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23 May 2023 Council Meeting

Updated: Jun 18, 2023

  • Agenda items: oath of office for two council members; appoint Mayor Pro Tem and Alternate Mayor Pro Tem; hiring committee for the Chief of Police Position; two debt instruments, total $8,500,000, for purchase of 120 El Chico City Hall

  • Location and Time: El Chico City Hall, 120 El Chico Trail, Suite A, Willow Park, TX 76087, 6PM

  • Meeting Page (agenda packet, minutes, video) / Video Facebook * The City had trouble with the audio feed of the council meeting FB video; Willow Park Civics is providing an audio file. *Minutes approved during the next city council meeting.

  • Latest Update: Friday, 16 June, 2023; Friday, 09 June, 2023; Wednesday, 24 May, 2023, Friday, 19 May, 2023

  • Tags: #Elections2020 #EMSFirePoliceAmb #CityHall

  • Council approves sale of certificates of obligation, Nearing closure for purchase of new home, The Community News, 25 May 2023, (Narrowing down police chief search, Swearing In

  • Willow Park Civics Blog > New City Hall: Debt Done


Public Comments


Agenda Items

2. Discussion/Action: City Secretary will issue the certificate of election, administer the statement of elected officials and the oath of office to the newly elected mayor and council members: #Elections2020

Mayor - Doyle Moss

Place 1 - Eric Contreras

Place 2 - Chawn Gilliland

• Background: Mayor and Councilmembers Places 1 and 2 were all uncontested for place on ballot for the 2023 General Election.

• See The Community News, 25 May 2023, review of council meeting linked above.

3. Discussion/Action: to consider appointing a Mayor Pro Tem.

• Minutes: To appoint Councilwoman Lea Yong as Mayor Pro Tem.

4. Discussion/Action: to consider appointing a Alternate Mayor Pro Tem.

• Background: Mayor Moss will be in and out of the country most of the summer therefore Mayor Pro Tem, Lea Young will be the presiding officer and will need an Alternate Mayor Pro Tem if she is unavailable for whatever reason.

• Minutes: To appoint Councilman Nathan Crummel as Alternate Mayor Pro Tem.

5. Discussion/Action: to establish a hiring committee for the Chief of Police Position. #EMSFirePoliceAmb

  • Background: Staff closed the job posting for the Chief of Police on the TML website [Texas Municipal League] on May 19, 2023. We have received 18 applications. The following are the nominees for the Hiring Committee: Mayor Doyle Moss, Councilman Eric Contreras, Councilman Chawn Gilliland, and City Manager, Bryan Grimes. Candy Scott, Human Resources Director, will serve as staff support. The Committee will review all applications and make a recommendation to City Council

  • Minutes: To appoint Mayor Moss, Councilman Contreras, Councilman Gilliland, City Manager Bryan Grimes and Human Resource Director/Chief Financial Officer Candy Scott.

  • Willow Park Research

6. Discussion/Action: to consider all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of “City of Willow Park, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2023” including the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of such certificates in the amount not to exceed $4,420,000 to finance the costs of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) acquiring, renovating, improving and equipping an existing building for public safety facilities, judicial facilities, a city hall and municipal facilities for administrative offices for city departments responsible for designated infrastructure, including streets, roads, parks, water and wastewater utilities, information technology systems and cybersecurity and various other city departments, and (ii) professional services rendered in connection with such projects and the financing thereof. #CityHall

  • Background: Item 6 and 7: On April 3, 2023 the Council authorized staff to proceed with issuing certificates of obligation to purchase the building located at 120 El Chico. Currently, the City is leasing approximately 52% of the total square footage of the building. The remaining 48% is under private lease. Because, thru the purchase of the building, the City will be acquiring the additional leases and will honor those leases thru their term. As such, the City was required to issue TWO separate obligations — tax exempt and taxable obligations. [Total $8,500,000] This is why you have TWO agenda items on this one issue. The primary differences between the two are the tax exempt covers the 52% occupied by the City, and the taxable obligations covers the 48% of the privately occupied space. There is no material difference in the interest rate. Furthermore, both obligations have a 4 year call should the City choose to refinance at a lower rate. (Columns H, I, and J in the Hilltop Handout)

  • Exhibits:

    • 2023 Certificate of Obligation Ordinance (DRAFT)

    • 2023A Certificate of Obligation (DRAFT)

    • Pay Schedule as provided by Erick Macha with Hilltop Securities

  • **NOTE: These are Draft Ordinances. The only material change will be the final interest rate. We will have the FINAL Ordinances on May 23, 2023, prior to the Council meeting, after we have priced the Obligations.

  • See The Community News, 25 May 2023, review of council meeting linked above.

  • Willow Park Civics Research

    • Willow Park Civics Blog > New City Hall: Debt Done, 13 June 2023

    • 25 April 2023 Council Meeting,

      • Executive Session 2. Discussion of purchase contracts for the purchase of 120 El Chico along with adjoining unimproved property. - Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney; Section 551.072 Deliberations Regarding Real Property #CityHall

      • Minutes: To approve an approved property contract with Parker County RE Partners, LLC for the purchase of 120 El Chico Trail and to approve an unapproved contract with I20 KC LLC for the purchase of 120 El Chico Trail.

    • 11 April 2023 Council Meeting,

      • Executive Session, Item 15. Discussion of purchase contracts for the purchase of 120 El Chico along with adjoining unimproved property. #CityHall

      • Minutes: The City Council may approve an improved property purchase contract with Parker County RE Partners, LLC for 120 El Chico. Additionally, the City Council may approve an unimproved property purchase contract with I-20 KC, LLC for unimproved property adjoining 120 El Chico.

    • 30 March 2023 Special Council Meeting, Executive Session

    • Willow Park Civics Research:

7. Discussion/Action: to consider all matters incident and related to the issuance and sale of “City of Willow Park, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Taxable Series 2023A” including the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of such certificates in the amount not to exceed $4,250,000 to finance the costs of paying contractual obligations to be incurred for (i) acquiring, renovating, improving and equipping an existing building for public safety facilities, judicial facilities, a city hall and municipal facilities for administrative offices for city departments responsible for designated infrastructure, including streets, roads, parks, water and wastewater utilities, information technology systems and cybersecurity and various other city departments, and (ii) professional services rendered in connection with such projects and the financing thereof. #CityHall


• Mayor and Council Comments

  • Councilman Runnebaum thanked staff and contractors for doing a great job with the street improvement project.

  • Councilman Gilliland said we did some good things for the City by approving agenda items 6 and 7 regarding the purchase of City Hall.

• City Administrator Comments

  • City Manager, Bryan Grimes informed everyone City Hall will be closed at noon on Friday, May 26th and will be closed all day Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day.

  • He mentioned the I20 resurfacing project is underway and will probably take a couple of months to complete.

  • He also stated he will be on vacation starting Wednesday, May 24th and will return to the office next week.

  • He wished Laverne Funderburk, the wife of Assistant City Manager, Bill Funderburk a happy birthday.

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