Summary: amend ordinances for Board of Adjustments Board , P&Z Commission, Parks Board #Parks; rezoning #TinyRentalHouses; change #CommercialAmusementOrdinance (#FortCardRoom);plat for Porter Addition Bankhead Highway & I-20 South; final plat Wilks Dev. The District in Willow Park North #TIRZandWilksDev #DevelopmentNorth
Updated: Tuesday, Friday, 19 August, 2022
Agenda and Packet / Minutes (draft from 29 March 2022) / WPC Audio File
Agenda Items
1. PUBLIC HEARING to consider amending Zoning Ordinance Chapter 14; Article 14.17 Board of Adjustment; Sections 14.17.002(b)(1) and 14.17.002(b)(2) Organization and Procedure of the City Of Willow Park Zoning Ordinance to provide for designating places on the Board Of Adjustment; amending wording of meeting frequency; specifying chairman appointment and membership terms.
Background: Council is requesting all Board and Commission appointments be made in January of each year. This requires the Zoning Ordinance be amended to reflect this change.
Betty Chew advised the Commissioners that the City Council will be voting to amend the Ordinance regarding the Board of Adjustments on February 8, 2022, and that these changes are housekeeping issues to clean up the Ordinance. Ms. Chew indicated that the BOA terms would be alternating, and the meetings would be quarterly.
2. PUBLIC HEARING to consider amending Zoning Ordinance Chapter 14; Article 14.16 Commissions; Sections 14.16.003(A)(2); 14.16.003(A)(4); 14.16.003(B)(1), 14.16.003(B)(1)(A), (B) And (C); 14.16.004(A) and (C) Planning & Zoning Board Membership Terms, and Procedure of the City Of Willow Park Zoning Ordinance.
Background: Council is requesting all Board and Commission appointments be made in January of each year.
Betty Chew advised the Commissioners that the City Council will be voting to amend the Ordinance regarding the Planning & Zoning on February 8, 2022, and that these changes are housekeeping issues to clean up the Ordinance. Ms. Chew indicated that the P&Z terms would be alternating, and regular monthly meetings will be scheduled quarterly. Commissioner Scott Smith asked about alternate positions, confirmed by Ms. Chew that they can be appointed at any time on either Board or Commission.
3. PUBLIC HEARING to consider amending Chapter 10, Subdivision Regulations; Division 7, Public Space Dedications, Sections 10.02.181(B); 10.02.182; 10.02.182(2), (3) and (4); 10.02.183; 10.02.185; 10.02.186; 10.02.187 (A) and (B) of the City Of Willow Park Code Of Ordinances to provide for amending the Parkland Dedication terms.
Background: The Parks Board requested Staff to review the Parkland Dedication regulations in Chapter 10 of the Subdivision Regulations. These changes reflect adoption of the [2019] “Parks and Trails Master Plan" [Glossary] and parkland fees. [editorial comment: In addition this ordinance would allow residential developers to pay a fee instead of developing green space or a “pocket park” inside a residential neighborhood.] #Parks
Betty Chew advised the Commissioners that the City Council will be voting to amend the Ordinance regarding the Public Space/Parkland Dedication on February 8, 2022, and that these changes will give the City control over what is accepted as parkland and provide a fee in lieu of land which will be listed on the Fee Schedule. Commissioner Scott Smith requested clarification regarding charges, to which Ms. Chew explained the dedication is only for new residential subdivisions.
4. PUBLIC HEARING to consider a request for rezoning from R-1 to PD R-3 Planned Development District to allow for development of single and two-family detached housing for lease or rent with common ownership of all structures 19.16 acres John H. Phelps Survey, Abstract No. 1046, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas, located west of Bayhill Drive. #TinyRentalHouses
• The proposed Planned Development [Glossary] consists of 19.16 acres of land to be developed with single- family and two-family housing with common ownership and amenities for the development. The property was annexed by petition November 9, 2021.
The property is located in Planning Area 4 as identified in the City's Comprehensive Plan [Glossary]. Planning Area 4 is the area adjacent to Interstate 20. This area is seen as a prime location for retail and commercial uses. Due to the visibility of the corridor, higher design standards were identified in order to present a positive image.
The Comprehensive Plan states: Create a Range of Housing Opportunities and Choices. A range in housing options is important to ensure that "full-life cycle" housing is available to enable residents to stay within the community throughout their lives, even as housing desires change. Smaller starter homes, larger homes, apartments, townhomes, and retirement facilities are important to ensure adequate housing for young adults, families with children, empty nesters and retirees.
