Summary: This month’s Planning and Zoning Meeting includes the following: zoning change for Standard Services Restaurant; prelim plat for Bankhead Commons Addition; prelim plat for Willow Park Water Reclamation Area (Wastewater Treatment Plant); final plat for Country Hollow residential housing [adjacent to Hunters Glen].
Location and Time: El Chico City Hall, 120 El Chico, Suite A, Willow Park, Texas 76087, 6PM
Meeting Page (agenda packet, minutes) / Audio File * Minutes approved during the next meeting.
Choose Tags for addl. info: #DevelopmentSouth #Chapter380andUNCO #Parks #WastewaterTreatmentPlant
Latest Update: Friday, 14 April, 2023, Wednesday, 22 February, 2023; originally posted Monday, 20 February, 2023
1. PUBLIC HEARING to consider a request for Zoning Change from “C” Commercial and “I- 20 Overlay District” to “PD-SS” Planned Development District for the development of restaurants and other uses as stated, on the 5.96 acres of Lot 1, Block 3, Porter Addition, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas. [Standard Services Restaurant] [See Agenda Item 2]
Agenda Items
2. CONSIDERATION & ACTION: Request for Zoning Change from “C” Commercial and “I-20 Overlay District” to “PD-SS” Planned Development District for the development of restaurants and other uses as stated, on the 5.96 acres of Lot 1, Block 3, Porter Addition, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas. [Standard Services Restaurant] #DevelopmentSouth #Chapter380andUNCO
Background: The subject property of Lot 1, Block 3, Porter Addition, consisting of 5.96 acres, is identified as “Commercial” zoning in the “IH-20 Overlay District” on the City’s Zoning and Future Land Use maps. The property owner is requesting Planned Development District (“PD”) zoning as per this project’s 380 Agreement requirement. This property is to be developed for restaurant and other uses as permitted and state
Ordinance PD Development Standards:
providing dine-in and take-out
multiple restaurant concepts, both attached and free standing
A "Farmer's Market" concept featuring direct sales to consumers on a periodic bases. The "Farmer's Market" is defined as temporary facilities consisting of portable tents... within the open space or parking lot with local vendors selling produce, crafts, artesian products directly to general public. The Farmers Marker is limited to operational hours of Friday - Sunday on no more than six (6) consecutive weekends, once in the Spring and once in the Fall.
Private open space within the subject property and floodplain/floodway of the Clear Fork Trinity River... [may be] used for recreation opportunities for patrons and/or a public hike/bike trailhead. #Parks Placement of tables, chairs, movable seating, speakers, television screens and similar event related item...
Exhibits: * Rezoning Application * Planned Development Standards (in Ordinance form) * Exhibit A: Site Plan [.pdf] * Exhibit B: Legal Description * Exhibit C: Architectural Drawing * Exhibit D: Landscape Plan * Zoning Map * Future Land Use Map
Minutes: Fisher stated that the document in the packet did not contain the updated Landscape Plan, but this was provided for Commissioners now. Further, she stated that Staff had provided a few more minor linguistic changes, identifying I-20 Overlay and changing 'may' to 'shall', and asked that the Motion be made with the condition of Staff revisions.
Chuck Stark, Engineer for the project, was present. Stark identified the Standard Service restaurant, other restaurant locations, and this project. He said he anticipated ground breaking in March. Fowler asked about handicapped parking spaces to which Stark replied that the Landscaping Plan didn't show them, but the Site Plan did. Smith asked about the site for the 2nd building, to which Stark replied that it will be a pad with the utilities run up to it [until later construction], but all parking was already accounted for both buildings.
Fowler questioned the dumpster enclosures facing I-20 at the front of the building; Stark replied that the entrance to the building actually faces west, placing the dumpsters on the side.
Smith asked Fisher as to whether the zoning change would still require adherence to the I-20 Overlay, to which she and Stark explained that the PD was now the zoning, but the PD referenced the I-20 Overlay for requirements.
Willow Park Civics Notes:
Planned Development required in Chapter 380 agreement; PD references I20 Overlay requirements.
Ground break in March 23, nine months to complete, beginning 2024
Second smaller restaurant will be left as pad for now, will be wine and cheese bar
Willow Park Civics Research:
Willow Park Civics Blog > Standard Services Restaurant is taking shape and WOW.
Willow Park Civics Blog > New restaurant I20 South
Willow Park Civics > City > Development > Chapter 380 and UNCO Hospitality.

