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14 September 2021 Council Meeting

Updated: Aug 31, 2022

YouTube Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Public Comments


Agenda Items

1. Discussion/Action: To consider and Act on a Final Plat Lot 2 and 3, Block 1, Porter Addition, being a 7.918-acre tract of land J. M. Froman Survey, Abstract No. 471, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas Agenda Notes: The property is zoned Commercial/II-I-20 Overlay District. Lot 2 (4.92 acres) is being developed with offices, shop area and a fencing material warehouse. A Special Use Permit was approved by City Council May 18, 2021 for this development. Lot 3 (3 acres) is for future development. The abandoned Stagecoach Trail right of way is a part of Lot 3 with the new Bankhead Hwy right of way to the west.

2. Discussion/Action: Consider and act to receive and accept a petition requesting annexation of a 19.16-acre tract of land situated in the John H. Phelps Survey, Abstract No 1046, City of Willow Park, Parker County, Texas, being a portion of a 52.283-acre tract described in deed to D & M, a Texas General Partnership recorded in Volume 1403, Page 1713, Real Property Records, Parker County, Texas, located east of Bay Hill Drive. #TinyRentalHouses

3. Discussion/Action: Consider and act on adopting Resolution No. 2021-0914, setting a Public Hearing for October 12, 2021, at 7:00 pm regarding the voluntary annexation of property located east of Bay Hill Drive in the City of Willow Park Extraterritorial Jurisdiction.

4. Discussion/Action: The City Council may consider approving Ordinance No. 838- 21 adopting a storm water impact fee to pay for storm water drainage infrastructure. #DrainageManagement #StormDrainage

5. Discussion/Action: Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan and funding options. #Streets

6. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on items to be considered for future council meetings.

7. Discussion/ Action: To consider and act on setting the date and time for the next council meeting.

Executive session

  • Mayor Moss adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 6:08 P.M. Item B. 551.074 Personnel Matters; Interview candidates for City Secretary Position

  • A. 551. 087 (economic development negotiations); 551.071 (consultation with attorney): Chapter 380 incentives #Chapter380andUNCO

  • B. 551.074 Personnel Matters; Interview candidates for City Secretary Position

  • Mayor Moss reconvened to open session at 7:17 P.M.


City Admin Grimes comments:

  • upcoming Willow Bark Event

  • "final sales tax reimbursement for fiscal year end, just under $1.45M, that is an increase of nearly a quarter million dollars from last year $224K to be exact; that’s an increase of 18% from last year" #SalesTax

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