The owner is requesting PD Planned Development District zoning [Glossary] The property will be developed with + 170 units. There will be single-family and duplex units mixed throughout the development.
• Exhibits: Application, Site Plan, Planned Development Standards, Zoning Map, Future Land Use Map
a. Opened Public Hearing: 6:28 p.m. by Vice Chairperson Rodney Wilkins.
Applicants/Owners, Tommy Mann and Scott Moehlenbrock, presented their planneddevelopment project for 170 dwellings with common ownership of the land.
Public Comments: Those Opposed to Zoning Request:
Rebecca Neill, Willow Park — Presented a Petition which is attached to and a part of these minutes. [Rebecca Neal presented a petition with seventy eight (78) signatures against this development.]
Dale Lewis, Willow Park
Charles Bennett, Willow Park
Michael Smith spoke on behalf of Magellan Midstream Partners LP (written comments attached to and a part of these minutes).
b. Closed Public Hearing: 7:03 p.m. by Vice Chairperson Rodney Wilkins
The Applicant proposed to consider alternate options and withdrew their Application.
c. Recommendation: The Commission took no action on the Zoning Change as theApplication was withdrawn. The Public Hearing for the City Council meeting on February 8, 2022 is cancelled.
5. PUBLIC HEARING to receive input regarding text amendments to the City of Willow Park Zoning Ordinance.
a. Sec.14.06.14 — COMMERCIAL DISTRICT USE REGULATIONS Commercial Amusement — Indoor (Special Use Permit SUP Required [Willow Park CivicGlossary]) Commercial Amusement — Outdoor (Special Use Permit SUP Required)
b. Sec.14.06.015 — LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT USE REGULATIONS Commercial Amusement — Indoor (Special Use Permit SUP Required) Commercial Amusement — Outdoor (Special Use Permit SUP Required)
• [See Issue > #CommercialAmusementOrdinance and #FortCardRoom for details]
• BACKGROUND: The City of Willow Park Zoning Ordinance currently permits these uses in the C — Commercial District and LI — Light Industrial District. This amendment will require a Special Use Permit for these uses.
a. Opened Public Hearing: 7:22 p.m. by Chairperson Rodney Wilkins.
Public Comments:KJ Hannah, Willow Park (written comments attached to and a part of these minutes). [comments]
b. Closed Public Hearing: 7:03 p.m. by Chairperson Rodney Wilkins
• Commissioner Scott Smith asked how the city would know the amusement type, to which Ms. Chew replied this would be determined by Ordinance and Application where the applicant would have to disclose the use. She explained that every Special Use Permit would be presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission, at Public Hearing, and go before the City Council for final approval.
6. Consider and act on a Preliminary Plat of Blocks 2, 3, 4; Porter Addition, being 21.752 acres J. M. Froman Survey Abstract No. 471, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas.
• Bankhead Highway & I-20 South (See vacinity map below.) submitted by Bullish Holdings, LLC [Same address as Railhouse Reality.] (OpenCorporates); see council minutes of 09 April 2019 and 14 May 2019 for previous council actions. This is a preliminary plat of a proposed 3 block subdivision. The property is zoned "Commercial/IH-20 Overlay District". This plat also proposes the extension of Bankhead Highway right-of-way (60 foot) to the west. Eagle Drive and Ryser Road right-of-way (60 foot) will be dedicated and improved with the plat.
• Betty Chew explained the revised road alignments in the Porter Addition with relation to Trinity Christian Academy's sports complex and its advantages for event-related traffic. Additional clarification was made regarding traffic on Bankhead Highway.
7. Consider and act on a Final Plat of a Replat, Lot 10R1, Block B, being a replat of Lots 1OR and 11R1, Block B, Crown Pointe Addition, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas. #DevelopmentNorth
• [See Issue > #TIRZandWilksDev for details.]
• This Final Plat represents a Replat of two lots: Lot 1OR (1.48 acres) and Lot 11R1 (1.245), Block B of the Crown Point Addition. This 2.725 acre commercial lot will be developed as "The District", restaurant and retail development.
• From plat application: address 460 Shops Boulevard, Willow Park, Texas; applicant Wilks Development, LLC
Betty Chew explained the proposed replat of two lots in the Crown Point Addition to one 2.725 acre commercial lot to be developed as "The District" for restaurant and retail space.