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[one speaker on the Fort Card Room, the new Commercial Amusement Ordinance, and the Chapter 380 agreement ]
• KJ Hannah spoke before the Council. Handout
Agenda Items
• Bryan Grimes, City Manager presented street improvement and park projects for consideration. No action taken.
2. Discussion/Action: To approve a Request for Proposal for audit services for Fiscal Year 2021-2025.
3. Discussion/Action: to authorize the Mayor's signature on a Chapter 380 Agreement between the City and Unco. [Video2 after Executive Session]
• After reconvening from Executive Session at 8:20 P.M.; Councilman Crummel motioned to authorize the Mayor's signature on a Chapter 380 Agreement between the City and Unco and Councilman VanSant seconded the motion. The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.
Executive session
A. 551.071 (consultation with attorney): Chapter 380 and Fort Card Room #DevelopmentNorth #FortCardRoom #Chapter380andUNCO