated that she had tasked the City Administrator to try to find a way to fund the public safety departments without raising taxes. In discussions with him the only way to achieve this is to reduce the I&S tax rate which would mean there would be no funds to do projects like roads, therefore; she supports the proposed tax rate. There was no further discussion.

5. The City Council may conduct a public hearing on a proposed storm water impact fee to pay for storm water drainage infrastructure.#StormDrainage

A. Open Public Hearing B. Citizen Comments

6. Discussion Only: Fort Worth Water Update #FortWorthWater

7. Discussion Only: Update on Wastewater Treatment Plant #WastewaterTreatmentPlant

Executive Session

A. 551. 087 (economic development negotiations); 551.071 (consultation with attorney): Chapter 380 incentives #Chapter380andUNCO.

Mayor Pro Tem Young moved to table the executive session item until the next regular Council meeting. Councilmember Runnebaum seconded the motion.


A. Mayor & Council Member Comments: Mayor Pro Tem Young requested staff look through the court financials to find the issues for the drop in revenues.

B. City Manager’s Comments: City Manager Grimes recognized staff members Michelle Guelker, Rose Hoffman, Candy Scott, and Bill Funderburk for their hard work and support especially during the budget process.

Some of the items for the next agenda will be the Capital Improvements Plan, Stormwater Impact Fee, and the Curfew Ordinance.



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