3. Preliminary Plat for Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Bankhead Commons Addition, being 11.05 acres, James S. Oxer Survey, Abstract No. 1029, in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas. (East Bankhead Highway @ Willow Bend Drive) #DevelopmentSouth
Background: Applicant, Charles Stark, and property owner, Jim Martin, propose to plat 11.05 acre tract, located south of East Bankhead Highway, James S. Oxer Survey, Abstract No. 1029, from two contiguous parcels and reproportioned into Lots 1 and 2, Block 1. This parcel is within the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction, and therefore, required to be submitted to the City for plat approval (Subd. Ord. Sec. 10.02.001). As per Applicant, the subdivision of these lots is intended for sale and potential development. / Although City water and sewer is to be available to both lots, developer has noted that private individual water wells and OSSF systems as options if public utility connectivity cannot meet the developer’s schedule.
Exhibits: *Plat Application *Preliminary Plat – Bankhead Commons Addition [.pdf] *Aerial photo of property

Minutes: Fisher stated that the document in the packet did not contain the updated Landscape Plan, but this was provided for Commissioners now. Further, she stated that Staff had provided a few more minor linguistic changes, identifying I-20 Overlay and changing 'may' to 'shall', and asked that the Motion be made with the condition of Staff revisions.
Chuck Stark, Engineer for project, was present.
Fowler questioned if the only access to the smaller lot was by the 92' along Bankhead. Stark replied that there was also a common access easement along the south line also that goes through Lot 2. He said that there was the ability to do a circular access with two access points on Bankhead, so that, in essence, it could be a four-way intersection.
Smith asked Fisher if the residents of Jenkins Road were notified of this item. She replied that they are not required to give notice for Preliminary Plat, but it is listed on the Agenda.
4. Preliminary Plat for Lot 1, Block 1, Willow Park Water Reclamation Area, being 8.610 acres, Wesley Franklin Survey, Abstract No. 468, in the City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas. #WastewaterTreatmentPlant
Background: Applicant and property owner, City of Willow Park, proposes to plat 8.610 acre tract, located on J. D. Towles Drive (@ Crown Pointe Blvd.), Wesley Franklin Survey, Abstract No. 468, into Lot 1, Block 1, Willow Park Water Reclamation Area. / This parcel is zoned R-1 and subject plat will include a lot and street dedication for the development of a public wastewater treatment facility and the public street extension by the city. J. D. Towles Drive will extend northeast, as shown, along Lot 1, Block 1 with a 60’ public right-of-way. The plat also shows all recorded easements, and FEMA floodway and 100 yr. floodplain boundaries.
Exhibits: * Plat Application * Preliminary Plat –Willow Park Water Reclamation Area [.pdf] *Aerial photo of property
Willow Park Notes: extending TD Towles Drive
Willow Park Civics > City > City Services > Wastewater

Minutes: Derek Turner, City Engineer with Jacob & Martin, was present. Turner reviewed the Preliminary Plat, and specified that the plans include extension of the [JD Towles] road all the way to the end of the property, to the river, and if there was every any plans to extend it in the future, it could be extended across a bridge. He reviewed the buffer zone and easements on the property.
Smith asked if this was the land swap with [Willow Park Baptist] church, to which Turner replied, yes
5. Final Plat for Country Hollow residential subdivision, 101 Lots, being 19.17 acres, John H. Phelps Survey Tract, Abstract No. 1046, in the City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas. #DevelopmentSouth
BACKGROUND: Applicant, Teague, Nall and Perkins, and Property Owner, Scott Moehlenbrock, Red River Development, brings forth the final plat of the 19.17 acre tract, located south of 5720 East I-20 Service Road South, north of Hunters Glen residential subdivision, John H. Phelps Survey Tract, Abstract No. 1046. This Plat is subdividing one contiguous parcel, which was not previously platted, into 101 lots, 98 of which will be residential. This parcel is being platted for subdivision, development, and intended sale. The final plat shows all recorded easements and fixtures to the land. City services for water and sewer are available, intended, and included.
Exhibits: *Final Plat (11.30.22) – Country Hollow Addition [.pdf] *Plat Application & Checklist *Aerial photo of property
Minutes: Anthony Milbitz and Chris Harke, Engineers for Teague, Nall & Perkins, and Scott Moehlenbrock of Red River Development were present.
Harke and Milbitz presented the Final Plat with no substantial changes from the Preliminary Plat. They reviewed the minimum lot sizes to be 5,000 sq. ft. with 1,700- 2,000 sq ft single-family dwellings and the project has two detention ponds.
Subdivision entrance signs were added based on feedback received, which are shown on the Plat, and the median sign will most likely to be lit.
Smith asked about the exterior skirting around the subdivision, to which was answered that there will be a fence along the southbound side and there might be a short retaining wall included.
Smith: Detention ponds moving water? Currently dry, but will have water for
Willow Park Civics Notes:
minimum size lot 5K sq ft.
half of of the houses 1700 sq ft, half 2100 sq ft.
leaving existing fence on south side to separate from Hunters Glen, might be a retaining wall.
developer has not decided on who will build houses
Willow Park Civics Research
Willow Park Civics Blog > Country Hollow, a new Willow Park housing development
Willow Park Civics > Issues > Tiny Rental Houses
Willow Park Civics Blog > Country Hollow, a new Willow Park housing development
