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15 November 2016 Council Meeting

Updated: Dec 7, 2021

Agenda / Minutes / Video / Video2

Public Comments

  • Libby Afflerbach addressed the council regarding tree removal

  • Amy Fennell addressed the council regarding tree removal

Agenda Items

Section III – General Items

7. Discussion/Action: Authorize the City Administrator to execute a professional services contract with George, Morgan and Sneed, Certified Public Accountants, to conduct, complete and prepare an Audit and Report of the City of Willow Park Finances for Fiscal year 2015-2016.

8. Discussion/Action: Authorize the City Administrator to engage Jacob and Martin for the purpose of preparing the Capital Improvement Plan.

Section IV- Planning & Development Items

9. Discussion/Action: Consider and act on Final Plat of a Replat for a 10.44 acre tract of land Isaac Headley Survey, Abstract No. 619, Lots 1R, 2R, 3R, Block C, Crown Pointe Addition, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas. The property is located at 210 Shops Blvd aka The Shops at Willow Park. #TIRZandWilksDev

A. Open Public Hearing B. Close Public Hearing 1

10. Discussion/Action: Consider and act on a Final Plat of a Replat for a 1.13 acre tract of land, John Froman, Survey. Abstract No. 471, Lots 5R1, 5R2, 5R3, Block A, Meadow Place Estates, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas. The property is located on Breeders Drive. #MeadowPlaceEstates

A. Open Public Hearing B. Close Public Hearing

***Motion failed for lack of a second.

11. Discussion/Action: To consider and approve Addendum Number One to that certain Development Agreement, Meadow Place Subdivision by and between Parker County Holdings, LLC (Developers) and the City. #MeadowPlaceEstates

***Councilmember Gholson made a motion to table this item until the next council meeting.

12. Discussion/Action: To Consider and act on a Final Plat Lot 1, Block 1, of Sundowner Addition a 3.248 acre tract of land, Heirs of Fransico Sanchez Survey, Abstract No. 2347 John H Phelps, Survey, Abstract No. 1046 Lots C2-1, C2-2, Willow Business Park, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas. The property is located at 5600 E. I-20 Service Road. [address] #DevelopmentSouth

A. Open Public Hearing B. Close Public Hearing

13. Discussion/Action: To consider and act on a Site Plan for a 5775 square foot office building on Lot 1R, Block 5R, El Chico Addition, City of Willow Park, Texas located at 4971 E. I-20 Service Rd. [address] #DevelopmentSouth

A. Open Public Hearing B. Close Public Hearing Section V – Council Requested Items

14. Discussion: Status update for capital improvement plan items. (Councilmember Galle)

15. Discussion: Tree Removal on Property Located at 420 E IH 20 SERVICE RD N. (Councilmember Galle) [See Executive Session]

Section VI- Informational

16. Mayor & Council Member Announcements

17. City Administrator’s Report

18. Discussion/Action: To appoint the Chair of the TIRZ Board, to be immediately effective through December 31, 2016 and the Chair of the TIRZ Board for a one-year term beginning January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017. #TIRZandWilksDev

19. Discussion/Action: To consider and act on Ordinance 741-16 an Ordinance authorizing and approving the “Final Project and Financing Plan” for Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Willow Park, Texas. #TIRZandWilksDev

20. Discussion/Action: To consider and act on Resolution 20-16 a Resolution authorizing the execution of the TIRZ Reimbursement Agreement for Reinvestment Zone Number One between the City of Willow Park Reimbursement Zone Number Once, and WPD Trinity, LLC. #TIRZandWilksDev

  • TIRZ Map

  • TIRZ Documents, Maps, Financials

    • Exhibit A. Boundaries

    • Exhibit B. PD Site Plans

    • Exhibit C. Legal Desrciption of Poperty Being a 230,84 acre tract of land situated In the A. McCarver Survey, Abstract No. 910, the W. Franklin Survey, Abstract No. 468, the I. Henciley Survey, Abstract No. 619, the M. Edwards Survey, Abstract No. 1955, and the J. Froman Survey, Abstract No. 471, Parker County, Texas and including a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Trinity Meadows, an addition to the City of Willow Park as recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 740, Plat Records Parker County, Texas; all of Lots IR, 2R, 4-12, Block B, Lots 1-5 Block C, Crown Pointe Addition, an addition to the City of Willow Park as recorded in Cabinet 0, Slide 451, Plat Records Parker County, Texas; all of Lot IR, Block A, The Village at Crown Park, and addition to the City of Willow Park as recorded in Cabinet D, Slide 363; a portion of that certain tract conveyed to Willow Park Baptist Church at recorded in Volume 2896, Page 403, Deed Records Parker County, Texas; and all those certain tracts of land conveyed to WPD Trinity, LLC as recorded in CC#201612054 and CC~201 61 2056, Deed Records Parker County, Texas.

    • Exhibit D. Roadway Improvements #Streets; Meadow Place Drive Infrastructure Improvement, Trails Improvements #Parks

    • Exhibit E. Estimated Project Costs

    • Exhibit F. Estimated Time When Costs are to be Incurred​

    • Exhibit G-A. TIRZ Assumptions for the 25 year term

    • Exhibit G-B and C. TIRZ Absorption Schedule

    • Exhibit G-D. TIRZ Ad Valorem Tax Revenues

Section VII – Executive Session

21. Executive Session

  • A. Consultation with Attorney, pending Litigation

  • Weatherford vs. Willow Park

  • B. Personnel: City Administrator Evaluation

  • C. Economic Development

*** Councilmember Martin made a motion to authorize the city administrator to meet with the property owner of the property located at 420 East HWY 20 Service Rd. N., to review recommendations provided by the city attorney to address remediation of the rampant destruction of trees including native hard wood and old growth trees.

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