Summary: public hearing and special use permit for Boat Dealership/Sales Tommy's Boats [120 @ East Bankhead Hwy]; Preliminary Plat for Lots 1-5 of 29.99 acres (in Willow Park EJT) 7010 E Bankhead Hwy
Location and Time: Change of Location: Willow Park Public Safety Building, 101 Stagecoach Trail, Willow Park, TX 76087, 6PM
Meeting Page (agenda packet, minutes) / WPC Audio * Minutes approved during the next meeting.
Tags: #DevelopmentSouth
Latest Update: Monday, 12 December, 2022
Agenda Items
PUBLIC HEARING to Consider Special Use Permit regarding request to add Boat Dealership/Sales as an allowable use for Lot 3, Block 1; Porter Addition, currently zoned as Commercial/I-20 Overlay District in the City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas.
3. Consideration & Action: Special Use Permit regarding request to add Boat Dealership/Sales/Service as an allowable use for Lot 3, Block 1 in the Porter Addition, currently zoned as Commercial/I-20 Overlay District in the City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas.
Background: Applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit for the permitted use of “Boat Dealership” for boat sales and service to be added as an approved use for this property.
Applicant is proposing two buildings with a combined 17,700 sq. ft.: the primary one-story building is to be used as an office, showroom, and service area and, the second, a vertical storage/display building which will showcase three boats. Usage, elevation designs, and materials are similar to those of neighboring businesses within 200 feet along the I-20 Service Road South.
The primary building is proposed to be one-story while the second boat showcase “storage tower” is proposed at 46’in height [three levels]. The City’s current Zoning Ordinance 14.06.016(e)(1)(A) and (B) indicate that the height of the primary structure cannot exceed 50’, while the secondary cannot exceed 25’. As a condition of this Special/Specific Use Permit, Applicant also requests acceptance and approval of transposing the heights of the buildings as presented.
Exhibit: Special Use Permit; Application Final Plat – Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Porter Addition; Site Plan; Architectural Elevations; Drainage Area Map; Landscape Plan
Minutes: Toni Fisher, Planning & Development Director, informed the Commission that the signage shown in the packet was for reference of materials only; and, the fencing placement is not yet determined, although assumed to be to the rear of the maintenance building, and not shown. She indicated that the sign placement and fencing placement and materials will be reviewed and approved by City Staff upon review of the site development and construction plans. Further, she informed the Commission that an approval of the Special Use Permit would also allow the transposing of the heights of the primary building (showroom & maintenance shop) to be one-story at a maximum of 25', and the second structure (boat display tower) not to exceed 50', as required by Ordinance. Applicant's engineer from Barron-Stark and representative from Tommy's Boats were present, and stated that the fencing would be at the rear of the building, and the boat display tower would be located at the service road corner of lot, as was shown on the site plan. They also stated that the ground on which the tower sign would be placed would be graded out to be level with the building site. The Special Use Permit was approved by unanimous vote adding Boat Dealership/Service usage with transposing building heights to subject property.

Willow Park Civics Research
Basic Developers LLC / Bizapedia; OpenCorporates / Note: Email address is @, Forney Fence opened a new Willow Park office this year at 4910 I-20 Service Rd.
Tommy's Boat, Fort Worth (and thirteen other locations) 9804 Camp Bowie W Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 7 "Tommy’s story began in 1965 when its founder and Wakeboard Hall of Fame legend, Tommy Phillips, got his first wooden O'Brien slalom ski from his brother-in-law (Ed O’Brien)… Over the years, Tommy's Slalom Shop became a known destination for all water sports enthusiasts. Upon Tommy’s retirement and sale of his Colorado dealership in 2012, he entrusted a new team of enthusiasts to carry on Tommy’s legacy and expand upon his original concept. Within 5 years, the high-octane brand now known as “Tommy’s Boats” expanded beyond Colorado, opening four additional dealerships in Michigan and Florida, supplying not only super-premium ski & wake boats but also luxury cruisers, center consoles, fishing boats, and pontoons….Today, Tommy’s Boats is the largest Ski & Wake dealer globally and one of the largest pontoon dealers in North America, supplying a full suite of boat repair services, rental services and retail goods & apparel. Currently consisting of 14 dealerships plus 9 additional on-water rental programs operating in operating in 8 states (Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Tennessee, and Texas), Tommy's Boats is dedicated to bringing the absolute best products and services to its communities as the first and only dealership network to offer an Always On The Water* guarantee."
Added 11 November 2022: 15 November 2022 Council Meeting agenda items 3, 4, and 5 concerning Tommy’s Boats and agenda item 6 concerning Preliminary Plat for Lots 1-5 of 29.99 acres at 6850 East Bankhead Hwy
4. Consideration & Action: Preliminary Plat for Lots 1-5 of 29.99 acres, David Addington Survey, Abstract No. 21, in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas. 6850 East Bankhead Hwy
Background: Applicant, Vincent Jones, along with the property owner, Barbara Nolte (6850 East Bankhead Hwy), proposes to plat 29.99 acre tract, located south of East Bankhead Highway, David Addington Survey, Abstract No. 21, from one contiguous parcel into Lots 1 through 5. As per Ms. Nolte, the subdivision of these lots is intended for partial sale, not development. / This subdivision is within the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction, and therefore, required to be submitted to the City for plat approval (City Ordinance 14.16.005; Texas Local Government Code 212.004.(a) and (b). / The Applicant is not requesting city services for water or sewer. Drainage improvement plans are not required since the parcels are not to be developed.
Exhibits: Plat Application; Preliminary Plat – Lots 1-5, 29.99 acres, David Addington Survey, Abst. 21, Parker Co, TX
Minutes: Toni Fisher, Planning & Development Director, presented Commission with the subject Preliminary Plat in the ETJ, planned by Applicant for subdivision, not development. / Commissioner comments were of concern for the access easement between Lots 1 and 2 to Lot 5 as it is heavily wooded. Betty Chew, City Planner, confirmed that, although clearing of some trees would be likely, the easement met the necessity of the 50' accessibility easement. / It was noted that no structures, driveway, well, or sewer were shown for Lot 2 but were clearly existing per Google aerial view, and that Lot 1 also didn't show the septic. The Preliminary Plat was approved by unanimous vote with conditions of: 1) Lot 2 shows all structures and driveway, and has a well and septic, also to be shown; and 2) Lot 1 has and shows its septic system.

Willow Park Civics Research
Bizapedia - Barbara Nolte is listed as a Manager with Rocking N Storage LLC in Texas. The address on file for this person is 7010 E Bankhead Hwy, Aledo, TX 76008-7525 in Parker County.
Added 11 November 2022: 15 November 2022 Council Meeting agenda item 6, additional exhibits.