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16 August 2022, Capital Improvement Advisory Committee* / P&Z Comm.

Updated: Oct 15, 2023

  • Summary: Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) Plan, Land Use Assumptions, and the Water and Wastewater Impact Fees.

  • Location and Time: 516 Ranch House Rd, Willow Park, TX 76087, 6PM

  • Latest Update: Monday, 16 October, 2023 Thursday; 25 August, 2022

  • Tags: #DevelopmentSouth #DevelopmentNorth

  • Agenda and Packet / *Minutes / WPC audio * Minutes approved during the next meeting. (approved 17 October 2023 Capital Improvement Advisory Committee* / P&Z Comm.)

* Editorial Note: This meeting was orginally planned and posted for 19 July 2022 and was cancelled.

*Editorial Note: During the 12 January 2021 meeting, the city council passed an amendment appointing the Planning and Zoning Commission to act as the city's Capital Improvement Advisory Committee.

Agenda Items

1. Consider and act on the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) Plan, Land Use Assumptions, and the Water and Wastewater Impact Fees.

  • BACKGROUND: The Planning & Zoning Commission and an E. T. J. Representative have been appointed by the City Council to serve as the “Capital Improvements Advisory Committee”. Its purpose is to advise the City Council on matters related to the Water and Wastewater Impact Fees and, at this time, assist in adopting the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan, and proposed Impact Fees.

  • Land Use Assumptions (LUA) are a description of the Service Area and projections of changes in land use, densities, and population in the Service Area over at least a 10-year period.

  • The Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) is based on the projections contained in the Land Use Assumptions. The CIP details the capital improvements that will be made over the term of the plan. The CIP and LUA form the basis for calculating allowable impact fees.

  • Impact Fees are charges and/or assessments imposed by a political subdivision on new development to generate revenue for funding or recouping the costs of capital improvements or facility expansion necessitated by and attributable to new development. An impact fee allows a city to recoup, from property developers, some of the costs new development places on city infrastructure. Tex. Loc. Gov’t. Code 395.004(4). Impact Fees may only be used to pay certain costs for: 1) Constructing capital improvements on facility expansions for water supply, treatment, and distribution facilities; 2) Wastewater collection and treatment facilities; 3) Stormwater drainage; and 4) Roadways. Tex. Loc. Gov’t. Code 395.001(1). The CIP Committee will also review the proposed Impact Fees and file comments with the Council.

  • Derek Turner, City Engineer, will present the Committee with the Willow Park Capital Improvements Plan, discuss the Land Use Assumptions, and proposed water and wastewater Impact Fees.

  • A public hearing on this matter is scheduled to be held at the City Council Meeting on September 13, 2022.

  • Exhibits

    • 2022.07.19 CIP Committee - CIP Brief.pdf (0.03 MB)

    • Resolution 2022-01.pdf (1.42 MB)

    • City of Willow Park-Impact Fee Study 070722.pdf (3.24 MB)

    • Report 061622 DT.pdf (8.80 MB)

    • Presentation Handout - Willow Park Capital Improvement Plan and Land Use Discussion by Derek Turner.


  • Derek Turner, City Engineer, reviewed the Land Use assumptions (Existing and Future Land Use Maps). The Capital Improvements Plan with updates including Water, Waste Water, Storm drainage, and Streets was presented. The proposed water and wastewater impact fees were also provided.

  • Commissioner Weikert made a motion to recommend approval of the Land Use Assumptions and Existing Land Use Map and Future Land Use Map. Seconded by Commissioner Bruton. Motion carried by a vote of 4-0.

  • Commissioner Pack made a motion to recommend approval of the Water Capital Improvements Plan. Seconded by Commissioner Weikert. Motion carried by a vote of 4-0.

  • Commissioner Bruton made a motion to recommend approval of the Wastewater Capital Improvements Plan. Seconded by Commissioner Weikert. Motion carried by a vote of 4-0.

  • Commissioner Weikert made a motion to recommend approval of the Water Impact Fee Analysis. Seconded by Commissioner Pack. Motion carried by a vote of 4-0.

  • Commissioner Bruton made a motion to recommend approval of the Wastewater Impact Fee Analysis. Seconded by Commissioner Pack. Motion carried by a vote of 4- 0.


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